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Now the pressure's on!

And a side-note to SuperiorX: I promise I'll start my track soon! There's so many things that need my attention, so please be patient. I promise I'll bring the awesome eventually.

The pressure needs vaporized if you know what I mean :cry:

Why doesn't anyone live closer to where I do!? People who vaporize things!?

Dangit how did you weasel me onto another OCR album, at least when this was unofficial there was still the chance I could not do anything and it wouldn't matter but NOW, it's like I have to make the song because it's a real album :cry:

Sorry Bee Strader, I don't mess around ;-) You've got plenty of time to make something and I'm really excited to hear what you do with the source. Knowing you, you'll make something completely awesome in like 2 days anyway, like you did with all of your SZRC entries :-P

Yeah DiGi, that'd be great! You're definitely more connected with the greater SEGA fan community than I am, so if you know some people who are good and would be interested, send em my way!!
Got ya, man. I'm on it! :)
GREAT news everyone! Our project has been approved for official OCR status!! :)
Siiiiick news!!! I was waiting on this getting it's official approval! It's legit now, babies!

I haven't forgotten about this! I finally got a start on my track yesterday, its SUPER bare-bones right now but I am going to do my best to have it at least somewhat developed by the Feb 1st deadline. I may try a different direction from what I have currently, but if I can make it convincing enough I'll keep at it. We shall see.

I haven't forgotten about this! I finally got a start on my track yesterday, its SUPER bare-bones right now but I am going to do my best to have it at least somewhat developed by the Feb 1st deadline. I may try a different direction from what I have currently, but if I can make it convincing enough I'll keep at it. We shall see.

Awesome! I can't wait to hear what you and the rest of the team pulls together for this second round of WIPs! If I get enough good stuff, I might even put together a little preview for everyone. We'll see though... I don't want to get too ahead of myself :)


As Matt and I were talking last night, my track has taken a turn for the slightly hilarious. Even if you're not an orchestral nerd (which you shouldn't have to be, the insert is from a pretty pretty well known orchestral piece), you should be able to appreciate the humor in it :D

I'll likely be posting the WIP in the subforum, once I get it up to where it needs to be


1 week until the next check-in! I'm excited to hear what you guys and gals have been up to! The stuff I've heard so far has been great!

And not trying to hype or anything, but our Stardust Speedway JP collab is shaping up really nicely. Like really really nicely :)

Oy.... I have so much work to do on the track, but life has been kicking me in the balls repeatedly lately. I'll see what I can get done before Friday.

Yeah don't stress out over the Friday date, if you need a few more days that's cool. I've been being pretty flexible with people as long as they are staying in contact. Most people have just been sending & posting updates whenever they have something new and substantial to show me anyway. I've just been using these check-in dates as a guideline for how far along you should be at each point. So yeah no worries :)

I don't got nothing for the Feb 1st check in

It does seem like I'll probably do a week Will-o-the-Wisp type thing with this

I got so much stuff to do and I'm not getting any of it done D:

Yeah I think Will-o'-the-Wisp style would be perfect for your source! And yeah I figured you wouldn't have anything for the Feb 1st date :-P You're directing what, like 3 projects and making songs for who knows how many more right? As long as you keep me updated, it's cool :)


Our second WIP check-in was yesterday! Ironically, I actually didn't get any new WIPs yesterday, but most people have been sending/posting stuff as they go (which I really appreciate) or contacted me to let me know. I'll be following up with a few of you to see how things are coming, so thanks everyone!

I also wanted to say that even though all of our sources are claimed, I am still accepting 'alternate' (bonus) mixes that could be included on a third disc for the album. Details are in the first post, but I wanted to point it out here too in case it's been overlooked. Especially now that the project has been officially approved, I wanted to open that up as a way to be able to include more artists/mixes on the project. All the same criteria and quality standards would apply, the only "catch" would be that the alternate mix would need to be in a different style than the other claimed version. If anyone who is not already on the project is interested, just shoot me a PM. I already have a few potential bonus mixes (in addition to what's already on the tracklist) lined up that I think you guys will be excited about :)


Project remixers - I updated some info in our private forums about track progress, let me know if you need anything!

Everyone - also, as I mentioned earlier, I am looking to add a few more remixers to the project to do some 'alternate/additional' remixes for the bonus disc. I have a few in the works now, but I would like to add a few more. PM me if you're interested! Thanks!


Everyone - also, as I mentioned earlier, I am looking to add a few more remixers to the project to do some 'alternate/additional' remixes for the bonus disc. I have a few in the works now, but I would like to add a few more. PM me if you're interested! Thanks!

What...if.... remixers of the same zone on opposing soundtracks team up to do something extra?

Yes i'm popping this just to try to collab with Willrock.


What...if.... remixers of the same zone on opposing soundtracks team up to do something extra?

Yes i'm popping this just to try to collab with Willrock. :-P

Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that of course! But the point of this was more to get other remixers who weren't already involved in the project to get involved to promote some additional diversity and different styles on the album. Plus I'd rather you guys focus on getting your already claimed tracks up to tip-top shape :)

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