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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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There's an exploit with the Saxxy, where you can transfer the properties of a class's stock melee to any different class, resulting in silliness such as backstabbing Scouts and a Spy that can't backstab but can melee without breaking disguise.

This works with any allclass weapon, but the Saxxy is the only such weapon that the Spy can equip.

Posted (edited)

Background music, as suggested by Spider

I once had a dream. This vision, this ambition I once had. All I ever wanted from this game, all I had hoped for. It was a simple goal. A bit selfish, and a bit distant, but most dreams are. That's what makes them special. That's what makes it worth the effort, the hardships. Sometimes these ambitions are realized, and sometimes they are shattered before they can grow. Burned away by the cruel universal fate that follows us all. My dream was purely materialistic, and some may say it was a bit vain or egotistical.

You see, all I wanted was a statue garden. I had this vision of a single control point, silent and undefended. Scattered around the steel platform with glowing team colors, dozens of figures stand motionless. With only the faintest hum of a metallic sheen, they glimmer in the sunlight, shining with gold. They stand in various positions, each of them with a different face. Some look surprised, some look frightened. Others only angry, realizing what fate befalls them only moments before it happens. Some merely came to enjoy what they thought was a beautiful sculpture garden, unwittingly unwittingly falling into the trap and joining the exhibit.

These statues were once men, you see. The figures all appear perfectly preserved in their last moments of life. Turned to crystalline jarate by some vile sorcery, they are instantly turned by the shot of a distant high-power rifle. My strange sniper rifle had been granted divine powers, turning all targets into immortal golden statues. I had foolishly believed that this would last.

Sadly, 'twas not the case. Recently, tragedy has befallen us all, and my rifle has transformed from mystical to mundane in an instant. My dream, lost; my hopes, shattered. One day yet I find another aspiration to strive for, but for now at least I have nothing.

Seriously though, guys, if you had an issue with the rifle I wish you had just said something. I would've had GM disable it no problem. It was fun while it lasted, but I apologize if anyone was actually bothered by it.

On a sidenote, does anyone have a strange Heatmaker they'd be willing to trade? Now that my regular rifle is, well, regular again, the heatmaker takes my top spot for favorite rifle. I don't have a strange one, though.

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero
Posted (edited)
Seriously though, guys, if you had an issue with the rifle I wish you had just said something. I would've had GM disable it no problem. It was fun while it lasted, but I apologize if anyone was actually bothered by it.

This is a thing? Of all the stuff to complain about, someone picked the silly server plugin that lets people have custom attributes on weapons? :neutral:

Also, there isn't a Strange Heatmaker yet, so you're out of luck there.

Edited by Clefairy

The statue reminded me of my eternal shame of standing still for more than two seconds when there's a competent sniper on the other team.

Seriously people had an issue with a fucking cosmetic effect? Was someone assaulted by a sculptor when they were younger? I had D&D and finals study tonight so I wasn't on the server.

The statue reminded me of my eternal shame of standing still for more than two seconds when there's a competent sniper on the other team.

Seriously people had an issue with a fucking cosmetic effect? Was someone assaulted by a sculptor when they were younger? I had D&D and finals study tonight so I wasn't on the server.

I'm not too worried about it. It was probably more just annoying than it was bothering people, but that's alright. Annoying people is kinda my thing, but there is a line somewhere.

I'm not too worried about it. It was probably more just annoying than it was bothering people, but that's alright. Annoying people is kinda my thing, but there is a line somewhere.

Personally I don't think you were anywhere near it. I mean, sure, even I get a little peeved at the chuckleshots (my personal name for when you headshot and laugh), but then I just go sniper and do it right back! :D But the statue thing? Doesn't even enter my radar.

Insert old adage about thick skins here.


It's probably better in the long run that it's gone, anyhow. I wrote that bit of story not because I'm upset, but rather hopefully someone got a laugh out of it.

Also I'm not trying to blame anyone here, fact is I had something that wasn't really part of the game in any way whatsoever, so really it's not an issue.

I'm afraid some of you may be taking me too seriously here (never take me seriously), so really it's all pretty lighthearted fun. That's the intent, anyhow. like I said, if anyone is even the slightest bit negatively effected by it, no arguments here, just remove it. I ain't even mad, bro.

Personally I don't think you were anywhere near it. I mean, sure, even I get a little peeved at the chuckleshots (my personal name for when you headshot and laugh), but then I just go sniper and do it right back! :D But the statue thing? Doesn't even enter my radar.

Insert old adage about thick skins here.

I just backstab him.

So yeah, LOL hacker.

Can you elaborate?

Also, my custom HUD has been giving me some issues recently, most notably causing TF2 to exit on disconnect from server or on mapchange. (At least it doesn't make me verify the files every time I play, thank god.) So if I suddenly vanish while ingame it's probably technical issues on my end.

Can you elaborate?

Last night there was a very obvious speedhacker on the server. GM came around to ban him eventually, but the server was dying anyway, so we didn't make a big deal out of it until then. From the little bit we chatted him up, he seemed alright, and his shenanigans were more amusing than harmful on a 3v3 Hightower.

Last night there was a very obvious speedhacker on the server. GM came around to ban him eventually, but the server was dying anyway, so we didn't make a big deal out of it until then. From the little bit we chatted him up, he seemed alright, and his shenanigans were more amusing than harmful on a 3v3 Hightower.

In my opinion, it seemed like the server was doing alright 'til he showed up. Could just be coincidence, but I think it might be good to have a few more admins who are available past 11pm.

Voteban and votekick would work alright for the unsavory folk who don't use the namechanger thing, but those don't work via SteamID I'm pretty sure.

Posted (edited)

Selling this shit at or below backpack.tf prices, depending on how much I like you.

Vintage Hats (List generated at TF2Toolbox.com)

  • Vintage Engineer's Cap x 2
  • Vintage Pyro's Beanie
  • Vintage Pyrovision Goggles
  • Vintage Tough Guy's Toque

Normal Hats

  • A Whiff of the Old Brimstone
  • Berliner's Bucket Helm
  • Birdcage
  • Bolted Bushman x 3
  • Haunted Bonedolier x 3
  • Bonk Helm
  • Haunted Boo Balloon
  • Buccaneer's Bicorne
  • Coffin Kit (Uncraftable)
  • Haunted Crone's Dome x 4
  • Haunted Dead Little Buddy
  • Engineer's Cap
  • Haunted Exorcizor x 2
  • Gentleman's Ushanka
  • Ghastlierest Gibus
  • Itsy Bitsy Spyer
  • Madame Dixie
  • Haunted Master Mind
  • Medic Mech-bag x 2
  • Haunted Plutonidome
  • Pyrobotics Pack
  • Rimmed Raincatcher x 2
  • Salty Dog
  • Haunted Scarecrow
  • Sober Stuntman
  • Soviet Gentleman
  • Haunted Spooky Shoes
  • Tin Pot
  • Trophy Belt
  • Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
  • Tyrant's Helm (Pink - Hell)
  • U-clank-a
  • Haunted Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul
  • Whoopee Cap (Pink - 216)
  • Haunted Wraith Wrap
  • Ze Goggles
  • Haunted Zipperface

Promo Hats

  • Vintage Foster's Facade
  • Lumbricus Lid
  • Vintage Stockbroker's Scarf
  • The Athletic Supporter
  • The Essential Accessories
  • The Superfan

Strange Weapons

  • Strange Blood Botkiller Sniper Rifle
  • Strange Rust Botkiller Knife
  • Strange Rust Botkiller Wrench
  • Strange Shotgun
  • Strange Silver Botkiller Knife
  • Strange Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher
  • Strange Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher

Normal Weapons

  • Equalizer
  • Jarate (Uncraftable)
  • Loch-n-Load
  • Mad Milk
  • Postal Pummeler
  • Spy-cicle
  • Vita-Saw

Steam Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/L3DivineBuster

Edited by Lyrai

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