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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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Okay, watkinzez can take care of Sakura and Karin and I'll do Akira (131).

Roberto Miura





Roberto Miura is one-quarter Brazilian, three-quarters Japanese, and all competitive spirit when playing a game of soccer. Topping off his uniform with a sun-blocking cap, the goalkeeper of Gorin High School maintains a keen eyesight and quick reflexes for the benefit of a future in the sport. Through Capcom's Street Fighter-ish mold, Roberto's skills translate into battle moves, such as dribbling or juggling his opponent like a soccer ball, sidesteps, and even a show-off backflip kick.

Off the field, Roberto is a less violent justice seeker. Since he was raised with two younger brothers, acting as a mediator comes natural when his friends, Shoma and Natsu, break out into arguments. Larger problems arise when students start disappearing from different high schools, causing those remaining to blame and fight each other. Shocked at the ugly turn of events, Roberto puts his soccer career on hold to help investigate matters.

Quote: "There's no shot that I can't block!"

Selected Game Appearances


Rival Schools: United By Fate (1997)

Project Justice (2000)


SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition (1999)


Wikipedia - Roberto Miura

Fighters Generation - Roberto Miura

Rival Schools Network


Akira Kazama





Every biker needs a helmet. But Akira Kazama milks more than skull safety out of it. The normally quiet and reserved tomboy projects a badass personality when her red-and-black skulls-and-spikes outfit is complete. Any street toughs who get in her way are met with elbow jabs, spinning kicks, and even getting tossed in the air - and combo'ed still. For the sake of their manliness, these troublemakers are better off not knowing she's a girl under that helmet.

Akira dearly looks up to her brother Daigo, an influential gang leader at the all-boys school Gedo High. His disappearance in Rival Schools prompts her to sniff him out starting at Gedo, first donning gloves, a jacket, and especially her helmet to hide her gender. Under the guise of Daigo's younger "brother," Akira convinces his most loyal lackeys, Edge and Gan, to help reclaim their idol. Anyone who messes with Daigo gets pummeled back to grade school.

Quote: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any time to waste!"

Selected Game Appearances


Rival Schools: United By Fate (1997)

Project Justice (2000)


SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition (1999)


Wikipedia - Akira Kazama

Fighters Generation - Akira Kazama

Rival Schools Network



Sakura Kasugano




Is it healthy to be obsessed with a fighting champion? Sakura doesn’t seem to question it, following her idol Ryu at his every whim, style, fighting techniques, and success. The coy Japanese schoolgirl wishes to be trained by the master she adores, but until then, taking notes on his moves and copying his technique is her work.

Still, some may (plausibly) find it strange for a 16 year old student to be interested in street fighting. Her art is for fun, but also for self defense and appreciation; ever since her run in with a college gang, Sakura has vowed to protect herself with her training. Ryu is key to her inspiration.

As Sakura translated is the name for the Cherry Blossom Tree, so are her moves a variation on the theme. She shares the Hadouken fireball with Ryu, also holding a running Dragon Punch (Shououken) and Shunpuu Kyaku, a variation of the hurricane kick. The super First of Spring (Haru Ichiban) is one of the best in Street Fighter Alpha II, a grounded hurricane kick that ends with a straight, horizontal kick sending her opponent across the fighting ground.

At the conclusion to her quest in searching for Ryu, Sakura finally has a chance to spar with her hero. With disappointment Ryu confesses that he cannot train her, as his path contains much to learn for himself. Yet hardly does that put Sakura off in her training...

Quote: “Do you have time for another beating before my next class?”


Sakura Kasugano Wikipedia Page

Sakura FAQ at GameFAQs

Street Fighter Alpha 2 Manual

Games that Sakura has appeared in:


Street Fighter Alpha II (1996)

Street Fighter Alpha III (1998)


Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (1996)

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997)

Capcom vs. SNK (2000)

Capcom vs. SNK 2 (2001)


...and t'other. Depending on your Dr. Wily bio's status, Dafydd, that's all of them?

Karin Kanzuki




Even when born into a rich family that can attend to one’s every whim, Karin’s desire is not exclusively material. Her rival is that of Sakura Kasugano, and her training in street fighting is simply to outperform her. Unlike her rival’s Ansatsuken style, the Japanese schoolgirl makes use of her family’s Kanzukiryu kakutoujutsu martial art. The motto of her house is ‘All you need is victory’; winning is her game.

Karin is very much a hand to hand combatant. Her Kourenken palm attack can be combined with a number of finishers to different outcomes; the Hou Shou single palm strike, Ressen Chou double elbow, hop or slide kicks, or a reversal against the opponent. One must get the hand of these combos to be effective with Karin.

When initially defeated by Sakura, Karin vows revenge and searches for the next fight that she means to win. Using her family power she tracks down the roving Sakura and does eventually emerge the victor, yet only by a passing chance. Karin realises the victory’s importance is irrelevant when compared to the fight, where the true significance is.

Quote: “To defeat an opponent is to get to know them intimately...”


Karin Kanzuki Wikipedia Page

Karin FAQ at GameFAQs

Games that Karin has appeared in:


Street Fighter Alpha III (1998)

Capcom Fighting Evolution (2004)


Unless djp drops another image bomb on us, then yeah, we covered 'em all. Dafydd, if you still need help writing Wily's bio, then here's some...

:arrow: Name a few of his Robot Masters that fight Mega Man (Toad / Air / Snake / Gravity / Plant / Et Cetera Man...) to show the scope of the Doctor's tactics.

:arrow: Mention his flying saucer (transportation) and his Skull Castle (hideout), both of which are key to him planning world domination.

:arrow: You say Wily's plans are foiled more than once; try cutting it down to the fact that, should he get trounced, he "always (has) an escape route" (or some kind of backup plan).

:arrow: Shorter quote: *juts eyebrows*

And about full armored X... he and mascot 47 are the same character in the same universe at different points in time (like the two Samuses), so why not add 30's pic to 47's bio? If Psychotic Ninja reads this, he can add a snippet to X's bio about his armor upgrades.

Unless djp drops another image bomb on us, then yeah, we covered 'em all. Dafydd, if you still need help writing Wily's bio, then here's some...

:arrow: Name a few of his Robot Masters that fight Mega Man (Toad / Air / Snake / Gravity / Plant / Et Cetera Man...) to show the scope of the Doctor's tactics.

:arrow: Mention his flying saucer (transportation) and his Skull Castle (hideout), both of which are key to him planning world domination.

:arrow: You say Wily's plans are foiled more than once; try cutting it down to the fact that, should he get trounced, he "always (has) an escape route" (or some kind of backup plan).

:arrow: Shorter quote: *juts eyebrows*

And about full armored X... he and mascot 47 are the same character in the same universe at different points in time (like the two Samuses), so why not add 30's pic to 47's bio? If Psychotic Ninja reads this, he can add a snippet to X's bio about his armor upgrades.

Good points. I think you understand Wily better than I do, though - I don't know much about his saucer or his skull castle, other than the fact that he seems rather fond of them, since they keep reappearing in every game... haha :) About X - you're right, they're both the same character, but since the Armor Upgrades are so important, and really - the thing that makes him different from his older brother, I think those armor upgrades deserve their own bio. I also think that if you click 30's mascot, you should end up in 47's bio - that is, you can only access 30's bio by clicking a link in 47's bio. Does that work?

Anyway, yes, save for Dr. Wily's bio, and save for the monstrous amounts of editing we need to do, we're all done. If you weren't spread out to the other side of the Earth, the beer'd be on me. I actually never throught we'd get this far when I set out with this, but thanks to you, we're here. :o

Watkinzez, Polo, and Linearity, keep reading through your own bios first to correct any flaws you find on your own, and then we'll start editing other's. (or is it " others' "?)

EDIT: I tried rewriting Dr. Wily's bio a little bit. I suck :( Seriously, I can't seem to get it the way I want it...

About X - you're right, they're both the same character, but since the Armor Upgrades are so important, and really - the thing that makes him different from his older brother, I think those armor upgrades deserve their own bio. I also think that if you click 30's mascot, you should end up in 47's bio - that is, you can only access 30's bio by clicking a link in 47's bio. Does that work?

Makes sense. If some people aren't even familiar with X, then clicking the upgrade would also yield the clown without the makeup. :P


I fixed my first ten bios with these similar edits:

  • changed my Character Summary / Sources / Appearances format (copied from OmegaMe) to Bio / Selected Game Appearances / References (from Wiki'ed example)
  • italicized game titles
  • linked specific game manuals in lieu of general search results (with a system abbreviation in parentheses)

...and these nitpicks:


  • (no other edits besides the above)

Ukyo Tachibana
  • Cut several quotation marks


  • One word fix
  • Cut alternate Japanese titles
  • Reordered game chronology
  • +1 console appearance


  • Noted the developer and publisher
  • Fluency fixes
  • Changed to a more specific Wiki link
  • Cut last two links (too much irrelevant info, plus broken sections)


  • Added fill-in links for Ryu and M. Bison for when they're finalized
  • One fluency fix
  • Fixed a game appearance
  • Replaced general SF Anniversary Collection link with a character-specific link

Squall Leonhart

  • Shortened name of developer
  • One word change
  • Replaced a comprehensive link for the game with a character-specific page
  • +1 appearance


  • Fluency fixes
  • Cut a broken link and a non-character-specific link


  • Shortened name of developer
  • Added respective links for other bios
  • Cut a comma
  • Replaced a vague character info link with a more detailed one
  • Cut a link that suddenly demanded a login password

Aya Brea

  • Shortened name of developer
  • Cut two quotation marks
  • Cut a broken link


  • Fixed reference names
  • Fixed two game title names
  • +2 console appearances

10 down, 36 to go.

EDIT: Btw it's others' bios (others plus apostrophe). ;)


Fixed my next ten bios (11 - 20) accordingly, with the same consistencies as before:


  • Fixed Wiki link
  • Fixed a game title

The Hulk

  • Punctuation fixes
  • Gave air to a stunted sentence
  • Fixed two link names
  • Fixed a game title
  • +1 console appearance

Mai Shiranui

  • +1 fill-in bio link
  • Replaced a game info link with a character info link
  • Spelling fixes to game titles
  • Cut an extraneous console name and Japanese title


  • Reworded the last sentence of the first paragraph, adding a third game title
  • Punctuation fixes
  • Cut non-CV titles and extraneous Japanese-version titles from appearances list
  • Replaced titular numbers with Roman numeral equivalents
  • Replaced Japanese console with U.S. equivalent
  • Cut one linkable title since its sole ReMix was scrapped in the Lockdown

Dan Hibiki

  • +2 fill-in bio links
  • Replaced a broken link with another character info link
  • Lumped all arcade appearances under the header ARCADE
  • Full-title fixes

Lara Croft

  • Cut extraneous developer
  • Shortened name of publisher
  • Renamed a console and a game title
  • Cut repeated console listing


  • Reordered the words in the first sentence
  • Changed two words to their correct term
  • Clarified Wiki link
  • Replaced general game link with specific character link
  • Fixed five game title identifications

Ken Masters

  • Clarified two reference links
  • Replaced general game link with specific character link
  • Same game title fixes as in Ryu's bio


  • Punctuation fixes
  • Fully named Wiki link
  • Fixed one game title identification


  • Punctuation fixes
  • Spelled out an abbreviation
  • +1 missing word added
  • +1 game appearance link
  • One year of release fixed

...if this is too long-winded or not specific enough, tell me.


It's not really necessary, but keep it up if you want to.

It really sucks when you think you're running into this... world of free time after a long period of lots of things you have to do, and then... it doesn't happen.

I still don't have much time to spend on this project right now. Maybe the week after this next one. Meanwhile, keep up the good work. :(

  • 2 weeks later...

There are 150 bios. How should we split up the editing? Polo took care of his own, it seems, but we should cross-check each other. There are three or four of us, so we could do 50-50-50 or 40-40-40-40 (with some overlap, of course).

I'll proofread the first 50 (in order of writing, since I don't want to hunt through fifty pages of posts all day), though, again, I'd like someone to double check the ones I wrote.

To anybody editing: make sure you're not just rewriting a bio the way you would have written it. Check for readability and accuracy, but don't start the whole project over again.


Possesive plurals vs. possesives on names that end in "S":

As far as I know, if a name ends in "s," it still gets an apostrophe and an "s" when in the possessive. So, the following should read as it does:

Mars's moons are Deimos and Phobos.

It is only plurals of nouns that drop the final "s," thus:

The two planets' moons are very much alike.

I'm editing with this in mind.

Possesive plurals vs. possesives on names that end in "S":

As far as I know, if a name ends in "s," it still gets an apostrophe and an "s" when in the possessive. So, the following should read as it does:

Mars's moons are Deimos and Phobos.

It is only plurals of nouns that drop the final "s," thus:

The two planets' moons are very much alike.

I'm editing with this in mind.

Oh, so that's why I see shop stores/films that look oh so wrong? Turns out most of us can't decide which to use.



I remember there was a sign right outside my English class classroom in High School that read "mens' room" (referring to the room next to the classroom). Oh, the irony.

In said classroom, I wrote a test of some kind. Most of the questions in it were of the "where to put the apostrophe" kind. When the tests were returned, many of the "correct" answers were actually wrong, which made the whole thing pretty silly, considering how picky it all was to start with.

Anyway, thanks, Lin - I wasn't aware of the distinction there.


No problem.

By the way, I've got a long text document with almost all the bios on it in order of writing (I still need to add the latest ones), so I can split that up into thirds and host them for anybody else to use. It makes automatic spell checking easier; I found a number of real errors among catches like "dataDyne" and "Sephiroth."


What is the status of the Mega Man X and Mega Man X (Full Armor) bios? And Dr. Wily, for that matter; is he done? So far the lump file contains Dafydd's original Mega Man X (Full Armor) bio, the one Mega Man X bio (if I remember correctly), and the following bio for Wily.

Dr. Wily



Character Summary

Dr. Albert Wily, sporting a white labcoat, wild, grey hair, a moustache, bushy eyebrows and a superior intellect, seems to share a bit more than his first name with world-famous physicist Albert Einstein. The one important thing that puts them apart is that the latter was a pacifist, and that the former is the archetype evil/mad scientist bent on destruction and power.

Wily's story has changed several times, but the one more commonly told is that he was originally the aide of genius Dr. Light - the creator of what was to become Mega Man, and several other humanoid robots. After stealing several of these robots for his own ends, Dr. Wily's plans for world domination were eventually foiled, and have been again, every time he has tried to take over the world, either with new creations or by re-using older ones.

Dr. Wily has become notorious for his ability to always elude the arms of justice. Despite the fact that he always cries at a failure, he has always had an escape route and has always returned to attempt global conquest once again.

Quote: *raising and lowering eyebrows repeatedly and in a most semi-flirtatious manner* (please do help me come up with a similiar sentence featuring a smaller word count)


Mega Man (1987)

Mega Man 2 (1988)

Mega Man 3 (1990)

Mega Man 4 (1991)

Mega Man 5 (1992)

Mega Man 6 (1993)

Mega Man: The Wily Wars (1993)

Mega Man 7 (1995)

Mega Man 8 (1997)


The Mega Man Home Page

Wikipedia's Dr. Wily page


- Mega Man manual

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