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Suz, it's information posted by Spybot. There's a thread in the RnD forums. If you don't know who Spybot is, think of him as inside information for the past two years. All 'leaked' patch notes and game changes he's posted has been true.

I can't find the thread you're talking about (probably got buried by the 2500 or so "ZOMG 25 MAN IS TEH SUX" and "YAYZ 25 MAN FTW!!!11one" threads).

Does this 'spybot' person have a website? :(

Also, 40 debuffs should be fun. It'd be cool to go on a 40 druid raid (that is if there is even a realm with 40 druids on it, seems we're kinda rare) and do nothing but oomfire spam just to see 40 moonfire debuffs on the target.

Suz, it's information posted by Spybot. There's a thread in the RnD forums. If you don't know who Spybot is, think of him as inside information for the past two years. All 'leaked' patch notes and game changes he's posted has been true.

I can't find the thread you're talking about (probably got buried by the 2500 or so "ZOMG 25 MAN IS TEH SUX" and "YAYZ 25 MAN FTW!!!11one" threads).

Does this 'spybot' person have a website? :(

Also, 40 debuffs should be fun. It'd be cool to go on a 40 druid raid (that is if there is even a realm with 40 druids on it, seems we're kinda rare) and do nothing but oomfire spam just to see 40 moonfire debuffs on the target.

It was found on the wowguru site (where he always posts) and someone linked it to the RnD boards. Here's what a friend posted when he was reading it:

Some information coming from Gencon/Spybot about the Burning Crusade. Not all is new.

New profession level cap is 375 and called Master

Alchemy specialties called Potion and Elixir Alchemy

Tailoring specialties called Shadoweave, Divine and Arcane Tailoring

In the expansion they will be many more useful high level recipes. Along the lines of sageblade or robe of the archmage and better.

Each race/class combination will receive one new racial spell, much like Priests already do.

The example they give is Blood Elf Paladins getting a spell called Blood Debt which amplifies the power of your next judgement at the cost of health. All racial spells will be released when public beta starts.

They're aiming for Q4 2006 release.

Public beta will begin not too long after 1.12 goes live.

Patch 1.13 will be primarily a bug fix patch, but will introduce the Dark Portal opening world event.

They learned from their mistakes from the pvp system in the original game. They will completely revamp the honor system and make it complement PvE, rather than be dependent on it.

They have ideas to make PvP more skill based than time based. 1.12 is just a temporary fix.

Cross realm battlegrounds makes it possible for them to make many new battlegrounds without thinning the pvp population.

Gladiator Arenas will be introduced in the expansion. Some will be deathmatches (which is something players requested but weren't appropriate for a battleground), some will be survival against increasingly powerful monsters.

World pvp objectives will probably not give physical rewards. It's just something for fun that players requested. Think SS Tarren mill battles.

Guild rating and ladder will be introduced as part of honor system changes

They will focus on smaller group content, but that doesn't mean theyre forgetting about raiders. An example is there are 4 full raid dungeons not including onyxia in game currently. They will have at least as many in the expansion.

They really liked stuff like DM tribute and 45 minute baron. As a result all new BC dungeons will have difficulty levels.

I don't know how much life you don't have, but many people have a hard time fitting a 40 man raid in their schedules. I say skip, but most people will go on ahead and hit level 70 before thinking about MC.

Incorrect, thanks for playing. Try to be more consistent in your pathetic ramblings.

First of all, if they can't fit a 40 man raid into their schedule now, they're not going to be able to fit a 10 man, 20 man, or 25 man raid in the future. Both require time and commitment and require damn near the same amount of "selection" as each other. Just because one takes more people doesn't mean it's inherently "harder" or "longer".

Second of all, you're under the delusion that only no-life's raid at all. News flash; raid instances are't like normal instances. Not every guild does 8 hour grinds a day on the instances. JUICE does 3 hour raid blocks (don't even try to say that's a lot of time; you spent more on a console RPG in one sitting than that) 3 times a week on Naxxramas, and the other nights are the rest of the instances broken down into 2 night sections; Blackwing Lair takes us around 3 and a half hours, Ahn'Qiraji around 6, MC around 2.

Thirdly, you're ALSO under the delusion that BWL/AQ/MC/Naxx gear is suddenly useless as soon as you hit 61. Either you're a pure idiot (which is highly possible), or you don't realize how stats are distributed in epic gear versus blue gear you'll get at level 70.

There are also items from MC that STILL have yet to be outmatched by even new gear -- Thunderfury is STILL the best tanking weapon hands down, Hand of Ragnaros is STILL the hardest hitting 2H weapon in the game (proc included, Might of Menethil from Kel'Thuzad NOT included since he has not died yet), Ragnaros's neck piece is STILL the highest damage neckpiece for mages/warlocks, Quick Strike Ring is STILL the best pure DPS ring for Warriors and feral Druids, the best alternating Rogue DPS gloves are STILL in MC (Depending on fight), and the main weapon of Hunters and Priests STILL resides in MC, as well as others. Yeah, I'm sure NO ONE will be running Molten Core come post-expansion :roll:

"How much a life I don't have?" Interesting, I'll be sure to ask my niece and nephew, and boyfriend how much I don't have next time we sit down to eat : ) Your attempts at insults are yawn inspiring; try better next time. My cat can insult me better with her farts.

Funny though, you say I have no life, yet I'm not the one hiding under a Japanese name, as though I were a common anime/gamer basement dweller.


Ah Russell, stick to music, insults are not your forte.

Any complaints about my name may be, and should be, directed towards evilhead, as he won the contest I had to give me a name for 2006. Come january, my name will change again. You, however, will remain a delusional jerk.

Take a 40 man group, spread across america, in 5 different timezones. Assuming everyone becomes available to raid at 7PM in their timezone, this means that some people have to be there as early as 2PM or as late as midnight. Even in the better conditions, you have to get 40 people ready at, depending of their location any time between 4 and 10 PM. Just there, picture MC as a 20 man instance, and cut that in half simply because the 20 eastcoasters can now raid together. The max range now becomes 4PM to 10 PM for both the east coast and west coast group. By starting at a centralized time, the logical range is gonna be 5:30 to 8:30.

sounds better, no?

It does not stop there. You can get 40 people ready?

Great, you can now break it up, one group of 15, another of 15, and another of 10. In this groups, you can include 20 new people. In one raid week, you could fit 3 20 people raid for an larger total number of raiders: 60.

This is how it would improve the raiding schedule.

Also, it's easier to find 20 people with a timeslot to allocate to a raid together than to find 40. That is simple mathematics, you should be able to get it. Now, as to why people would skip these instances:

Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them.

I dunno if you know this, but at one time, Scarlet was the high end instance. The geare there was not to be surpassed.

Then the top dog was UBRS, and the aptly called tier 0 sets were the best things ever.

Right now, people can't skip UBRS because they have nothing other than to gear up for MC. Hell, most people now would skip LBRS and BRD, and many already ignore ST. People would skip a timesink like MC just to get to other stuff.

Unless they remove some of the limitations to the raid instances, it will be easier to target the level 62 instance, or to target level 70's power.

Oh, and just because you talk to people doesn't mean that you don't scrifice something else for WoW's raiding. Think of everything you turned down for going on a raid.


Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them.

I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics.



The servers are split into different timezones for a reason. If you're on a server that is on Pacific time, but you are in Central, there is no one to blame for yourself. Stop trying to make excuses as to why people "can't" raid. They either want to, or they don't. It isn't a matter of "Oh I can't..." You're doing nothing but pulling extremes out of your ass to support a weak argument.

The fact that you're trying to compare tier 1-3 to Scarlet Monastery gear is hilarious. Seriously, either learn how gear is made and points are allocated, or sit down and shut up. It's not that difficult of a concept to understand. Unless you're an idiot.

The last few sentences you posted made no sense, and I see to try to save face you completely ignored the issue of Thunderfury vs. Quel'Serrar/Widow's Blade, etc. I have played this game since closed beta; don't even try to insinuate that I have no idea what the game was like before retail. I was one of the main Hunters that PUSHED to get rid of the fucking focus system for our class; mana system isn't perfect for us but it's a lot better.

"Oh, and just because you talk to people doesn't mean that you don't scrifice something else for WoW's raiding. Think of everything you turned down for going on a raid."


Seriously, try harder. It's called "time alone" for 2 hours. The nights we want to fuck, or go to a movie, or watch TV... guess what. WE DO. I'm sorry if your mind is so feeble you can not comprehend the issue of "time management" and how yes, even with a full and active lifestyle, I can still raid.


Yeah, unless Molten Core is going to be scaled up (which I find unlikely) I imagine MC PUG raids are going to become far more commonplace at 70. I figure people who are new to raiding will still start there as a place to at least get some decent gear on themselves as well as learning the basics of large instances. It'll be the new BRS/Strat/Scholo.

Hmm on that note... I wonder what's gonna happen to BRS/Strat/DM/etc. I guess they will probably only get done by lvl 58-62 or so people as they level.


Hmm on that note... I wonder what's gonna happen to BRS/Strat/DM/etc. I guess they will probably only get done by lvl 58-62 or so people as they level.

Hmm, well.

Quel'Serrar is supposedly, according to what I've heard from most Warriors that complete the sword, not complete. Glaive of the Defender is what's reported to be the 'next step' of the QS, since blue posters said that there will be quests that further upgrade it:

Glaive of the Defender

Binds when picked up


Main Hand


138 - 210 Damage Speed 2.30

(75.7 damage per second)

80 Armor

+12 Strength

+12 Agility

+18 Stamina

+8 Frost Resistance

+8 Shadow Resistance

Durability 145 / 145

Classes: Warrior

Requires Level 60

Equip: Increased Defense +11.

Chance on hit: Reduces the damage taken from melee attacks, ranged attacks and spells by 75% for 10 sec.

The Shendralar are supposedly the 'faction' that handles the true forging of the sword. Much like Revantusk Village, I wouldn't be surprise if there's a few more quest lines that lead through Dire Maul (and possible Dire Maul Ruins, if datamines are to be believed) in the future.

Whether it's true or not, dunno. It would certainly go back to the form of tanking where the proc from your weapon helps you (aka Quel'Serrar), instead of debuff the mob and generating a massive amount of threat (Thunderfury).

So for someone who hasn't played since June, and with all the changes that are supposed to happen(I don't know them all), will it be worth coming back to?

Hmm, that's hard to say, and depends on your class. Aside from class racials we know that have been confirmed by blue posters, and a few tidbits about changes in the game (debuff limit being raised, less members required to raid period post-expansion, etc.), there hasn't really been a LOT said about the individual classes and their 41 point talents.

However, you can take this as you will since apparently I'm "a liar" and don't know what I'm talking about. I do have two friends that both work in the Q&A department of Blizzard (one's worked there over 3 years, one's barely beyond 6 months) and they've dropped a few hints as to the potential 41 point talents that a few developers and Kaplan's been leaning towards. Remember, I said these were potential, not decided on; Paladins and Shamans weren't going to be cross faction a year ago and then they got tired of having to write two separate encounters for Horde and Alliance after Ahn'Qiraji and did their best to write 'static' fights in Naxxramas where they wouldn't run into problems of "totem aggro fucking up boss~Twin Emperors" or "chaining from totems~original C'Thun" or "forgetting Alliance doesn't have two ways to get nature auras, like Horde".

For Warriors, the only one I know is in the Arms tree, and it's a weapon specialization talent. Since meh, but what it does is allow whatever you've dropped points into in the various "Polearm/Mace/Sword/Axe" specialization would be applicable to *every* weapon you carry and not just one of that particular proficiency.

Warlocks, Affliction carries a Shadow Bolt volley -- it's around 850ish mana, cast time is 3 seconds, hits up to 5 targets in a cone effect in I think a 30 yard range (is affected by Destructive Reach), , 30 second cooldown, and I think Chris said it's around 75-80% of the current highest level shadowbolt you can do damagewise. Mana cost is supposed to be around the cost of Blizzard, and supposedly it's around 2K mana cost at the highest rank @ 70.

He didn't have anything to say about Demonology tree, but that Destruction's 41 point talent is supposed to be "some form of corpse explosion." Great, as if you assholes weren't already enough of a fucking pain in PvP.

The only other class he mentioned at the time was Priest, and that was their Holy and Shadow trees. Holy tree is supposed to get a "Holy form" (how original) that increases the amount of healing done by holy spells by 25% and reduce their mana cost by 10%, but any offensive spells can not be cast at all.

Shadow tree is supposed to get something I think he called "Darkness Absorbtion" that works sort of like the new talent in the Arcane tree in the mage class (10% chance to reset spells, spells resisted fully restore X percent of total mana) but that all *physical* damage taken has a 30% chance to restore mana equal to 50% of the damage you took.

*shrugg* Like I said, I don't know how concrete this shit is or whatnot, but he hasn't lied to us yet.


Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them.

I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics.


Concidered level 40. Meaning equivalent to a 50 green.


They seem pretty equivalent.


Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them.

I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics.


Concidered level 40. Meaning equivalent to a 50 green.


They seem pretty equivalent.

Just. Wow.

I didn't realize people were so stupid.

First of all, if you're going to compare, actually know WHAT you're going to compare. None of thise "Well, it's 35 but it's SUPPOSED to be 40 so I'll make that my argument!" dumbass shit. You're trying to compare an epic, BIND ON EQUIP, WORLD DROP, level 35 staff to a QUESTED level 50 staff.

Secondly, you're comparing items that are from two completely different sides of the spectrum. One is INT/SPR/+Damage, which is for builds that focus on grouping for maximum efficieny out of spells or PvP-One-Shot type gimmicks; the other is STA/INT and is used primarily in builds that AoE grind a lot or simply prefer the ability to outlast the opposition.

One is rare as shit, and on some servers you see maybe once a month. The other every Joe-Blow can get easily with minimal effort. One stat != same value in terms of point allocation, and much less how one person weighs each stat in gear choices.

http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3228 is a staff that still outperforms your green quested item, depending on which non-moronic person you speak to. Any healer worth his weight in salt understands the value of even minute amounts of spirit, and would rather see something with more balance like the IR over that green POS.

Please, come up with another Mr. Japanese Name. I haven't had this many laughs in quite a while.


To your question about what class I played, my main is a Rogue(I think he's 58, or almost 58 anyway).

I always wanted to make an undead Warrior or undead Shadow Priest( I always liked the undead :P ) though.


Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them.

I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics.


Concidered level 40. Meaning equivalent to a 50 green.


They seem pretty equivalent.

Just. Wow.

I didn't realize people were so stupid.

First of all, if you're going to compare, actually know WHAT you're going to compare. None of thise "Well, it's 35 but it's SUPPOSED to be 40 so I'll make that my argument!" dumbass shit. You're trying to compare an epic, BIND ON EQUIP, WORLD DROP, level 35 staff to a QUESTED level 50 staff.

Secondly, you're comparing items that are from two completely different sides of the spectrum. One is INT/SPR/+Damage, which is for builds that focus on grouping for maximum efficieny out of spells or PvP-One-Shot type gimmicks; the other is STA/INT and is used primarily in builds that AoE grind a lot or simply prefer the ability to outlast the opposition.

One is rare as shit, and on some servers you see maybe once a month. The other every Joe-Blow can get easily with minimal effort. One stat != same value in terms of point allocation, and much less how one person weighs each stat in gear choices.

http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3228 is a staff that still outperforms your green quested item, depending on which non-moronic person you speak to. Any healer worth his weight in salt understands the value of even minute amounts of spirit, and would rather see something with more balance like the IR over that green POS.

Please, come up with another Mr. Japanese Name. I haven't had this many laughs in quite a while.

I could try having a discussion, but seeing as your arguments are:

"You are an idiot" followed by some text.

I will walk away. You may be right, but it seems that all you want is a gratuitous flamefest. It is not something that you want to get involved into, because first of all it would show to everyone you are a wannabe troll, and you would probably bit off more than you can chew. While it would be entertaining for me to question the sexual preferences of your mother while pulling out more appropriate drops than the first epic I could think of and the only thing that came up as a level 50 staff, I believe it would be better for this thread, and this argument, to be ignored.

Come burning crusade, we will see who was right. I still believe that MC will be ignored largely in favour of leveling and new smaller instances, which will be more accessible than the 40 man instances.

You can still believe that people will want to waste their time in MC instead of moving on to the next things.


Comme december, I will open my name again for the following year. Provide me with an appropriare name, location and sig, and you willl give me my name. Although I currently think the first thing that came to your mind was along the line of: "Mr. Idiot Fat Ass." So I will politely decline any of your entries with the same kindergarten flavours.

Have a good day.


oy. bloodscalp was up for about 5 minutes. just long enough for me to go aggro a mob and then for the server to crash. i'm probably dead now.

the server still shows up as online in the realm list, but when i click 'enter world', it does the loading bar thing then boots me right back to the character selection screen. :(

i have a feeling if this continues for much longer blizz is gonna put the kaibosh on cross realm battlegrounds.


I've never seen WoW played on a crappy computer before. I saw my friend playing WoW on his old laptop and I thought WoW could never look so horrible and skippy lol.

I think it has an intel celeron processor too :x

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