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Tri-fecta: A Motoi Sakuraba Tribute Album [Recruiting & Refocusing]

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Posted (edited)

Tri-Fecta ~ a Motoi Sakuraba tribute album


This album aims to pay tribute to an underrated yet extremely talented video game composer: Motoi Sakuraba. Some of his best work was created under the guise of developers Tri-Ace and Tri-Crescendo, and the focus of this project will be exclusively on the games developed by them.

The goal is to produce a ~20-tracks album, which may grow larger depending on interest. The schedule is TBD after the initial claims/WIPs roll in.


Everyone is welcome, whether you're a posted ReMixer or a newcomer. Select any of the Tri-Ace/Tri-Crescendo game scored by Sakuraba from the list below, and pick a source to remix. Some tracks from Eternal Sonata and Resonance of Fate are exceptions, but everything else applies.

Game List & OST Playlists

Star Ocean (SNES)/First Departure (PSP):

Star Ocean: Blue Sphere (GBC)

Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJXR4r3PwMvvO3PSqjV6yU6mNtEiau-Yh

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2):

Star Ocean: The Last Hope (XB360):

Valkyrie Profile (PSX):

Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2)

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (NDS)

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GC):

Baten Kaitos Origins (GC): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAED704C56FEEF08B

Infinite Undiscovery (XB360)

Resonance of Fate (XB360)

Eternal Sonata (XB360/PS3): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5A4B72E7D3160EBE

Beyond the Labyrinth (3DS)

Tracklist & Claims

(Baten Kaitos) [Claimed by Garpocalypse]

(Baten Kaitos) [Claimed by Devastus]

(Baten Kaitos) [Claimed by Kuolema]

Mission to Deep Space (Inspired by Star Ocean 3 version) [Claimed by Light_Of_Aether]

Medley (Baten Kaitos) [Claimed by Ergosonic]

All is Twilight (Valkyrie Profile) [Claimed by LemonLime]

[Claimed by TheSamereye]

[Claimed by Cash]

Help Wanted

-I'm looking for a co-director, ideally an experienced ReMixer, to help with quality assurance of tracks.

-Instrument players: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, violin, and male and female vocals. These are the most important ones that fit within the album's scope, but other instrument players are more than welcome to lend their talents.

Past Updates:

[October 5 2012]: doing a little housekeeping. Pulled some playlists off YouTube for the soundtracks of each of the games. It's not complete yet, but I found more than half of the games and will update them soon. I've been sending invites left and right and starting to get some replies. Ergosonic just joined in and hoping for more people soon.

[August 31 2012]: You guys are going to kill me for this, but I'm forced to change the direction of the project (again) due to low interest. Thought long and hard and decided that this is the best course of action. I tried following the OCR guidelines in having a project concept, but certain limitations turn off a lot of people. So instead, I'm keeping the tracklist open to choices by the remixer within one unified concept: games composed by Motoi Sakuraba under the guise of Tri-Ace and Tri-Crescendo. That's all you need to do; pick and chose from the many tracks under this banner.

[July 9th 2012]: been busy with life and work lately so I haven't been around to check in much. Progress is slow and steady. Replies to PMs have been slow as well but they're coming in. Updated the track list with the new claims. It's business as usual.

[March 31st 2012]: progress is going slowly but surely, with some nice interest building up in the thread and outside. So far, we have Devastus and Light of Aether agreeing to whip up some tracks for us, with hopefully many more on the way.

[March 14th 2012]: Tri-fecta: Baten Kaitos refocus: thanks to the suggestions of Dj Mokram, we're going to refocus this album concept and finish what matters first: Baten Kaitos! I'm sending a couple of invites slowly but surely. Any suggestions of certain artists who are free and want to work on this album? I'll keep sending invites, but I'd appreciate direction from you guys.

Edited by SwordBreaker

I very strongly APPROVE of this idea! Motoi Sakuraba is also my favorite, I consider him the God of Video Game Music. So this is like the most beautiful album idea I've ever seen, XD.

Also EFF YEAH, BATEN KAITOS! Oh man so many favorite songs!

I know you said one-hit wonders were a possibility, but if you included Eternal Sonata that would be even EXTRA awesome!

May I make a few song suggestions? Just a few =)










And for Eternal Sonata...


I would like to join, but I've only played a few of the games like Baten Kaitos and the beginning of Eternal Sonata and Valkyrie Profile. if you don't mind a beginner like myself I will work on something. need to gain some experience and exposure anyways. so if you'll have me join then I'm down. :smile:

I very strongly APPROVE of this idea! Motoi Sakuraba is also my favorite, I consider him the God of Video Game Music. So this is like the most beautiful album idea I've ever seen, XD.

Also EFF YEAH, BATEN KAITOS! Oh man so many favorite songs!

I know you said one-hit wonders were a possibility, but if you included Eternal Sonata that would be even EXTRA awesome!

May I make a few song suggestions? Just a few =)










Well since you started suggesting tracks first, I think it would be good if we start brainstorming on finalizing the Baten Kaitos tracks first. We're pretty much on the same wavelength when it comes to the coolest tracks of the game. I particularly love To the End of the Journey of Glittering Stars. Such an awesome work of art. As for Eternal Sonata, yeah that completely skipped my mind for some reason. As I said though, let's finish up the main game series first. And if there's enough attention, that bonus disc could happen!

Yes! Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite games, so I was kind of hoping someone would make a project for it :P

Just to make sure, are you planning on devoting one disk to each of the series?

Also, you absolutely must have

on it. Best victory fanfare ever!

Yes, that's exactly right. One disc to each game series, with a possible 4th disc for the one-hit wonders from the tri developers. And yes, that fanfare is cool, but since it's short I'm sure it'll have to be included as part of another and longer track, a medley of sorts.

I would like to join, but I've only played a few of the games like Baten Kaitos and the beginning of Eternal Sonata and Valkyrie Profile. if you don't mind a beginner like myself I will work on something. need to gain some experience and exposure anyways. so if you'll have me join then I'm down. :smile:

It would be nice to have you, but I'm still not sure of the best process to manage this project. The usual trend is to have people audition and show their past work before determining to let them join...but I'm not ultra-technical like OC ReMixers or OCR Judges so my picks are purely based on experience of listening to many remixes and criticizing/reviewing them.

Some Star Ocean would be neat, especially the best battle music ever

I love that battle music. I only just listened to the original though. I'm more attached to the First Evolution (PSP remake) versions of the original Star Ocean tracks since that's the one I'm exposed to.


I love that battle music. I only just listened to the original though. I'm more attached to the First Evolution (PSP remake) versions of the original Star Ocean tracks since that's the one I'm exposed to.

I know First Evolution I got it as well, but I never liked it as much as the original (I own an original japanese cartbridge), but I think the music isn't so different between the two versions

And yes, that fanfare is cool, but since it's short I'm sure it'll have to be included as part of another and longer track, a medley of sorts.

Yeah, maybe it can be combined with the battle music?

Btw, I know there are some tracks that are in both Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile (Confidence in the Domination, Incarnation of Devil and Mission to the Deep Space), so I think those would be ideal for this project. I don't know which disk they would go on though...

I know First Evolution I got it as well, but I never liked it as much as the original (I own an original japanese cartbridge), but I think the music isn't so different between the two versions

You're right. Not much difference between the two. First Evolution is basically a sound upgrade of the original.

Yeah, maybe it can be combined with the battle music?

Btw, I know there are some tracks that are in both Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile (Confidence in the Domination, Incarnation of Devil and Mission to the Deep Space), so I think those would be ideal for this project. I don't know which disk they would go on though...

I think we can put each of these tracks depending on where they debuted first. I'm pretty sure Mission to Deep Space first appeared in Star Ocean 2. The other two came up first in Valkyrie Profile, right? But yeah, we'll definitely have these three up as they're common tracks in tri-Ace's games. I particularly enjoy Mission to Deep Space the most.

I think we can put each of these tracks depending on where they debuted first. I'm pretty sure Mission to Deep Space first appeared in Star Ocean 2. The other two came up first in Valkyrie Profile, right? But yeah, we'll definitely have these three up as they're common tracks in tri-Ace's games. I particularly enjoy Mission to Deep Space the most.

I think Incarnation of Devil started off in Star Ocean as well.


Anyway, these are my suggestions for VP:

Epic Poem to a Sacred Death

Requiem to a Predicament (Maybe with some

as well)


Those are kind of the "Necessities" in my opinion. Most of them are in Covenant of the Plume as well, and I think some of them are also in VP2.

I haven't played VP2, so I can't really suggest anything for it, but I really like it's battle theme.

As for Covenant of the Plume, most of the music is from the first game, but there is

, and
might be nice to include as well.
Posted (edited)

don't make a list

Let people claim what they want from anything Motoi has ever made

Make a list of game playlists instead of single songs


I really want this album to have a certain focus on his best tracks from me and the community collectively, not any and all tracks from these franchises. There are exceptions if the remixer is so passionate about a track I didn't include, but that's about it. Because to be honest, even though Motoi is a great composer, not every track he makes is special. There's a lot of filler in his stuff which I don't want to focus on. Also, I prefer to keep the concept of focusing on the tri-ace and tri-crescendo games, and thus all the Tales games are out of the question. OCR pretty much covered those quite well so re-doing them again here is completely unnecessary.

Edited by SwordBreaker
Posted (edited)
I think Incarnation of Devil started off in Star Ocean as well.



these are my suggestions for VP:

Epic Poem to a Sacred Death

Requiem to a Predicament (Maybe with some

as well)


Those are kind of the "Necessities" in my opinion. Most of them are in Covenant of the Plume as well, and I think some of them are also in VP2.

I haven't played VP2, so I can't really suggest anything for it, but I really like it's battle theme.

As for Covenant of the Plume, most of the music is from the first game, but there is

, and
might be nice to include as well.

I agree with the VP1 picks. All of those tracks are just so cool. I'm not as familiar with the VP2 OST, but we'll get to that bridge soon. For now though, thoughts on my current tracklist from the Baten Kaitos games?

Edited by SwordBreaker
Posted (edited)

I think it's good to have guidelines. I don't see any reason why people can't necessarily do songs that aren't on the track list, but there's no reason why there shouldn't be one at all.

Every project director runs things differently anyways :).

EDIT: By the way, I noticed that the first post mentions that each disk should be around 20 tracks. I think it might be a good idea to aim slightly under that. 18 tracks is probably fine, but when you get closer to 20 you could be cutting it close in terms of length. Since most writable CDs can only hold 80 minutes of music, each track on a 20 track disk would have to be under 4 minutes (which might be limiting for some people). Just thought I'd put that out there; It would suck to end up with a disk that was just a minute or two too long to be burned.

Edited by Kuolema
Posted (edited)
You'd only get claims for the best stuff, if any claims.. better to set limits later rather than sooner. Besides suggesting that Motoi has any work that isn't best is like.. lame.

Well, it's just my opinion of things, particularly if we're talking about his modern games. Most of his PS1 era tracks are phenomenal, with very little filler in between. But Baten Kaitos and after contain a lot more music than the PS1 games, so there are tracks that I listen to that aren't up to par with others in terms of catchiness...or ones that feel too familiar. Again, I know this is all rather subjective, but I can't help but feel this way.

Besides, it's not like I'm going to outright decline tracks that are outside of these playlists. Like I said, if a remixer feels really passionate about a certain track I didn't include, then we'll go for it. It's just that if I keep it open from the start, I fear that the tracks I want to prioritize would be overlooked. I'd rather see two different takes on one of the tracks I've mentioned than two remixes of tracks I don't feel as passionate about. If the tracks I've suggested get no claims at all, then so be it...we'll come up with alternatives.

Edited by SwordBreaker
I think it's good to have guidelines. I don't see any reason why people can't necessarily do songs that aren't on the track list, but there's no reason why there shouldn't be one at all.

Every project director runs things differently anyways :).

EDIT: By the way, I noticed that the first post mentions that each disk should be around 20 tracks. I think it might be a good idea to aim slightly under that. 18 tracks is probably fine, but when you get closer to 20 you could be cutting it close in terms of length. Since most writable CDs can only hold 80 minutes of music, each track on a 20 track disk would have to be under 4 minutes (which might be limiting for some people). Just thought I'd put that out there; It would suck to end up with a disk that was just a minute or two too long to be burned.

Very good point, Kuolema. Haven't thought of that, actually. I've been too used to using the word disc in a digital sense rather than physical.


First post updated with my suggestions to the Valkyrie Profile part. Open to other suggestions from remixers and forums dwellers! Thanks to Kuolema for his suggestions and links. I'll keep this open for a couple of days or so then get to the hardest and longest part: Star Ocean series.

Thanks alot... This was going to be my first project idea once i became a respected, accomplished and approved(!) OCRemixer. :banghead

Well, I'm not exactly an accomplished OC ReMixer myself (all I did was be part of a choir in one track), but I'm suggesting this project anyway because I'm obsessed with the idea. As long as it can generate interest from the community, the big guys may be attracted, too.

Haha, I thought exactly the same thing, when I first read about this

Yami and Gar23, I'm not limiting this project to accomplished remixers so what do you have to lose if you try out on a track?

Posted (edited)

While Tri-ace has been one of my favorite developers, especially now that Square has been kinda...losing it, Are Sakuraba's early works from Wolf Team out of the question?

Earnest Evans

El Viento: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdpg1lmXspY&feature=BFa&list=PL2F98B16C5E1A7871&lf=results_main

Final Zone:

I had a WIP of Final Zone I've been thinking about cracking back open.

It's a shame these games, and their music, have been so overlooked.

Yes, I know Wolf Team eventually became the Tales Studio that was barred from this project :) And...Maybe I shouldn't have said that...

Edited by Garpocalypse
  • 2 weeks later...

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