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My only reservation is that once embedding is allowed, many posts will be nothing but long tedious strings of youtube embeds, making browsing and loading a page a chore.

This has happened more or less on every forum I've been to that has added embed functionality.

I mean, it's nice, but I don't see it as a necessary feature.

My only reservation is that once embedding is allowed, many posts will be nothing but long tedious strings of youtube embeds, making browsing and loading a page a chore.

This has happened more or less on every forum I've been to that has added embed functionality.

I mean, it's nice, but I don't see it as a necessary feature.

You hit the nail on the head. The loading times could potentially be awful.

I really don't see the point of embedding You Tube vids, a link is just fine. What does it matter where you see the video?

My only reservation is that once embedding is allowed, many posts will be nothing but long tedious strings of youtube embeds, making browsing and loading a page a chore.

This has happened more or less on every forum I've been to that has added embed functionality.

I mean, it's nice, but I don't see it as a necessary feature.

Maybe putting a 10-video limit could work. I saw that on various forums. Or putting them under a Spoiler tag or something like this, I dunno.


Not so much processing power as much as it is connection - a shitty d-link wireless router on the other side of the apartment isn't conducive to fast internet load times.

  • 3 months later...

I'm liking hakstock's idea of how to run the embeds - to not actually load them until a flash/javascript load trigger is clicked to open it in a flash/js popup

I was also wondering about OCR having SoundCloud embed support as well ([soundcloud]http: //soundcloud/artist/track_url[/soundcloud])

Yeah let's stop the progress because some dudes somewhere beneath a dry lake in texas don't have a normal internet connexion.

I don't care

really? we're going to be making half-assed comments because someone else has an actual point? Let's not degrade into a full-blown argument which could escalate and extend into other threads.

And yes, what Gollgagh said. Believe it or not, many people don't have a 20+mb/s FiOS line, nor can we camp out right beside our wireless routers 24/7. YouTube embeds have become more complex and require more data to download even before clicking "play", and the more there are on a page, the longer they take to load, especially on a slower connection. It's like they load collectively, the more there are, the more bandwidth they all use at once.

So a limit seems reasonable.

Yeah let's stop the progress because

See you're jumping to the other extreme without seeing possible compromises.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't have embeds (hell, I'd would love embeds again) but I believe that having a limit would not be an unreasonable counterbalance to keep threads from being unreadable, that's what the per-post limit is about.

See you're jumping to the other extreme without seeing possible compromises.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't have embeds (hell, I'd would love embeds again) but I believe that having a limit would not be an unreasonable counterbalance to keep threads from being unreadable, that's what the per-post limit is about.

Gollgagh, it's good to know you always keep a level head about things. :-D

...wait, embeds again?


Perhaps not directly, but you were scoffing at the possible loading-time worries that would have come with unlimited embeds.

As long as we're all on the same page here. [sentence fragment]

My only reservation is that once embedding is allowed, many posts will be nothing but long tedious strings of youtube embeds, making browsing and loading a page a chore.

This has happened more or less on every forum I've been to that has added embed functionality.

I mean, it's nice, but I don't see it as a necessary feature.

Maybe putting a 10-video limit could work. I saw that on various forums. Or putting them under a Spoiler tag or something like this, I dunno.

it'll get abused at first, but this is one of the most sophisticated/mature communities i know of that i'm pretty sure the trend will die out and get old quickly.

and couldn't they add a userCP feature to disable youtube embeddings just like disabling sigs and images?


If OCR Forums are anything like TheShizz, Youtube videos won't get abused too much.

And if it's really such an issue, why not just allow Embedded videos in certain places? Like a "youtube thread" or various spin offs like "Youtube Thread: Game Music" "Youtube Thread: Music production and applications" "Youtube Thread: Off topic"


Is it not possible?:-)

If OCR Forums are anything like TheShizz, Youtube videos won't get abused too much.

And if it's really such an issue, why not just allow Embedded videos in certain places? Like a "youtube thread" or various spin offs like "Youtube Thread: Game Music" "Youtube Thread: Music production and applications" "Youtube Thread: Off topic"


Is it not possible?:-)

Probably? Just like the Off Topic section only shows up for people who are logged in, and the mysterious Staff section is only for staff, so there's probably a way to choose what forums/threads can allow youtube embeds

Probably? Just like the Off Topic section only shows up for people who are logged in, and the mysterious Staff section is only for staff, so there's probably a way to choose what forums/threads can allow youtube embeds

that sounds like a lot of micromoderation to me

though certainly not my call

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