The Author Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 zircon, AQ gear is NOT I repeat NOT considered tier 3...not by a long shot, especially considering the sets are 5 piece and not 8. As a end game raider many people have complained that blizzard dropped the ball on this instance - sure it has its cool parts, but the risk vs reward is too great for the minimal upgrages - which is considered more of a sidegrade to many (including myself). Sure it has it's standout items, but thats something seen in every instance. Actually, tier1->tier2 could barely be considered an ugprade if you want to look at it that way. Many Shamans prefer Earthfury over Ten Storms for PVE, for example. I see rogues using their Nightslayer set rather than Bloodfang sometimes as well, and I myself see little reason to spend all my points on Transcendence when I can get UBER upgrades like Pure Blementium Band, Rejuvinating Gem, etc. In comparison, however, the sets in AQ are VERY good. Neither Prophecy nor Transcendence even holds a candle to Oracle, in my opinion. Stat wise, tier 2 is slightly superior... bonus wise, it's all about style of play. I can easily see a build around nightslayer working better. I loved bloodfang because of my overall perception... with the bloodfang set bonus, I would have had 3 or 4 sources of health triggered by hitting... being a SS/bladefury oriented rogue, that meant significant healing (with a simple lifestealing/darkmoon card heroism combo, I was the first non-healer on the healing meter...). I was gonna do the mainhand crusader, off hand agility or life stealing, darkmoon card heroism and bloodfang bonus... I kinda wish I could have seen it to see the healing/endurance added in... Quote
zircon Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 I've done the first two fights of AQ40 (NOT Sartura). Very good items overall from there, no reason not to do it imo. Quote
xinster Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 how the FUCK are they going to kill eye of c'thun? Quote
SleazyC Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 I've done the first two fights of AQ40 (NOT Sartura). Very good items overall from there, no reason not to do it imo. Wait till you see the trash past Huhu (and no I have not been at the helm of a character during the trash but I do happen to live right next to someone who is in a raiding guild on Mannoroth and have seen how "fun" it is) Quote
zircon Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 I think only one guild on my server (Horde, anyway) has killed Huhuran. Our raiding guilds are not in good shape atm, and the gate only opened recently. Quote
SleazyC Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 No doubt the instance will be fun for some guilds that have been running BWL and MC for months but as Nat stated the loot to risk of the later bosses is pretty pathetic (baring the killing of C'thun and Ouro that is). Just take a look at Viscidious. When Death and Taxes first downed him he dropped some crappy shaman NR legs and less gold then some MC bosses. Quote
Nat Posted March 29, 2006 Posted March 29, 2006 Sleasy basically told you what I was going to tell you about the sets zircon - they may be slightly better stat wise but as you can see they lose resistances in the transition - but again I see the AQ set as a sidegrade...I know a few rouges you use the 5 piece because its so beneficial...but thats about the only time you'll see somone using more tier 1 than tier 2 gear equipped if avaible to them. With my guild currently being stuck on stage 2 of c'thun (like every other good guild due to him being buggy as all hell) the first stage is incredibly easy, what I like about it is that it tests the indiviual competence of a player as they have to be aware of their surroundings to survive. After seeing c'thun's loot table I can say "thats nice" but its nothing comapred to seeing rag or nef's loot table - now that was awe inspiring. Hopfully C'thun will be downed in the next week or two, they nerfed him hardcore for what I heard...and yes the trash past huhu will own alot of guilds who thought they were hot stuff killing huhu till they run into that wall. Anyone who thinks they will get there I suggest that they run AQ 20 first to get a feel of what they will run up against. Quote
Bren Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Holy shit >.< Me and some guildies did a 2nd attempt 45 minute baron run tonight...the first wasnt so successful, with 5 minutes left at the abominations. The most recent attempt, we got to the abominations with 13 minutes remaining...13 minutes! Everything was going perfect, until the black guards seemed delayed for some reason. I checked the gate to the Black Citadel to see if a mindless undead was left or something...then the damned gate closes on me and traps me inside! The black guards come out and my group handles them fine, but the gate doesnt open. They got into the Baron's room and BEAT THE TIMER! But the gate still didnt open and we didnt have a warlock. They had to engage him without me, and wiped...we beat the timer and lost because of a damn glitch Quote
Juicebox Dragon Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 I don't play WoW anymore - I let my subscription run out soon after patch 1.9 (Pally Talents). I was tired of frustrating PvP and couldn't get into end game raiding, and I just decided not to renew. I've got a friend that still plays it, however, and he showed me this PvP Priest video. I think once this video starts becoming popular, you'll see a lot more priests that attack more than they heal. It's the mentality of WoW players, I think. The Flavour of the Month class, so to speak. P.S.: 3000 damage Smites. P.S.S.: 4000 damage Holy Fire. More liek 1-hit-kill-craft, am i rite? Quote
zircon Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Heh. That video is a bit misleading, but yeah, Priests are very cool now. Reasons it is misleading; for one, the guy has full BWL/endgame gear. Every shot just about is him with his trinket up (+280 damage base), Power Infusion (+15%), a Flask of Supreme Power (over +100 damage base), sometimes another consumable buff, Berserking/AV Fury buff.. etc. Quote
Juicebox Dragon Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Most videos are. But your average WoW junkie doesn't know that, so he'll see these numbers, and all of a sudden he'll either make a priest that won't see those numbers in a lifetime, or complain about it in the forums. If he's a Rogue or a Warrior, he'll do the latter. Quote
SleazyC Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 The priest video was fantastic, but just like tons of other movies made to show off some crazy crits (naked rogue with worn daggers, Rank 14 warrior with tons of buffs, Mage/Lock with both now-defunct trinkts) 99% of the general WoW population will never see that kind of damage. Hell I was half-inclined to roll a priest after watching that but I'm too lazy to level another character to 60. Quote
zircon Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Yeah. There is no doubt about it that I can still kick MAJOR ass. With my dmg gear on (non-shadow) I can smite for 600-650 normal, 900-1k crits with no buffs and no trinket. I'm not even specced for Force of Will either (pumps up dmg by 5%) or PI. If I get PI, AV buff, pop my trinket, and use a battle standard I can get over 2k crits. The great part is I can then heal myself, shield, fear, etc! Quote
SleazyC Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 I'm kicking myself that I forgot to hook up with you when the test realms came up zirc. Oh well it'll give me some time to get those final pieces from BWL before we get a chance to duel. Quote
Nat Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Sleazy what class are you? Im going to guess you're a rouge from your sig...whats your gear and setup?Personally movies (especially pvp movies)don't impress me 90 percent of the time, seeing its usually a fight between people in the mid 50's so the crits look harder then they'd be on a 60 just as geared out as them...but when there's a good video out they are dang good. Quote
zircon Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 I'm kicking myself that I forgot to hook up with you when the test realms came up zirc. Oh well it'll give me some time to get those final pieces from BWL before we get a chance to duel. You won't win. But you're welcome to try I don't have ANY BWL gear btw. Lame zero sum DKP system in my guild. If I did, I'd be truly unstoppable. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 zero sum? anyways, i'm thinking of getting back into WoW. probably gonna go ahead and start a new char, since by now my old ones are rank 0 (i was rank 8 when i quit ) and i never had any good gear to begin with. so uhh, a few quick 'getting back into the game' questions: 1) is cosmos still the de-facto UI mod? if not, what else is good, and where can i get it? 2) where should i reroll? 3) when does the expansion come out? Quote
aragornx45 Posted April 5, 2006 Author Posted April 5, 2006 I believe the expansion is expected for this fall/winter (probably right before Christmas). As far as WHERE to roll? Your guess is as good as mine. Unfortunately, one of the janitor's at Blizzard must've spilled coffee all over the servers because they are ALL having problems right now. To get an idea idea, check out this link. or this. or even this. Regular players should get the joke. Your best bet is to ask in a few server forums as to which are the most reliable. I play exclusively on Silvermoon because the majority of the people I know regularly play there and the lag is sporatic and aweful. I'm currently close to hitting rank 10 and yesterday the Battlegrounds were locking up at the end of the game, booting people, labeling them deserters and not giving them proper honor or tokens to boot. However, the game is still VERY fun and addictive if you can put up with all the technical issues Blizzard has been throwing at us lately. I'd really suggest going horde if you're serious about starting over. Seems like all the decent and good players eventually all go that way. Really helpful and nice to have in terms of raids and battlegrounds. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 christmas? holy shit.. last i heard it was supposed to be out like late spring early summer. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 fuck that reroll hakkar alliance i dont mind givin ya 20 g to start out with dunns is my name homie Quote
xinster Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 1) is cosmos still the de-facto UI mod? if not, what else is good, and where can i get it? Nobody uses Cosmos anymore. It's outdated. Blizzard added just about everything Cosmos had quite awhile ago, and since then Cosmos pretty much stopped updating. The main UI people use now, from what I've seen, is Titan Bar. Personally, I don't like it a whole lot, but I've heard a lot of really good things about it. You can find it here. fuck that, get ctmod. if u dont get a good interface youll have a much less chance of getting addicted, cause youll be getting your ass kicked by guys like me who, although have shitty gear, have borderline hacker interfaces. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 1) is cosmos still the de-facto UI mod? if not, what else is good, and where can i get it? Cosmos went down the tubes ages ago. I suggest CTmod, or the Insomniax Compiliation. Get Titanbar too, because it's nice. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET CT-RAIDASSIST. I AM 100% FREAKING SERIOUS. Even if you don't get the full CTmod suite, CTRA is a fucking must. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 i used to just use cosmos + CTmod. seemed to work pretty well (i loveeeeeeeeee the cosmos popbar D:) what's so awesome about titanbar and insomniax? Quote
The Author Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 They are still compatible with the game. And Insomniax was iffy too for a while... Quote
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