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OCR01419 - *YES* Paperboy 'Smooth Delivery'

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according to my quackalaculations i've waited the specific time between submits. nice to see you guys again. got some light hiphop here for ya. paperboy remix.

source tune can be found here:


yeah, so i only used the first part of the source. sue me.

anyways, i got some great reviews of this over at vgmix and kwed - it's a track i finished up during the last hectic days of pre doom project. at first i was attempting to go for a kraftwerkish sounding approach with some 'old school' sounds and minimal instruments

- however, afterwards, I decided to rap over it. i think it turned out pretty well. people seem to love the vocoded robot, so that's cool too. hopefully, people won't mistakenly think i'm white this time.

hope this passes guidelines - i've talked with a few judges who tell me it probably does, but if you guys decide that it doesnt, sorry about that. my bad.

if this does get accepted, i'll provide the lyrics.





ah yeah, i reviewed this at R:K:O

the arrangement is kinda minimal, not so much stylistically,

but only a few motifs from the original are used.

however those motifs are the most recognizable so there's no doubt what the remix is of.

i like the original a lot, and this take on it is fresh and entertaining.

it's the sorta thing i'd like to download off ocr, so i'll give it a ...



I remember listening to this a while back in #ocremix. While I'm not a fan of rap music, this sounds pretty professional. The rapping doesn't make me cringe, so it passes the TO test.

Since my only real nitpicks with this are some questionable breakbeats and some americanisms in the lyrics, this is pretty much an instant pass. The quality is fine. The arrangement isn't an issue either, since the creativity here is in the rapping and the robotic voice singing the source tune.



http://exotica.fix.no/tunes/archive/C64Music/Cooksey_Mark/Paperboy.sid - Subtune 2/5

Played this on VGF63, but haven't had a chance to critically take a look at it. Ooh, some tense strings to open things. Ha, some cheesy robovoice to open things up. Can't understand a word it's saying.

Oh shizzle, there's Navid coming in at :30. So I remember him asking me about the track, and I'm all like "WHERE"S THE BASSLINE?" The project file for this borked, so it wasn't a possibility, but this could have been infinitely pimper. In any case, good bell/percussion stuff at 1:30.

Tempo fuckery at 2:00 before some new beats at 2:06. SFX-based breakdown from 2:36-2:46. Where's the source usage admist all that. Anyway, back to the same beats from the first part at 2:46. Where's the variation?

The Dead Guys' "Peaperboyah" did a better job using all the parts of the source tune. I'm disappointed you couldn't think of some way to use :46-1:06 or 1:06-1:25 of the source tune anywhere in the entire track as a breakdown or anything like that.

I like the lyrics though they make no sense (!) and should sit a bit better with the music. The delivery is fairly good, with the flow occasionally (but only very briefly) being not quite smooth, and the production is pretty nice.

After 2:45, I felt like you could have done something to change up the beats rather than retreading them and then using the robovoice stuff too much, IMO. If you had varied the feel a little bit, I'd be more down. Project file may be broken, but I can't quite YES in good conscience, because, aside from the lyrics, it feels like you took 2 minutes worth of ideas and used them for 4 1/2 minutes. Rap mix or not, the repetition detracted from the level of source tune arrangement I felt was needed. Looks to be able to pass, so I don't have any qualms going NO-borderline. No issues with it passing, by the way. Best of luck with the rest of the vote, Navid.


this is pretty damn cool. good rapping. enjoyed it. problem with this mix is that it doesnt really go anywhere musically. the verse repeats several times. there's one changeup near the middle, but dynamically the song is in the same place the whole way through. it's a problem with lots of rap remixes. i'd like to hear this stuff on the site, but you have to bring the musical creativity up to the same level as the rap.



I had some concerns when I was listening to the WIP versions of this and I'm happy to hear that mythril fixed my main arrangement vs source material concerns. I have no beef with the arrangement. I do agree mildly with the criticism noted above, but on the other hand I think that applies to a lot of rap music. ;) On the basis of our standards and of the genre, I think this is definite yes for me.

Good pacing for the genre, very cool rap and lyrics and it's executed competently. Great use of sound fx is the icing on the cake. Very creative and worthy of making it to OCR in my book. Mythril is becoming the posterboy of most improved mixer of 2005.


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