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Bought the first album and loved it. I passed it around and tried to get as many people to listen to it as possible - From first listen I've gotta say they've improved. The flow between the tracks is really good and the decision to release this as two albums was a good move. So far, Magnet is my favorite. I can't wait to actually hear this through a good sound system. A little laptop is no way to listen to an album like this so I'll wait for the CD for next listen.


I've never really gone out of my way to listen to The Megas before, but took a special interest in this album since it's MM3, and MM3 has one of my favorite soundtracks of the series. I am *loving* this and I might snag myself an actual physical copy if I can get some extra monies, and assuming shipping and handling isn't ridiculous. Will probably go back to listen to their older stuff too. This is really top notch.

Glad you guys are enjoying! We'd like to submit a track to OCR from this album like we have for our last couple releases - any thoughts on which would be a good representative?

All the tracks are great, so you really couldn't go wrong with what you pick. I'm rather partial to Gamma Unchained, myself. ^_^

Glad you guys are enjoying! We'd like to submit a track to OCR from this album like we have for our last couple releases - any thoughts on which would be a good representative?

One Last Time might be appropriate. Though I think You've Sparked a War might be a good one too, 'specially since you released that EP of it. :P

Oh yeah, it's really good to hold off before MAGFest, and it's run by the guys in Entertainment System.

sounds like you'll find a place full of



Glad you guys are enjoying! We'd like to submit a track to OCR from this album like we have for our last couple releases - any thoughts on which would be a good representative?

The Megas commented on my thread... Brb

*random noises from the other room*

Ahem ok, erm i would most like agree with mirby seeing as sparked a war was what got me excited for this album in the first place.

Great job guys :3



I think that'll actually be more literal than you think.

I think Don't Mess With Magnetman, but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the full album since I'll be getting mine in a little over a week.

I think that'll actually be more literal than you think.

I think Don't Mess With Magnetman, but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the full album since I'll be getting mine in a little over a week.

oh i'm fully aware of this possibility :<


I had a feeling I wouldn't be disappointed but wow, this is just as consistently good as everything else The Megas have done. I ordered yesterday but didn't get a chance to listen until today and I'm glad I set aside some time to dig into this because the lyrics are just as creative and entertaining as ever, without going over the top or being silly.

The bar was set very high with Get Equipped but I have to say, History Repeating: Blue was absolutely lights out and a worthy followup! As with the first album, I felt like there were absolutely no filler tracks, every track is polished and catchy with a story to tell and they are all quite easy to identify to their originals. Once "History Repeating Pt. 2" started up with the familiar MM3 intro I could tell there was absolutely no way I was doing anything else till the album was through, and I have to say that "Continue" was an unexpected masterpiece to end it.

I think "Don't mess with Magnetman" would be a good choice to submit, it was probably the most entertaining, and addictively catchy.

While this album should hold me over for a good while, I can't wait for part two!


While working last night, I was listening to this album several times. Holy cow, the first part of History Repeating is just simply amazing. I really can't get enough of it, so I would recommend submitting that song through the panel, Don't Mess with Magnet Man is a close second. The overall album is great so I'll eagerly await for the second part as I look forward for whatever you guys have cooked up (particularly for Shadow Man's theme).

While working last night, I was listening to this album several times. Holy cow, the first part of History Repeating is just simply amazing. I really can't get enough of it, so I would recommend submitting that song through the panel, Don't Mess with Magnet Man is a close second. The overall album is great so I'll eagerly await for the second part as I look forward for whatever you guys have cooked up (particularly for Shadow Man's theme).

As much as I love History Repeating Pt. 1, I don't think that or One Last Time would be suited for submitting due to their dependence on each other for the full effect.

So yeah, I'm stickin' with my recommendation for You've Sparked a War. Even though Don't Mess with Magnet Man is great too. They're all great.


I think in terms of mass appeal (and since it has pretty legendary memetic status,) 'Can't Stop The Top' would be the ideal song to submit to OCR. 'Gamma Unchained' is good but I think it hinges a bit much on the narrative of the rest of the album. I'm still not sure what to think of 'Magnetman'; I like it and the direction is really creative, but it's definitely a song that made me scratch my head at first. 'Can't Stop The Top' is just plain catchy and will get newcomers hooked hardcore.


You know, from the way people were going on, I was expecting something really, really confusing and strange with Metal Man's track. This isn't the first time a Robot Master was described as having some weird, awkward crush in one of these songs. ;P Regardless, it's pretty awesome.

But yeah, Top Man is an easily recognizable theme and it's quite catchy, so I agree with Kyle on the mass appeal thing. I think it'd be a good pick for a submission.

You know, from the way people were going on, I was expecting something really, really confusing and strange with Metal Man's track. This isn't the first time a Robot Master was described as having some weird, awkward crush in one of these songs. ;P Regardless, it's pretty awesome.

The first time I listened to it, it wasn't immediately obvious to me that the lyrics were from Magnetman and directed toward Roll, so that's where the confusion stemmed from on my end. Listening to it again, it became a bit more clear.

Glad you guys are enjoying! We'd like to submit a track to OCR from this album like we have for our last couple releases - any thoughts on which would be a good representative?

Ok, after listening through the album a few times and reflecting on it, I think the best thing to submit would be Can't Stop the Top.

Here's what I figure... The first two tracks (History Repeating 1-2) and the last two (Want to be the One to Watch You Die and Continue) are awesome, but they work best in the context of the whole album (there's a definite opening/closing feeling to them), so those are out. Also, You've Sparked a War is one of my favorites, but I remember you guys performing this live and it was really, really amazing -- if, y'know, you ever want to do like a Live album then you might want to save this track for it (I Want to be The One to Watch You Die also would be great for that)... Lastly,

So yeah, given that, Gamma Unchained, Walk Away from Light, and Can't Stop the Top stand out -- and I figure Can't Stop the Top works best as a perfect 'teaser' track. It's different enough from the other two you submitted, and it gives a good sense for what you have in store for the rest of the album. Also the speaking/sfx bits at the beginning of Gamma Unchained and Walk Away are great for an album but they might sound funny for a solo bit. KF

PS: The album rocks. I can't wait for the sequel {^^}.

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