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RWS 1-4 ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 4: "Yesteryear"

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So my filename has a questionmark in it but windows replaces it with an underscore. Is there any way to make it show up as a question mark in itunes and other media players? I know I have songs in my library that do this, but it doesn't seem to work for my file.

You can change the ID3 tag without changing the file name. In iTunes, you can do this by right clicking the track and clicking Get Info and editing it there.

Ah okay, that makes sense. I didn't realize changing that stuff actually changed the file itself.

Anyway, I think we're ready to submit yes?

Maybe :P I've not heard your track since my last critiques, but it was definitely getting there! Feel free to send it again if you think you've got the time to make some adjustments, but I won't be able to give you feedback til tomorrow sometime.

Maybe :P I've not heard your track since my last critiques, but it was definitely getting there! Feel free to send it again if you think you've got the time to make some adjustments, but I won't be able to give you feedback til tomorrow sometime.

Hmm, I sent you a new one last night. I'll send it again though, I did make a few minor updates since then.


Team Hakstock submission is good to go! let me know if I need to re-upload somewhere else! It was a blast and I'm quite proud of the work done. Looking forward to everyones entries :)


I have entries from Esperado, Kuolema, The Eluryahn, and Cash and Change. I also have one from Final Kingdom but it looks like she forgot to enable downloads on it in SoundCloud.

I'm a bit busy but I'll try to get these up soon.

Edit: I missed Kuolema's question mark. I'll fix that when I add Final Kingdom's entry.

i WAS thinking about trying to make a disco version of optimism, but i couldnt get a working midi file, and i realized i have no idea how to make disco.

I was gonna make a dixieland song, but then I realized that synthesized drums suuuuck D: But I was also working on "Mystery" from Lego Island.


I've updated the zip file with Final Kingdom's and Tuberz McGee's entries. Since this was Final Kingdom's first go at this and I could listen to the piece, even if I needed a plugin to download it, you can vote for hers if you want.

Tuberz, however, was almost 8 hours late; I'm not sure what time zone you were in, or thought the deadline was in, because the time you submitted was past Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 12:00 PM in every time zone on the planet. So I'm afraid we're going to have to consider this one a bonus mix.

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