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FL Studio Remix Gauntlet -- Round 8 starts now, Round 6 results

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Did I accidentally quote something I've never heard of? Cause that's awesome. It's like the most useless form of psychic powers.

lol, I highly doubt it. I've never read it. It was the most recent popular book I could think of. It's by John Greene and is in no way associated with Shakespeare or your paraphrase. It was a troll comment meant to make you go "How retarded ARE you?" but I guess it doesn't really work when you haven't heard of Looking For Alaska or John Greene and my joke died a long time ago.

lol, I highly doubt it. I've never read it. It was the most recent popular book I could think of. It's by John Greene and is in no way associated with Shakespeare or your paraphrase. It was a troll comment meant to make you go "How retarded ARE you?" but I guess it doesn't really work when you haven't heard of Looking For Alaska or John Greene and my joke died a long time ago.

i like turtles

Seems like the general preference is to take a week off for Magfest so we'll do that. However, voting will still occur during that week. It only takes a minute to vote, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Right. One remix, 1 week. The source selection for the first 3 rounds will be pretty broad to keep things simple and easy.

Sounds good.

Works for me. I'm terrible with names. Plus its ALL ABOUT DAT MUSIC BAYBAY
To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Who cares what the name is, so long as it's face-meltingly awesome!"

Neat. Prophecy, go ahead and put down our name as "Wild Cash Dinosaurs."

This sounds really cool! So the idea is to use only FL Studio plugins and samples, right?

Yup, and only the basic plugins and samples. I'll have a complete list up at the start of round 1. Speaking of round 1, it's starting in just a couple days so let's get those remaining teams finalized.

I'm definitely up for that, how will we be sharing flps?

Any way you want.

Put me in the Maybe section. I'll decide later, this sounds interesting...:smile:

Sounds like there are quite a few maybe's/still-need-a-team's... if we're starting a week later, should the deadline for sign ups be extended? A week is kinda a short recruiting period :P

EDIT: Also, a million thanks for the all caps team name, Jason :D

Can I export waveforms or drum beats using the default plugins/samples and then reimport them for use in slicex/granulizer/3xOsc? Or make something like TehBlob?

Or do you want us to stick to flps only?

You can import, export, and use as many flp's as you like to create your song, so long as you only use the allowed samples/plugins. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to be limited by CPU or single-phase processing.

Sounds like there are quite a few maybe's/still-need-a-team's... if we're starting a week later, should the deadline for sign ups be extended? A week is kinda a short recruiting period :P

If there are still people with no team by tomorrow, 2pm ET, I'll assign them a team. I have a plan for the other loose ends as well.


Round 1 begins now! Check the first post for details.

Unless Mr. Nuts has any objections, I will claim the name Team Floaty Lizard-Bee before it's taken.

Done. BlackPanther is on your team, assigned by chance.

Generdyn, alfredofreak, and Bleck, you've got a week to pick a name for your team. If you can't pick one by then, I'll assign one.

Good luck everyone!

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