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I don't know about the general non gaming public. But I do think the music bundles have spread a lot of game music since it's start. Where I live, sweden, I've seen articles referencing the rise of vgm in regular newspapers. So yeah, I'd say it's getting around.

Not too mention the Play! Orchestra, that did a lot of good!


Both. VG's as Art has been until recently one of the most debated topics. But when the Smithsonian wants a VG as Art Exhibit. Well that silences most debate.

VG's have been gaining more ground mainstream in media and the music is a major component in it. I've stated since i've started following this site. Your remmixes kick the utter shit out of anything you could call 'music' in most cases these days. There are a few exceptions but not many. The OST's of Games and Movies just out do a LOT of people.

People want good MUSIC. And they'll take it anywhere they can find it. The London Philharmonic is one of the best in the world at what they do and closely followed by the City of Prague Philharmonic which is famous for doing awesome Movie Soundtracks

Video games since the onset of SNES have had soundtracks one could truly enjoy. As of the Playstation stage they became on par mechanically with modern music, and have only gotten better since. There isnt anyone who follows VGM who wouldnt want the ME suite FF9 FF7 i could list the games but it'd take too long. As Games Garner Mainstream appeal their music gets heard as well. It's a natural cause and effect. :)


People want good MUSIC. And they'll take it anywhere they can find it. The London Philharmonic is one of the best in the world at what they do and closely followed by the City of Prague Philharmonic which is famous for doing awesome Movie Soundtracks

This. I was thinking, though, that VGM hasn't beome more acceptable as much as it has come in line with mainstream/modern music. If you were to fire up the FF6 OST in your car tomorrow and blast it at a stop light, you'd probably get some weird looks. But if you were to fire up the FFXIII OST, you'd get a different reaction, mostly because people would have a hard time distinguishing it from something they'd hear in a movie or on the radio.

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