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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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Posted (edited)

So I got bored. Basically I ran around as a Scout, Sniper, and Engineer on these maps, seeing what shenangians I could get up to for ~10m each. It's all the cp maps, I'll do ctf next. This is all just my take on it, I'm pretty sure others have different ideas as to what we should prune and what we should keep.

cp_antiquity_rc1 - Incan/Mayan ruins aestetic. Good without being too packed. Already been played on quite a bit with no complaints. Keep

cp_bazillion_rc5 - "Normal" aestetic. Cluttered end points with semi-open mid points. Has bad flow, will take several tries to figure out where to go. Remove

cp_blackmesa_final - Factory aestic. Full of long, narrow corridors with few side paths that will make things very unfun and meat grindery. Remove

cp_broma - Could pass for dustbowl visually. We've played on this before with few complaints. Quite small compared to most A/D maps - a RED sniper could stand on A and have sight to 2 of 3 blu spawn exits. Still close enough to not be THAT much of an issue. I hope. Keep

cp_buzzards_canyon_xmas - HUGE. This map is enormous compared to other CPs. Has a lot of visual noise and filler, possibly to keep one good sniper or a wrangler engineer from locking down from one spot. Nothing glaringly wrong with a huge map, but I imagine this would be most fun with a full group. Test with group

cp_desertfortress - We've played this before, and honestly, I don't like it. It's got some powerful sightlines for a sniper in many places, it's excessively "plain" in the sense that there's not a whole lot of variety. A lot of grey, a lot of chance of just the good snipers we have locking down one team completely until the medic+whoever rolls in and caps. Remove

cp_erosion_rc2 - Distance between B and A are exceptionally long and brutal - would need to see an actual game on this rather large map to see if those points are an impossible cap with an engineer and sniper. Does do an S-shaped thing with it's formation, which is neat. Test with group

cp_furnace_rc - Very, very heavy gravelpit influence. It's like someone wanted to make gravelpit_pro, and then just kept going and then tried to make a whole new map. Doesn't really have any glaring problems, other than this awful red filter over everything. Keep

cp_glacier_rc6 - A nice snow-themed map with some deathpits (in the form of water) around B. No real complaints, we've done this before and it has all the marks of a decent map. Keep

cp_gothic_event - Steel-type map in a gothic setting. I have yet to see any evidence of the HHH, if that's what _event is supposed to be, but beyond that, no real problems. Can be somewhat twisty-turning confusing to new people, but then again, so is steel! Keep

cp_grassland_rc3 - Very noisy, visually. Enough that it feels cluttered. Hard to push C without overwhelming numbers - much easier for RED than BLU. Remove

cp_gydan - A 4-point map that flows well, has cover and scenery without being noisy and cluttered, and I always like alpine-ish maps. Keep

cp_hotelhell - A level from Duke Nukem 3D rearranged and converted into TF2. No, it does not work. Remove

cp_indulge - Woodmill map. Has one saw between A & B. A tight, focused map that I've seen a lot of other servers use in their rotation. No real issues. Keep

cp_industrial_b7 - Eh. I wasn't a fan, it was excessively cluttered, and I got lost easy. Could just be me, and not the map, though. Test with group

cp_kakariko_a3 - Gimmick Map. Remove

cp_labor - Goes for a western/texas setting. No real issues. Keep

cp_mainline_rc6 - A great map. Even has a spot for fungineering for Gamemaster. Keep

cp_mario_bros_beta8 Mario 1-1 Floating in a blue void. Remove

cp_observatory4 - After capturing A or B, you can capture C - you don't need both. I like the idea, and it's a small enough map that it could work. No glaring issues, but I feel like I'm missing something. Test with group

cp_pacman_plus_wtf - Gimmick Map. Pac-Man

cp_ravine_b2 - Almost one long straight line, with all the problems that has. The middle point is only able to be exited by non-exploding jump classes via a rather large pit of water, wherein a shark pyro could pretty much single-handedly wipe a push. Remove

cp_science2 - Goes for an odd cross-layout-setup. The points are arranged in plus-shape, and the first objective is the middle, then one of the sides, then the top or bottom. Definately want to see this in action, could have enough signage and flow to counter the weird design. Test with group

cp_shabbytown_final - A confusing mismash of open corridors that dumps you into a huge wide open middle. Both parts are bad in different ways. Remove

cp_stag - Mid is tremendously open, and the other two points try to emphasize the vertical over the horizontal. Soldiers & Demos have a huge advantage over everything else there, and a sniper will just shut down mid. Remove

cp_stark_b2 - A very nice map with good flow, and no glaring issues. Keep

cp_station_B1 - The points are very tightly packed and well-guarded, but the parts between them are huge and open horizontally. On the fence. Test with group

cp_stoneyridge_rc1 - We've played it plenty of times before and had no issue. Keep

cp_takeback_mountain - a 3CP map that's long, but has enough cover to not crap itself. Keep

cp_titan_rc1 - 6CP back and forth. Has custom icons for it as well. Each point is it's own huge yard, which could cause issues. Test with group

cp_toy_fort_alt3 - Someone tried to iterate and improve on Toy Fort to turn it into a legitimate map. EhhhhhhhhhhhEEEEEEHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Test with group

cp_toy_fort_beta2 - The final cap point is -literally- next to the spawn door. Also, you know, Toy Fort Remove

cp_warpath - Based off a TFC map. Very srsbsns map, very open. Will cause a lot of back and forth, endless stalemating. Remove

cp_warpath2 - See the above comments, because very little changed. Remove

cp_waste_final - Pretty good 5CP map! We've played on it a few times, rarely does a problem happen because of the map. Keep

cp_wildmire_b3 - Mid seems a LITTLE open, but the flow is good. Took me a second to recognize the second path to each point, was about to call it out for bad chokepoint. No problems once I saw that. Keep

cp_zinkenite_b3a - A very noisy 3-Stage map. Also huge in size, although apparently the author is attempting to fix that. The final cap point seems extremely hard for BLU to cap without a team-wide dedicated coordinated push. I don't think I've ever seen that happened on the OCR sever, ever. Test with group

Edited by Lyrai
Posted (edited)


cp_broma - Could pass for dustbowl visually. We've played on this before with few complaints. Quite small compared to most A/D maps - a RED sniper could stand on A and have sight to 2 of 3 blu spawn exits. Still close enough to not be THAT much of an issue. I hope. Keep

cp_furnace_rc - Very, very heavy gravelpit influence. It's like someone wanted to make gravelpit_pro, and then just kept going and then tried to make a whole new map. Doesn't really have any glaring problems, other than this awful red filter over everything. Keep

cp_glacier_rc6 - A nice snow-themed map with some deathpits (in the form of water) around B. No real complaints, we've done this before and it has all the marks of a decent map. Keep

cp_gothic_event - Steel-type map in a gothic setting. I have yet to see any evidence of the HHH, if that's what _event is supposed to be, but beyond that, no real problems. Can be somewhat twisty-turning confusing to new people, but then again, so is steel! Keep

cp_grassland_rc3 - Very noisy, visually. Enough that it feels cluttered. Hard to push C without overwhelming numbers - much easier for RED than BLU. Remove

cp_gydan - A 4-point map that flows well, has cover and scenery without being noisy and cluttered, and I always like alpine-ish maps. Keep

cp_industrial_b7 - Eh. I wasn't a fan, it was excessively cluttered, and I got lost easy. Could just be me, and not the map, though. Test with group

cp_hotelhell - A level from Duke Nukem 3D rearranged and converted into TF2. No, it does not work. Remove

cp_labor - Goes for a western/texas setting. No real issues. Keep

cp_mario_bros_beta8 Mario 1-1 Floating in a blue void. Remove

cp_observatory4 - After capturing A or B, you can capture C - you don't need both. I like the idea, and it's a small enough map that it could work. No glaring issues, but I feel like I'm missing something. Test with group

cp_takeback_mountain - a 3CP map that's long, but has enough cover to not crap itself. Keep

cp_zinkenite_b3a - A very noisy 3-Stage map. Also huge in size, although apparently the author is attempting to fix that. The final cap point seems extremely hard for BLU to cap without a team-wide dedicated coordinated push. I don't think I've ever seen that happened on the OCR sever, ever. Test with group


cp_antiquity_rc1 - Incan/Mayan ruins aestetic. Good without being too packed. Already been played on quite a bit with no complaints. Keep

cp_bazillion_rc5 - "Normal" aestetic. Cluttered end points with semi-open mid points. Has bad flow, will take several tries to figure out where to go. Remove

cp_blackmesa_final - Factory aestic. Full of long, narrow corridors with few side paths that will make things very unfun and meat grindery. `Remove

cp_buzzards_canyon_xmas - HUGE. This map is enormous compared to other CPs. Has a lot of visual noise and filler, possibly to keep one good sniper or a wrangler engineer from locking down from one spot. Nothing glaringly wrong with a huge map, but I imagine this would be most fun with a full group. Test with group

(4CP) cp_desertfortress - We've played this before, and honestly, I don't like it. It's got some powerful sightlines for a sniper in many places, it's excessively "plain" in the sense that there's not a whole lot of variety. A lot of grey, a lot of chance of just the good snipers we have locking down one team completely until the medic+whoever rolls in and caps. Remove

cp_erosion_rc2 - Distance between B and A are exceptionally long and brutal - would need to see an actual game on this rather large map to see if those points are an impossible cap with an engineer and sniper. Does do an S-shaped thing with it's formation, which is neat. Test with group

cp_indulge - Woodmill map. Has one saw between A & B. A tight, focused map that I've seen a lot of other servers use in their rotation. No real issues. Keep

cp_kakariko_a3 - Gimmick Map. Remove

cp_mainline_rc6 - A great map. Even has a spot for fungineering for Gamemaster. Keep

cp_pacman_plus_wtf - Gimmick Map. Pac-Man

cp_ravine_b2 - Almost one long straight line, with all the problems that has. The middle point is only able to be exited by non-exploding jump classes via a rather large pit of water, wherein a shark pyro could pretty much single-handedly wipe a push. Remove

cp_science2 - Goes for an odd cross-layout-setup. The points are arranged in plus-shape, and the first objective is the middle, then one of the sides, then the top or bottom. Definately want to see this in action, could have enough signage and flow to counter the weird design. Test with group

cp_shabbytown_final - A confusing mismash of open corridors that dumps you into a huge wide open middle. Both parts are bad in different ways. Remove

cp_stag - Mid is tremendously open, and the other two points try to emphasize the vertical over the horizontal. Soldiers & Demos have a huge advantage over everything else there, and a sniper will just shut down mid. Remove

cp_stark_b2 - A very nice map with good flow, and no glaring issues. Keep

cp_station_B1 - The points are very tightly packed and well-guarded, but the parts between them are huge and open horizontally. On the fence. Test with group

cp_stoneyridge_rc1 - We've played it plenty of times before and had no issue. Keep

cp_titan_rc1 - 6CP back and forth. Has custom icons for it as well. Each point is it's own huge yard, which could cause issues. Test with group

cp_toy_fort_alt3 - Someone tried to iterate and improve on Toy Fort to turn it into a legitimate map. EhhhhhhhhhhhEEEEEEHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Test with group

cp_toy_fort_beta2 - The final cap point is -literally- next to the spawn door. Also, you know, Toy Fort Remove

cp_warpath - Based off a TFC map. Very srsbsns map, very open. Will cause a lot of back and forth, endless stalemating. Remove

cp_warpath2 - See the above comments, because very little changed. Remove

cp_waste_final - Pretty good 5CP map! We've played on it a few times, rarely does a problem happen because of the map. Keep

cp_wildmire_b3 - Mid seems a LITTLE open, but the flow is good. Took me a second to recognize the second path to each point, was about to call it out for bad chokepoint. No problems once I saw that. Keep

Edited by Lyrai

I'm basically in complete agreement with that list. The raised platform in Mainline was broken in the previous version, as a single sentry could get complete coverage of all 3 routes coming into mid. That's no longer the case.

You can still plop a sentry down in front of the building that obscures the second point, and again have it cover all 3 entryways, but 2 of those have doors and the third is an uneven dirt path where I'm pretty sure you can edge the gun, even if it's optimally positioned. Annoying, but not unassailable.

My only serious issue with the map is pickups. There are 2 medium health/ammo pairs and 1 small pair on the way to mid, then a medium pair on either side of mid itself. There was one additional medium ammo by itself by 2nd. For a map as large and spacious as Mainline is, that doesn't feel like much to go around. It's not a dealbreaker, but I don't feel it does the map any favors either.

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 1875461.



- Added Total War: Rome II "Romevision" promo for Mann vs. Machine mode

- Updated the localization files

Server updated and restarted.

Lyrai, that is an awesome list, and that is an awesome thing you did. Many thanks, I'll take a look at compiling a custom night setlist from that.

Posted (edited)

ctf_atrophy_b4 - I like the design of the map - the intels are mobile, starting out deep in base before ending up right next to each other in the mid. Capping an intel causes the cart to rush back and pick up a new suitcase. The intel being mobile helps counter any issues I'd have, as well as some of the problems I have with CTF on the whole. Keep

ctf_biomass_rc1 - This is WAY too damn big and linear for a CTF map. Remove

ctf_crossunder - Bad flow. Extremely plain in the middle, and cramped unpleasantly around each intel. Remove

ctf_decker_rc1 - Set in a cruise ship level. The middle arena has multiple levels, and up top it's wide open. An open shipping container in the middle blocks a lot, but I'd want to see it in action. Test with group

ctf_flakey_b3 - I like the style of it. Lots of paths, despite being rather small and compact, no enforced stalemates. Keep

ctf_haarp - This is...actually A/D Blended with CTF. You have to carry the intel to the first point, which caps instantly, then carry (from start) to the second point. The problem is, to avoid maps being over in a split second, it's designed to be a meat grinder, inching forward bit by bit. This map purposly encourages stalemates. Remove Remove Remove

ctf_impact2 - Unless you are spectacularly good at rocketjumping or rocking the sticky jumper, the one path to & from the intel is at the end of a very long corridor. Middle is basically one big hill of sand between a more bland 2fort. Remove

ctf_landfall_rc - Slightly large for a CTF, but it makes good use of it's space. There's no real problem spots, and it simply feels nice. There's just enough blockage to prevent one engineer or sniper from locking something down, preventing a stalemate. Keep

ctf_mach4 - Intel is right outside the spawn rooms, with plenty of space. Near-impossible to capture. Feels almost like someone stretched out 2fort. Remove

ctf_mercy - Short & Compact. The intel room has enough positioning that one sentry can't just lock everything down, and an alternate entry for high-jumpers. Flows very well, too. Keep

ctf_operative_b1 - The pipes throw you off a bit - warp pipes - and are naturally a huge spammy corridor - but they're not required to move around. We've played it before and it flowed pretty well. The platforms can scare you and can keep a match suprising. Keep

ctf_quarry - A fairly small map, two business complexes with a large quarry inbetween them. Side paths randomly murder everyone in them with mine carts. Semiconfusing layout. The intel rooms commit the worst sin of CTF - One engineer can cover the entire room. Remove

ctf_royal_b3 - Two castles of cards on a pool table. Cute, but unless you're a demo or soldier, it's impossible to get the intel. And even then, it's trivial to completely block anything from getting in. Remove

ctf_Sunsettown_F1 - Big, and open. Some rocks and a metal plate mitigate one engineer locking down an entire area mindlessly. Better than it looked at a first glance, but I'm still unsure. Test with group

ctf_turbine_pro_b1 - A modification of Turbine, adding a new route to the intel via a hallway that leads to on top of the ledge just outside, and modifies how the vents go into the room, to break up turtling. Given that as a group, we understand the concept of "ubering" and not "Run blindly in as a brass beast heavy", this map is largely useless to us. Remove

Edited by Lyrai
ctf_turbine_pro_b1 - A modification of Turbine, adding a new route to the intel via a hallway that leads to on top of the ledge just outside, and modifies how the vents go into the room, to break up turtling. Given that as a group, we understand the concept of "ubering" and not "Run blindly in as a brass beast heavy", this map is largely useless to us. Remove

I still prefer turbine_pro because the banana hallway is massively useful to me as a Spy, but I understand your point.


Yeah, Turbine Pro is almost directly a result of the pub mentality of "More engineers means we win, right?" Turbine does greatly suffer in that a large amount of engineers can shut it down...to pubs. A coordinated push, one that we do see on the server regularly, can destroy that nest.


I say Lyrai mention cp_toy_fort_alt3 a few posts back.

Last time we ran this on RUGC_Midwest, it crashed for some people while loading. I'd avoid it due to that alone... which is a shame because it fixes most of the issues that Toy Fort has.

Granted, that was before the SteamPipe update.


koth_fever_b1 - The server completely shits the bed whenever I try to switch to this map. Remove or Fix

koth_hardrock_rc - Nice and compact. Not a lot of visual clutter, pretty clear, and nothing too bad about it. Keep

koth_lighthouse_rc3 - You know, I was worried it'd pull a dumb move and make the cap point at the top of the lighthouse, but no, it's the base, and there's ramps only to a level up, to prevent a Demo or a Gamemaster from getting too high up and raining death down on everyone. It IS pretty cluttered, but it seems smart enough about it that I want to see it in action. Test with group

koth_megaman6_b5 - We've played on this a bunch. Multiple levels that are intelligently designed without being out of sorts. My sole complaint is that it's sometimes jarring to see the bright NES graphics against TF2's characters. They do not fit, but when the only complaint is "Sometimes it looks funny", that says a bit. Keep

koth_moonshine_rc - I have to say, I love this map. The size is right, the areas provide cover without being too bad about it. The water in the middle provides great atmosphere without turning it into Shark Pyro Playground. Everything about this map just seems Nice. Keep

koth_pacman_wtf_b2 - It's Pac-Man. Pac-Man

koth_saturnvalley - Looking at Gimmick Maps Makes You Happy Adorable, but Remove

koth_saw_final - HA HA HA YES. A gimmick map of nothing but huge deathsaws everywhere. Manages to be open enough and have some side paths and battlements to not make it as bad as traingrid or trainsawlaser. I want to say keep, but I am examining these maps in terms of playability, not "Hearing people swear when they get airblasted into saws." Remove

koth_scorched_final - Suffers from being a bad conversion of a CP map, and being excessively large - apparently no actual shrinkage occured from the conversion, they just...messed with the control points. The cap itself is a paradise for knockback classes, as a stiff wind will send everyone into the gigantic massive lava pit in the middle of the room. It's massive size kills it, though - maps with quick deaths are only amusing if you can get back into the action quicker than normal. Remove

koth_skylab_rc1 - I like the visual design, although it's got a lot of things that made me think gravity would change, a la Serious Sam. No such luck. Compact with lots of cover. Maybe too compact, not sure. Test with group

koth_sollytude - Medival Mode Koth? Well okay. This map suffers a lot from it's size, especially if it forces medival mode. It remidns me a lot of old Jedi Knight/Jedi Knight 2 maps, where the focus is more on aestetics and visual appeal, than actual gameplay. I mean yeah a banquet hall and all that is cool, but you've made it an actual chore to play on this. Especially in koth, and especially for Medival Mode. Remove

koth_traingrid_b2 - This is literally a square room with a 3x3 grid of trains running through it. Nothing else. Cute gimmick, but after the first few train hits, you realize there's nothing else. Remove


tc_meridian_rc3 - Exchanges CPs for Intel-Capping for each of it's 6 zones. A nice visual aestetic, and the areas are designed with TC in mind, not just 3 smaller CTF maps. The last point on each side, rather htan two Intels, is one team going for the cap, and the other defending for five minutes, apparently. For those rare occasions we do play TC, at least. Keep

tc_ramparts_a4 - This isn't tc, this is payload race. And everything is covered in dev textures. And when I tried to even test it, the carts spawned outside the arena. This is fundamentally broken. Remove

tc_spectre_b5 - Plain, but servicable. Better than Ramparts, at least! Keep


plr_clandestine - Some kind of underground mining complex. Nice. Doesn't fall flat, and no obvious problem spots. Keep

plr_frostfell_b1b - One long map. Has a small transition halfway where the cart is forced to stop. Snow level, and people seem to love snow levels. Keep

plr_panic_b2 - I like the gimmick at the start - the carts are high up on a hill and roll into the starting position just as the round starts. The map's segments are tight and compact, and it's not a chore to play on. Keep


We've actually played on a LOT of these pl maps already. We play PL in general more than other modes, and so we've culled a lot of the weak ones off the server already. Consider the Looks Good links a way of avoiding having to analyze something we've all already analyzed ten times over.

pl_badwater_rainy - TAybG4C.jpgRemove

pl_beerbowl_b5a -


pl_borax_rc2 -


pl_boundary_final -


pl_buzzards_canyon_xmas - Hey, do you k now what happens when you take a map too huge for one mode, and put it in a mode where huge maps work well? The map becomes more decent! It's still rather big, but all of the problems that occur in CP vanish more or less here. Keep

pl_cashworks_final1 -


pl_curve_rc5 - Linear, without much left & right movement. Has two roadblocks that you have to wait for it to move. Test With Group

pl_deadwater_snow - Badwater, except the cart has a "Boo" effect on it, scaring all those pushing it. Remove

pl_deadwood -


pl_deplane_b6 -


pl_donkeykong_final - Gimmick map. Remove

pl_dustbowl_b4 - Eh, it's cute, but chopping it up into the three segments, instead of stitching together the entire dustbowl map at once really kills momentum. Also, it's technically a gimmick map! The gimmick is functional though, and it's not like people enjoy normal Dustbowl. Keep

pl_halfacre -


pl_manngrove_rc5 -


pl_moonlit_b6 - Nice map with a cute gimmick that doesn't get in the way. Keep

pl_outback_rc4 -


pl_redship_rc3 - This...needs a lot of polish. It's definately trying to amp up the ESCORT THE THING THROUGH THE THING, but like that Koth Medival Mode map, it's going for visual flair over cohesive gameplay. Remove

pl_repository_rc3 -


pl_swiftwater_frc20 -


pl_universe_b4 - It starts out cramped, then opens up. There's more paths than I originally thought, and I want to see it in action first. Test With Group

pl_vesper_b4 - It's stylistically similar to most of the good payload customs we're on, and there's no real issues that stood out to me. Keep

pl_volcanic_a20 - Lava-themed industry. Plenty of deathpits. maybe too many. A solid map otherwise. Test With Group

pl_waste_v2 - It's...tug-of-war payload. The map is nice, but I don't recall if we've actually played the tug of war payload on this map. We've done a lot of the CP version of this and people like it. Test With Group

pl_wintertown_finalfix - A fairly straightforward, functional map. Nothing too bad about it. Keep

pl_yamashiro_b3 - Rather plain and open - there's not really a whole lot on this map other than pagoda-style buildings. Pretty easy to pick off at a distance - even the flank routes are just long hallways. Could use a good shake or some debris. Remove

Posted (edited)

There's a new version of Beerbowl that makes some... interesting changes. Might be worth a try. It's pl_beerbowl_b6c

Also, pl_swiftwater_frc20 is one of the old versions. pl_swiftwater_final_rc and pl_swiftwater_ugc are both newer versions. I'm not sure what the difference is between final_rc and ugc.

The main download link for final_rc is broken, but you can find it if you search Google.

Edited by Powerlord
We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 1884404.



- Added Chemistry Sets as a bonus drop. Chemistry Sets are recipe items that have varying inputs and varying outputs. You can complete a Chemistry Set by fulfilling all of its inputs, which will then give you the items it has listed in its outputs.

- The in-game player status panel has been updated to show an animated image of your character with their current loadout

- Can be disabled in Advanced Options

- Added Romevision sharing: anyone playing Mann vs. Machine on the same server with an owner of the Hardy Laurel can now opt-in to Romevision

- Manage your Romevision preference in the Advanced Options dialog

- Fixed a bug that would prevent Jarate and Mad Milk from applying to all targets within range

- Fixed a bug that would cause the Marked For Death icon to stay in the world after the owning player died

- Fixed a bug that would allow Spies to exploit the Kunai's higher overheal limit

- Fixed a bug that prevented the Medigun's "Share Power Ups" upgrade from working correctly in Mann vs. Machine mode

- Fixed a bug that would cause the last few characters of text to be lost when copying text from input fields

- Fixed a client sv_cheats exploit related to the commentary dialog

- Fixed a problem that would cause the shotgun shell model to appear incorrectly third-person when using the Family Business

- Improved bot pathing behavior around ramps

- Bots can now reflect energy-based projectiles

- Fixed incorrect alpha in the backpack images for the Valley Forge and the Founding Father

- The Foppish Physician and the Distinguished Rogue are now paintable and are team-colored by default

- Added server log entries for jarate_attack and milk_attack when using Jarate, Mad Milk, or the Sydney Sleeper

- Fixed using an incorrect path for downloaded custom player sounds

- Fixed duplicate support/mission icons in the Mann vs. Machine HUD

- Don't allow players without admin access on the server to use the various entity-creating commands to create point_servercommand entities

- Updated cp_egypt_final

- Fixed players building inside of Blu's first spawn

- Updated cp_manor_event

- Fixed players building in rafters

- Updated cp_mountainlab

- Fixed clip brush exploit above hallway leading toward final cap

- Fixed exploit where players could be trapped in small space near final cap using teleporters

- Updated plr_hightower

- Added nobuild to cliff bottom to prevent engineers building in the kill volume

- Updated the localization files

Server updating now?

I'm looking into it.

Linux based TF2 servers appear to be crashing on start up after taking this latest update. If your server is updated, please expect this scenario to occur.

We will provide additional details here once they become available.

Looks like the server will be down for tonight. Sorry folks, Christmas is cancelled. Hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow, many apologies.

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