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Sonic CD: Temporal Duality - History

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Cover Art by TheSmai, Logo by SuperiorX

Temporal Duality is the 45th album published by OverClocked ReMix and arranges music from Sonic The Hedgehog CD, released in 1993 for the Sega CD. It features 38 tracks arranged by 39 artists that cover both the JP/EU and US soundtracks, originally composed by Masafumi Ogata, Naofumi Hataya, Spencer Nilsen, David Young, and Sterling Crew. Sonic CD was unique from other Sonic games of the era due to its time travel system that allowed players to experience 4 variations of each stage. The game featured different soundtracks for the JP/EU and the US releases, which were both ahead of it’s time for video games, being among the first to have Red Book CD Audio.

Spanning 3 discs and numerous genres, Temporal Duality is the fourth OverClocked ReMix album to pay tribute to the Genesis-era Sonic The Hedgehog series!

Check out the

Album coming 11/25!!!

Check out "Time Traveller's Delight" by OverClocked Assembled, and "Crystal Duration" by Funk Fiction, two preview tracks off Temporal Duality

Current News:

Listening Parties:

  • Pre-Release party: Sunday, November 24th at 6pm ET hosted by Nitro Game Injection on Arecibo Radio!
  • Post-Release party: Friday, November 29th at 7pm UK time (2pm US ET) hosted by RadioSEGA on SEGA Mixer Drive!

Download the full album on November 25th! Celebrating 20 years of Sonic CD!

Project Staff:

Project Director: SuperiorX

Assistant Director: Phonetic Hero

Production Assistant: Sir Jordanius

Feedback Team: Sir Jordanius, Flexstyle

Art Coordinator: DiGi Valentine

Visual Artist: TheSmai

Original Album Concept: Rexy


Disc 01: PAST

  1. "Press Start" [Title Menu JP] - Tuberz McGee
  2. "Forever In Your Mind" [You Can Do Anything] - begoma feat. W!SE the all.E
  3. "Night of the Ninth" [Little Planet] - Theory of N
  4. "Paradise Paradox" [Palmtree Panic JP] - SuperiorX
  5. "Schizophrenic" [Collision Chaos JP] - Kruai
  6. "Chips Out of Water" [Tidal Tempest JP] - Rexy
  7. "Timekeeper" [Quartz Quadrant JP] - G-Mixer
  8. "WhACKASS WORKShIFTS" [Wacky Workbench JP] - halc, Sir Jordanius
  9. "Bass For a Better Tomorrow" [special Stage JP] - metaphist
  10. "Time Traveller's Delight" [stardust Speedway JP] - OverClocked Assembled (Sir Jordanius, begoma, DiGi Valentine, The Auracle, metaphist, BrothaDom, SuperiorX, C7)

  11. "This is Madness!" [Metallic Madness JP] - Main Finger feat. KingTiger & ladyWildfire

  12. "Black Metal" [boss Theme JP] - Chernabogue feat. DusK & Furilas

  13. "Extraordinary" [Cosmic Eternity] - Palpable feat. DiGi Valentine

Disc 02: PRESENT

  1. "Prelude for Temporal Duality" [intro] - Syllix
  2. "A World In Motion" [sonic Boom] - DusK
  3. "Palm Beach SEGA Tan" [Palmtree Panic US] - Amphibious
  4. "Titillating Tempest" [Tidal Tempest US] - HoboKa, Sir Jordanius feat. Xenon Odyssey
  5. "Ion Storms Above the Mechanical Forest" [Collision Chaos US] - Garpocalypse, SuperiorX
  6. "Quadrant of Rock" [Quartz Quadrant US] - Jivemaster
  7. "WORK IT!" [Wacky Workbench US] - PROTO·DOME
  8. "The Hero of Time" [uS Invincibility, Zone Clear] - Chernabogue
  9. "Road Trip" [stardust Speedway US] - KingTiger
  10. "Running to the Beat" [special Stage US] - Arceace
  11. "Corruption" [Metallic Madness US] - Tuberz McGee
  12. "Yours Truly, Satan" [boss Theme US] - Phonetic Hero
  13. "Take It All the Way" [sonic Boom (Instrumental)] - Magellanic feat. PROTO·DOME

Disc 03: FUTURE

  1. "Primed & Ready" [intro] - KingTiger
  2. "The Boom (Undeleted)" [sonic Boom] - Jivemaster feat. Rabcandy
  3. "Undertow to Leatow" [Tidal Tempest JP] - Andy Tunstall
  4. "Crystal Duration" [Metallic Madness JP, Special Stage JP] - Funk Fiction
  5. "Two Futures" [stardust Speedway JP] - Portanexus
  6. "Future Crystalline Luminosity" [Quartz Quadrant US] - ladyWildfire feat. Level 99
  7. "Whack It" [Wacky Workbench US] - Phonetic Hero, therex
  8. "Gotta Go Faster" [Collision Chaos JP, You Can Do Anything] - Tuberz McGee
  9. "Starway" [stardust Speedway US] - djpretzel

  10. "Temporal Duality" [Final Boss] - Brandon Strader
  11. "The Future is Bright" [Metallic Madness JP Good Future] - SuperiorX, Phonetic Hero
  12. "Elevator Music" [Palmtree Panic JP] - W!SE the all.E

Edited by SuperiorX
updated claims
VUT??? I called Quartz Quadrant JP a long time ago. -____- Can I request collaboration with Akumajo on it? xD

Yeah sure go for it. Sorry man, I didn't really go back through the old thread since everything wasn't finalized. Plus Robbie had an old WIP he said he wanted to revisit for the project. I'm not sure what style he is thinking, so another option would be we can make your song a bonus track if everything else gets claimed. Go ahead and PM me some examples of your stuff :)


Hey guys! I'm also keen to help anyone out with Guitars and Vocals if they're interested.

I can do all forms of guitar, and baritone vocals. Though my proficiency definitely lies on the fretboard.

I'm keen on working in a variety of styles too. <3

Oh yeah, I can do bass as well in case you guys count that outside of guitar. Haha

Posted (edited)

Glad to see this project actually get off the ground! :)

Superior X, thanks for putting me down for Cosmic Eternity. As i said in the email, i'll keep you posted on what's happening with the collaborator.

Since i'm doing Cosmic Eternity, i'm on the look out for a singing vocalist who can nail a r&b style. Headhunting for now, but just figured i would throw this out there.

Also, i am interested in the JP version of Stardust Speedway too ...not sure if i should put my name down for it though. If no one takes it and my schedule is free enough i might snap that up too. Though if someone else wants it, by all means go ahead :)

Edited by DiGi Valentine

Oh man I really want to do something for this but I have a thing about claiming tracks.

"what if i screw it up!?"

As soon as i am able i'll get a wip together for the track I want to do so you can tell me if i should be a part of this. :)

As much as i love Sonic's music in his other games, I'm running to Spencer's side for this one.


You guys are great... I've received a looooooot of PMs last night and today so far, so I'll be going through those tonight, responding, and updating the claims list where necessary. In other news, I also potentially have some more big names lined up to claim tracks, so that's exciting!

Oh and Gar - you don't necessarily have to make a WIP of the track you want to claim, tho you can if you think it might help. Just PM me what you were thinking and provide some examples of other stuff you've done that you think is good. We can go from there and see what is appropriate.

Posted (edited)

OK I'm going through all these PMs now. A few things...

If you are making a claim, please try to let me know what you have in mind for the song (i.e., style/genre, direction, etc.) if you have an idea. Also if you want to collab, please let me know how you'd want to contribute (i.e., particular instrument, arrangement, vocals, etc.) and what you'd be looking for in a potential collaborator. It'll be a big help for me to evaluate the claims and to potentially match people up who want to collaborate, to see if it'd be possible. Thanks, I appreciate it!

EDIT: OK cleaned up the claims list. Little confusion with DusK's original claim... it was for the 30-second title jingle. He's doing Sonic Boom now (with vocals) instead. I removed the Title Screen jingle from the claims list. It's not really a full song... but if someone is dying to do it, then PM me about it and I may re-add it.

Also, I may have super friggen amazing mega-collab plans formulating for Stardust Speedway JP. We'll see :mrgreen:.

EDIT EDIT: And now Protodome just signed up too... this project is exciting me way to much.

Edited by SuperiorX
I'm so happy that this project has taken off. I'm seriously hyped for the finished project. Though I'm not a fan of the title.

I think the title's great! xD Do you have an alternate idea you like better?

That wasn't meant to sound like I'm being the smart one who's trying to come back at you. That question is meant to be delivered softly. ^_^

I'm so happy that this project has taken off. I'm seriously hyped for the finished project. Though I'm not a fan of the title.

You know, I'm not really a big fan of the title either, which is why it's a working title. A lot of people in the old thread starting calling it East vs. West cause we're covering both soundtracks and the game is kinda like a rivalry between Sonic and Metal Sonic and whatnot. Which does make sense, but I don't know, I'm not particularly sold on it. I can see both sides of the argument though. I was chatting with Rexy the other day and she brought up a few good points, like how East vs. West kinda gives off that Wild Arms vibe of eastern instrumental influences on old-western themes and whatnot, which isn't what we're going for here at all. She brought up a suggestion that we should name it something that revolves around time travel, since that was the core component of this Sonic game. Especially when you look at the feel of each soundtrack: the US soundtrack was more laid-back and organic ("past"), whereas the JP/EU soundtrack had more of an electronic & upbeat feel to it, and was considered kind of "out-there" and ahead of it's time when the game was released ("future"). So I don't know, maybe we play on those "Past meets Future" themes or something, and come up with something a little more catchy and appropriate. Thoughts anyone?

You know, I'm not really a big fan of the title either, which is why it's a working title. A lot of people in the old thread starting calling it East vs. West cause we're covering both soundtracks and the game is kinda like a rivalry between Sonic and Metal Sonic and whatnot. Which does make sense, but I don't know, I'm not particularly sold on it. I can see both sides of the argument though. I was chatting with Rexy the other day and she brought up a few good points, like how East vs. West kinda gives off that Wild Arms vibe of eastern instrumental influences on old-western themes and whatnot, which isn't what we're going for here at all. She brought up a suggestion that we should name it something that revolves around time travel, since that was the core component of this Sonic game. Especially when you look at the feel of each soundtrack: the US soundtrack was more laid-back and organic ("past"), whereas the JP/EU soundtrack had more of an electronic & upbeat feel to it, and was considered kind of "out-there" and ahead of it's time when the game was released ("future"). So I don't know, maybe we play on those "Past meets Future" themes or something, and come up with something a little more catchy and appropriate. Thoughts anyone?

Just take the East/West out of the title entirely. Not everyone is going to understand it's refering to the two different soundtracks the game has and that one soundtrack was exclusively for the NA version. Not to mention that the JP soundtrack was the standard in the EU version and that's pretty West too.

Maybe something that's organic life/synthetic machine. Original/Imitation.

Might be better to finalize it after some mixes start coming together.

Posted (edited)

Oh yeah, I should probably also mention that I can offer Mandolin, Shamisen, Ocarina and Ukulele parts as well.

Whatevs. Just lettin' you dudes know in case you wanted some ethnicity.

Also, I may have super friggen amazing mega-collab plans formulating for Stardust Speedway JP. We'll see :mrgreen:.

i can haz halp wif gee-tarz ? lol

Edited by Tuberz McGee
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