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well after looking around alot on the site i finally got the courage up to post :oops: my main reason for this is every1 here seems to have expensive hardware and studios ( in some cases i think :S) and i still feel a lil small saying all i work with mostly is

Vanguard, VST Synth

Waldorf Attack, VST drum machine + can be a synth bass sounds or basic leads etc.

so i feel a lil small here, but that doesnt change the fact i love to take older game songs and remaking them, but after reading reasons to why mixes where taken out i would now feel nervous about trying to submit a track i made mostly for a friend who asked if i could give it a try though he suggested i tryed here to see if people here like it

I've spent some time in trying to do and I KNOW almost all of you will sigh,

Tetris and J-E-N-O-V-A from FF7

It isnt a midi rip with drums :o however i do like to stick quite closly to the original melody as not to lose the point of what im doing so im not sure if it needs to sound really really differnt, this is why im posting asking questions first.

In case any1 was wondering my style that i do for most works is, electronic, trance, dance, club etc.

other then all of that HI to all you people on the oc site!

edit* just read that guys post on the vanguard :(((


Don't rip on yourself. Who cares if what you have made isn't up to the "standards" of this site...as long as you are pleased with it--what else matters? Sounds like your friend likes your stuff--so you already have one fan.

I used Noteworthy Composer for a long time (too long, in fact) and still was able to make some decent songs. Stick to it. Everyone has to start somewhere. Ask anyone here and they will tell you that.

edit* just read that guys post on the vanguard :(((


do note, vanguard is as good as you want it to be. Don't just rely on patches like some noobs do.

And I think I speak for most people (especially myself) when I say your first songs, remixes, originals, demos, whatever you want to call them, they will suck in the eyes of many many others. I've been using FL for just under 3 years now and I still make crap =D .

Best thing to do is ask for advice, take what you want, and improve.

....and welcome to ocr :)

edit* just read that guys post on the vanguard :(((


do note, vanguard is as good as you want it to be. Don't just rely on patches like some noobs do.

And I think I speak for most people (especially myself) when I say your first songs, remixes, originals, demos, whatever you want to call them, they will suck in the eyes of many many others. I've been using FL for just under 3 years now and I still make crap =D .

Best thing to do is ask for advice, take what you want, and improve.

....and welcome to ocr :)

fuck you, i can make vanguard sound HAWT from presets (layer layer layer detune detune detune)

+1 for the Waldorf attack

edit* just read that guys post on the vanguard :(((


do note, vanguard is as good as you want it to be. Don't just rely on patches like some noobs do.

And I think I speak for most people (especially myself) when I say your first songs, remixes, originals, demos, whatever you want to call them, they will suck in the eyes of many many others. I've been using FL for just under 3 years now and I still make crap =D .

Best thing to do is ask for advice, take what you want, and improve.

....and welcome to ocr :)

fuck you, i can make vanguard sound HAWT from presets (layer layer layer detune detune detune)

+1 for the Waldorf attack

layer layer layer detune detune detune? Wouldn't that mean you are editing the patches instead of just relying on them?


edit* just read that guys post on the vanguard :(((


do note, vanguard is as good as you want it to be. Don't just rely on patches like some noobs do.

And I think I speak for most people (especially myself) when I say your first songs, remixes, originals, demos, whatever you want to call them, they will suck in the eyes of many many others. I've been using FL for just under 3 years now and I still make crap =D .

Best thing to do is ask for advice, take what you want, and improve.

....and welcome to ocr :)

fuck you, i can make vanguard sound HAWT from presets (layer layer layer detune detune detune)

+1 for the Waldorf attack

layer layer layer detune detune detune? Wouldn't that mean you are editing the patches instead of just relying on them?


wouldn't that mean only detuning via fruity with the onboard pitch knob?

bitch. :D

[scene], you are an up-and-coming star of this forum.

keep at it and you may just usurp Argitoth as the official Remixing forum's retarded kid!


oh fucking snap, i have analoq's blessing

btw, my point was that I don't generally alter the Vengeance Soundbank for Vanguard, I detune like, 4 instances of it through FL's pitch knob, not anywhere on the actual Vanguard GUI.

am i really that much of a dumbass? i fucking hope so.


I don't really mind the core content of your posts [scene], however, the way you express these ideas and the constant cussing in so many of your posts is completely out of line. This isn't behavior we condone, especially in the Remixing or the WIP forum. Please keep some basic rules on etiquette in mind next time.

I will not repeat myself with a similar request/warning.

still spamming threads like the rest :D well ill get around to tryin 1 of the mixes on OC and see what happens :o

Use the WIP forum, Luke!

Do not just post and beg for responses. Read the threads and listen to the songs, too. That will give you an idea of what kind of stuff gets on OCR, and what kind of stuff does not.


Psst...psst...some mixers submit their work to VGMix too...so a good technique is to see what's rejected here and check if it's on vgmix, if it is then listen to it. You'll have a better idea of why things get rejected.

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