sephfire Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Onyxia, Darkspear ... I'm game for anywhere you guys prefer. Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 You guys wait till I have a level 21 pally on Illidan to decide you want to play on ANOTHER server? I even convinced my brother to reroll there. What the hell!?!?! On Illidan: Wolfenleid, 58 Orc Hunter Composure, 21 BE Pally Also, World Server is down as of 9:11pm EST Friday January 19, 2007. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 You guys wait till I have a level 21 pally on Illidan to decide you want to play on ANOTHER server? I even convinced my brother to reroll there. What the hell!?!?!On Illidan: Wolfenleid, 58 Orc Hunter Composure, 21 BE Pally Also, World Server is down as of 9:11pm EST Friday January 19, 2007. you said your server is full of queues and lag...well onyxia and...well darkspear as far as i know...don't have any onixya has teh advantage of being that means even less lag Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I haven't seen a queue since the day after patch day, and the lag is getting better now with lots of people transfering off. Free transfers are open AGAIN for Illidan, this time to The Underbog (Central time PvP realm). If you guys want to transfer, for fuck's sake, say something before the deadline on tuesday. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Jesus Christ, how many separate patches does Blizz need to deliver? Why can't they roll it all into one for the poor resubs? Quote
sephfire Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 You guys wait till I have a level 21 pally on Illidan to decide you want to play on ANOTHER server? I even convinced my brother to reroll there. What the hell!?!?! Blizzard's offering free server transfers for a limited time. Beats re-rolling, that's for sure. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Why transfer off if everyone else is? I mean, as long as the situation is improving, there's no need to move. Almost got the last patch... maybe I'll see some playtime tonight. Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Blizzard's offering free server transfers for a limited time. Beats re-rolling, that's for sure. Free server transfers to a SPECIFIC server. NOT to Onyxia or wherever. Quote
sephfire Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Ooooooohhh. Yeah, forget it. I'll wait it out. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Man, I don't even know what to do with myself in this game. I'm almost to 55, at which point my confusion over what to do if I run out of shells is solved, but after that it's going to be a sort of aimless grind to 60... there's hardly even anyone looking to do instances right now, despite Shadowsong being so overpopulated, because most everyone has jumped to Outland already and won't see the light of Azeroth for a while. I'm thinking I should just abandon these quests in Mara, ZF and ST that I've been holding onto for the past year and a half... I don't even know what guild I ought to join if I even could without being 60 at this point. Maybe I should take the transfer to Blade's Edge and see how things look from a fresh perspective. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Fire: I say just drop them and move on. It has been hell getting groups for instance for my BE paladin, and that is with the influx of all the new BE alts, so unless you wanted to wait until people caught up to you, just quest until you are 58 and then hit outland yourself. The amount of EXP and the quality of the items you get there is crazy, and then you can meet up with pretty much everyone on your server. I have been using a super awesome leveling guide to keep things efficient, and have not only done a bunch of quests that I missed on previous characters, but have cut my levelling time in half. My paladin is level 30 now, with about 1 day, 8 hours /played. I guess that means I've been playing way too much this week. horde: alliance: Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Yeah, I'm dropping Mara (too many items taking up too much bank space) and ZF (only one quest and don't care for the reward), but I'll hold out for ST another level or two. Working in Azshara and now Winterspring has actually been pretty fast levelling. 55, almost 56 already. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 It seems everyone is tucked away playing now... I bought TBC. Halfway to 58, and then I can find out if this whole thing has been a good decision. I've been collecting some 57-60 greens from Outland off the AH, and damn are they good. The "of the Bandit" mod is godlike for Hunters (as is, IIRC, "of the Beast.") Also, I bought 57 req Felscale Gloves (HUGE agi + attack power bonus), looking at the great set bonuses (crit rating for 2, stamina for 4), only to find out the other pieces of the set are 61, 63 and 66 reqs, and are leatherwork recipes anyway. While this is good news for my obtaining them in the near future, I feel like I wasted about 3g. Meh. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 It seems everyone is tucked away playing now...I bought TBC. Halfway to 58, and then I can find out if this whole thing has been a good decision. I've been collecting some 57-60 greens from Outland off the AH, and damn are they good. The "of the Bandit" mod is godlike for Hunters (as is, IIRC, "of the Beast.") Also, I bought 57 req Felscale Gloves (HUGE agi + attack power bonus), looking at the great set bonuses (crit rating for 2, stamina for 4), only to find out the other pieces of the set are 61, 63 and 66 reqs, and are leatherwork recipes anyway. While this is good news for my obtaining them in the near future, I feel like I wasted about 3g. Meh. i just got TBC today...and all i have to say is.....hellfire peninsula alone was worth every penny i spent in the game Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 Fire: I say just drop them and move on. It has been hell getting groups for instance for my BE paladin, and that is with the influx of all the new BE alts, so unless you wanted to wait until people caught up to you, just quest until you are 58 and then hit outland yourself. The amount of EXP and the quality of the items you get there is crazy, and then you can meet up with pretty much everyone on your server.I have been using a super awesome leveling guide to keep things efficient, and have not only done a bunch of quests that I missed on previous characters, but have cut my levelling time in half. My paladin is level 30 now, with about 1 day, 8 hours /played. I guess that means I've been playing way too much this week. horde: alliance: The links refuse to work for me. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 The links refuse to work for me. Their server has issues staying up. I was on there last night so I am pretty sure I have it cached. If I can pull it up, i'll host it for you. I just hit 40 last night, so I know I have the 31-40 and 41-50 pages. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 Their server has issues staying up. I was on there last night so I am pretty sure I have it cached. If I can pull it up, i'll host it for you. I just hit 40 last night, so I know I have the 31-40 and 41-50 pages. Please do, if you don't mind. I would really appreciate it. Horde plz Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Illidan is back in working order. Dunno what Blizzard changed but it works fine now, no queues or lag. Anyways I'm 62 now, doing some quests in Zangarmarsh. I think I'm doing something wrong though, because it takes me an amazingly, amazingly, amazingly long time to level. 58-60 was nothing, I did that in one 8 hour session. 60-61 on the other hand............................................................ /wrists. First mob I killed yielded something like 500xp, so I checked my stats mod to see how many kills to level. 2429. So it took me 3 days of endless grinding and quests to hit 61. 5 more days to hit 62. I figure I'm looking at a solid week to hit 63 (two days into it so far). Meanwhile, my guild leader goes from 61-64 in a day... what the fuck is going on? Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Illidan is back in working order. Dunno what Blizzard changed but it works fine now, no queues or lag.Anyways I'm 62 now, doing some quests in Zangarmarsh. I think I'm doing something wrong though, because it takes me an amazingly, amazingly, amazingly long time to level. 58-60 was nothing, I did that in one 8 hour session. 60-61 on the other hand............................................................ /wrists. First mob I killed yielded something like 500xp, so I checked my stats mod to see how many kills to level. 2429. So it took me 3 days of endless grinding and quests to hit 61. 5 more days to hit 62. I figure I'm looking at a solid week to hit 63 (two days into it so far). Meanwhile, my guild leader goes from 61-64 in a day... what the fuck is going on? That seems odd. It took me a couple of hours, not even focused on grinding, to go 58-59 in Hellfire. With rested xp, every mob yielded over 1k xp, and quests were giving 6k-9k xp each (I only turned in about 4 quests, too, plus the silly travel quests they give you right out of the Portal to get you out and about in the region). I can't speak for 60+ yet, so... I don't know. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Illidan is back in working order. Dunno what Blizzard changed but it works fine now, no queues or lag.Anyways I'm 62 now, doing some quests in Zangarmarsh. I think I'm doing something wrong though, because it takes me an amazingly, amazingly, amazingly long time to level. 58-60 was nothing, I did that in one 8 hour session. 60-61 on the other hand............................................................ /wrists. First mob I killed yielded something like 500xp, so I checked my stats mod to see how many kills to level. 2429. So it took me 3 days of endless grinding and quests to hit 61. 5 more days to hit 62. I figure I'm looking at a solid week to hit 63 (two days into it so far). Meanwhile, my guild leader goes from 61-64 in a day... what the fuck is going on? it took you 7 days to get 62? you have some serious lvling BC 5 days ago...i lvld from 57-64 doing terokkar forest now...very awesome there! zangamrash was nicer tho tommorow i hope to hit lvl 65 and go do nagrand Quote
Ramaniscence Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Illidan is back in working order. Dunno what Blizzard changed but it works fine now, no queues or lag.Anyways I'm 62 now, doing some quests in Zangarmarsh. I think I'm doing something wrong though, because it takes me an amazingly, amazingly, amazingly long time to level. 58-60 was nothing, I did that in one 8 hour session. 60-61 on the other hand............................................................ /wrists. First mob I killed yielded something like 500xp, so I checked my stats mod to see how many kills to level. 2429. So it took me 3 days of endless grinding and quests to hit 61. 5 more days to hit 62. I figure I'm looking at a solid week to hit 63 (two days into it so far). Meanwhile, my guild leader goes from 61-64 in a day... what the fuck is going on? Speaking if Illidan, Adrienne bought BC and started up a warrior, ftw. I've been levelling my Pally but I never seen you on. What's the deal, yo? Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Doug, what's your pally's name? My toons on Illidan: Wolfenleid (lvl 62 orc hunter) Composure (lvl 29 blood elf paladin) Spectral (lvl lowbie blood elf rogue) Bismuth (lvl lowbie undead priest) also, my brother rolled on Illidan: Brana (lvl 32 blood elf paladin) And as I said earlier, 58-60 was nothing. I did that in an afternoon in the plaguelands. But 60+ is a bitch for some reason. Maybe I'm not getting as much xp as I should be for some reason? Most mobs give me 300-500xp without rest, quest turnins anywhere from 6,000-10,000 xp. Probably has something to do with that horrid hunter nerf last patch. My DPS has been reduced about 45%, and that's AFTER getting new outlands gear. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Reemaniscenc because I ran out of letters and didn't really care about my name, lol Adrienne is like Gaelle or some shit. She's an undead warrior. Quote
Zero_Infiniti Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 My roommate got it for christmas and my computer is the only one that can run it. we've both been playing, but later when he gets his own computer, or i get a laptop, i'm going to buy the game and create my own'll suck cause i can't switch my character over, but i figure i'll restart my BE Mage anyway, i've barely played her and instead been playing my undead warlock. I play on Dunemaul, name's Alkaid, undead warlock. but judging by the first page, no one plays on Dunemaul...oh well, i'll play with my bro and my roommate and some of my bro's friends. PS: Oh and Horde ftw! Quote
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