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Be Aggressive!: A Gunstar Heroes Tribute Album - History

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heya! How are all you Remixing Heroes doing? Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. :)

The first check-in deadline for 'Be Aggressive!' is just one month away, on August 31st 2012.

I wanna thank everyone for helping this little project get one heck of a start.

Keep having fun with your mix and we'll see y'all at the end of the month.


...and yes, we are still recruiting. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
The first check-in deadline for 'Be Aggressive!' is just one month away, on August 31st 2012.

Ah, thank the gods... I was thinking it was on the 20th, and that's my first day of classes, preceded by 2 solid weeks of 12 hour drumline days. And also a newer version of my track went corrupt D: I even downloaded a hex editor to try to fix it; bottom two thirds of the file were missing :P Not much I can do about that

I'm absolutely not familiar with the soundtrack, but I may claim something when I'll have less tracks to do. :)
Sounds good. Let us know whenever. :)
Ah, thank the gods... I was thinking it was on the 20th, and that's my first day of classes, preceded by 2 solid weeks of 12 hour drumline days.
Yeah, I didn't wanted to go the 'mass PM reminder' route, but in light of this, I might. And best of luck with your intense schedule. ;)
And also a newer version of my track went corrupt D: I even downloaded a hex editor to try to fix it; bottom two thirds of the file were missing :P Not much I can do about that
Wait, do you mean you've lost the entire project file for your mix? :dstrbd:
No, not the WHOLE thing, just a later version... I'm set back pretty far now though. All that badASS drum sequencing at the end is gone D':

I'm sure you've got plenty of tricks up your sleeve :mrgreen: I have no doubt that you will make 800 feet . I mean the deadline.

Posted (edited)
No, not the WHOLE thing, just a later version... I'm set back pretty far now though. All that badASS drum sequencing at the end is gone D':
PM'd you Pete.
I have no doubt that you will make [...] the deadline.
Got your update and sent you some feedback. ;)

I'm drafting an updated OP to streamline things and add a few details. Should be up soon.

EDIT: OP updated. Only 5 tracks left to claim. :)

Edited by Dj Mokram
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright folks, today is the first check-in deadline!

If you've received a reminder but haven't been in touch yet (or in a while), please contact either me or DusK asap.

We're extending the deadline till the end of the week-end to give everyone a little more time in case they need it. :wink:


The first check-in deadline went by, and it was a great turnout. We'd like to thank everyone who made it on time. :)

You should all have received feedback on your tracks by now, but if I somehow missed someone, hit me up.

A few people went MIA however, and unless we hear from them very soon, their tracks will be re-opened.

Let us know as early as possible when you can't make a deadline. Punctuality is as important as musicianship.

Our goal can now be made clear: we aim to celebrate the game's 20th anniversary on September 2013.

Judging by the current pace and the amount of progress, it looks like we're on track to accomplish that.

The OP will be updated shortly with the next check-in date, so please take good note of that information. ;)

Lastly, communication is the lifeline of this kind of community effort. So make sure to stay in touch with us.

Have fun with your arrangement and see y'all in a couple of months. :grin:

In the works, my friend. :smile:
Do you know something I don't, bro. :P
MIA status hopefully averted from me - I am error, sorry about that. My update should be quite nice, however.
I concur with that last statement. Sent you some feedback and yep you're still on. ;)

By the way, two words for everyone: TRACK TITLE.

Had I not be organized with filenames, it'd be swimming in an ocean of 'GunstarHeroes.mp3' and 'GunstarRemix.mp3' by now.

So, please guys, try to come up with proper titles for your remixes, or hit us if you want some suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Please note: the next deadline is set for November 11th 2012. See y'all there. :)


What I do is I make file directories for each person involved in a project so I keep WIP files separate and nicely organized - I'm a bit OCD when it comes to organizing music in folders though since I have so much.

Edit: Also, it helps to save each file with the date too. For example if I get a wav, I always append the date to the end, so if I got one today, I would add 20120906 (military date format, but it also works nicely for organizing since files should be organized by year, then month, then day for standard Windows sorting by file name).

By the way, two words for everyone: TRACK TITLE.

Had I not be organized with filenames, it'd be swimming in an ocean of 'GunstarHeroes.mp3' and 'GunstarRemix.mp3' by now.

So, please guys, try to come up with proper titles for your remixes, or hit us if you want some suggestions. Thanks in advance.





Oh, what have we done? It's our fault if The Coop ran away. We're terrible parents.

All we want now is for our little TC to come back. We just want him to come home. :cry:

<3 <3 <3

Also, there are 5 tracks open. We are still recruiting. :)


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... my system drive is about to die. Anybody know of a reliable harddrive cloning software for PC?

Fortunately my Gunstar workfiles are on my non-system drive, but I need my system drive to, ya know, actually use my computer. I want to clone it because reinstalling a million musical things (sound libraries and software) takes a million years and I don't have that kind of time.

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