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Greatest band ever, or... greatest band of all time? This is up for discussion.


Their first CD came out in 2004 and it was incredible. I was overhead saying shortly after its release and after listening to it days in a row, "This CD is worth living for!" It was TRULY one of the greatest works of musical art of all time.

Now they are finally releasing their second CD, "Time I", on October 12th. It has a lot to live up to but will UNDOUBTEDLY be the greatest work of musical art of all time alongside their first CD.


If you haven't heard the first CD, you can listen on Spotify. You'll probably be able to hear the second album on there too, eventually.

Wintersun is my favorite band, and they SHOULD BE YOURS TOO!

They're touring the US and Canada soon!

Press Reactions Trailer:

"Choir" Recordings:

Heidenfest 2012 trailer:

US tour details: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/539073_10151148370262402_432033723_n.jpg

  • 4 weeks later...

I like Wintersun and all but really can anything be better than Sagas? That's a tall order as far as Bands/Albums/Marriages/Philly Cheese steaks/The Japanese figuring out how to actually breed real cat-chicks/anything else in life is concerned

Looking forward to the release but as far as topping Equib's best. Noggunnahappenne. :<

If i'm wrong we'll throw down at Magfest B.S.

If you're wrong i'll imagine a similar result.

And don't give me that "difference in sub-genre" BS there B.S. I want that crap to stop. Even if a new genre has to be made. O wait.


I like Wintersun and all but really can anything be better than Sagas? That's a tall order as far as Bands/Albums/

Looking forward to the release but as far as topping Equib's best. Noggunnahappenne. :<

Agreed, Sagas is pretty much a perfect album.

  • 1 month later...

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