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Not sure if it's on tablet or not, but I got extended battery life and easy task killer help battery + keep my androids free from pointless programs in the background. If that sounds helpful I'd find that or a tablet equivelant. I guess that would depend on how much you'd use it off the charger, though.

Draw Something :D

What Dhsu said :D

I've only just got an android as well, and the only free apps I got so far other than the free Draw Something are AndroChat (if you want IRC on the go) and Alarm Clock Xtreme (why does this phone not have an alarm to begin with? >_<). I can't be much help, but it's good to see what else could be recommended to help us all.

What Dhsu said :D

I've only just got an android as well, and the only free apps I got so far other than the free Draw Something are AndroChat (if you want IRC on the go) and Alarm Clock Xtreme (why does this phone not have an alarm to begin with? >_<). I can't be much help, but it's good to see what else could be recommended to help us all.

It does have an alarm, it's called "Alarm and Timer."

For free apps, I like ES File Explorer, gives you easy access to your SD card/internal memory, as well as any network assets.

PocketCloud is a good remote control app, if you have a VNC or similar service installed on your desktop

I use K-9 Mail for accessing non-gmail email accounts, works pretty well.

And definitely get the Amazon app store app, they have a different paid app for free every day. Most of them are crap, but occasionally they have a cool game or something useful (I snagged QuickOffice pro for free, for example)


This is a good starter list - http://lifehacker.com/5924212/lifehacker-pack-for-android-our-list-of-the-best-android-apps?tag=downloads

I'd suggest adding evernote, if like me, you have a number of different computers/tablets/smartphones/desktops/laptops on the go, and want to synchronize things.

I also second their recommendation of dropbox, for both PC and Phone.

I like coolreader for ebooks, because i've got it set up to download books from my calibre library, http://calibre-ebook.com/, a pc based ebook manager.

Can't forget the steam app, so you can see what your friends are playing, and if it's worth while to go to the server and play.

I like beautiful widgets on my phone as well, since i'm only running froyo, and don't have all the cool tools.


Perfect Viewer including the pdf app addon for all your CBR comic reading needs. (which means you need the comic files to read of course)

One of the greatest things that my phone is now a portable comic library :D

also Mangawhat for reading manga from online sources such as mangafox and other sites.

also vlc remote for giving you the ability to control a video away from your keyboard and mouse (get the one that includes streaming for the ability to be in the house or out the garden and watch your videos from your pc.)

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