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Remixer Name: DusK

Real Name: Dustin Branscum

Website: http://www.itstartsatdusk.com

User ID: 24328

Game: Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

Arrangement Name: Oboro Drive

Song Arranged: Whirlwind

Platform: Sega Genesis

Composer: Masayuki Nagao, Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama

Release Year: 1993


Comments: I wrote this remix in the middle of doing Generation Gap, to kinda stop me from getting burned out on remixing so much Sonic in such a short amount of time. I really shot for preserving the feel of the source; it has a rock attitude somewhere between leisurely and energetic, and I really wanted to capture that in the remix. Much of it ended up being me messing around with various solos and leads over that catchy chord progression, meshing various parts of the source together, and switching that chord progression up later in the track to give the "chorus" a more climactic feel. I gave this a run through the Mod Review process and followed Rozovian's advice to shoot this version out. Hope you joojes like it. :)


This is a pretty solid take on a sweet source track. The opening builds well into the rockin, and it has a pretty solid and upfront attack. Tell those ninjas you mean business! It almost feels a touch too dry, but there is definite sound field, and there is a good blend of guitars and synths. Production could have stood to be a little punchier overall, but I think it gets the job done well enough.

The arrangement was a good mix up of source sections to always feel like it belonged, but had some fresh ways of presenting it. The drums changed patterns well and sounded interesting throughout.

It felt like it ended way too soon, and I would have loved a completely shredding solo in there, but it's still pretty solid.


  • 1 month later...

Not bad at all. As OA said it's definitely not the punchiest rock sound I've heard but I think it does enough right, still pretty enjoyable. Good guitar work, great timing precision even if the riffs are simple, you can hear the polish that's gone in there. Synths are worked in okay. I'm good with this.


  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the synth work in the opening sounded pretty vanilla. The guitar performance was a bit on the stiff and lifeless side to start, but it sounded somewhat stronger for the final section (2:46-3:11), even if the overall energy and expressiveness could have been bumped up. The chugs opening things up sounded OK, but there's just a mechanical feel to the guitar performance as well as the sequenced elements.

Not feeling the synths from 1:07-1:19 or 2:22-2:47; bland, generic synths with very stiff sequencing, they just sounded devoid of any feeling. The interplay between the guitar and synth from 2:22-2:47 just sounded odd; It was a great concept, but neither element really took the foreground, and the synth wasn't melodious.

I sound pretty negative, but the overall arrangement concept is strong, let's be clear. However, the execution's not there yet. I disagree with the YESes; even if you acknowledge it's flawed, I don't think the execution is cohesive enough or expressiveness enough yet to do justice to this arrangement concept.

I think you need to see what you can do to tweak the mixing, , Dustin, and also consider re-recording the guitar and cut loose in order to breath more life into this piece. What's here is OK, but it's, hypothetically, along the lines of a 8th-10th place DoD effort. It doesn't have the polish and energy that the top entries in a typical month have. Do what you can to make this more consistent and polished.

NO (resubmit)


Nice rock take here, Dusk. Performance was solid on the guitars and you've brought a lot of variety to the arrangement to keep the listeners attention.

Synths did come off as somewhat vanilla, but didn't really feel like they detracted from the mix too much. Guitars are pretty dry here and a bit overpowering. I'd recommend pulling them back a bit and trying to get a bit more punch out of the drums. More low-mid/bass presence in the mix couldn't hurt either.

What's interesting here is that I agree with a lot of Larry's criticisms, but perhaps not to the same degree. The overall package still is above the bar, IMO.



I'm gonna have to side with Larry here. the arrangement is good to go and the performances are fine, but the mix just feels lifeless to me.. the EQ seems dulled down, not much brightness in the high end; generic synths/samples, and very mechanical drum writing. I'd like to see the mixer take another crack at the production with our feedback in mind. this has the potential to be a great remix, but it's not quite there yet imo.


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