Brandon Strader Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 Here's some bingo cards for E3 2014.. I wanted to link them in the threads, but they're too big and resizing them feels like too much work. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 LOL, look at general bingo card. The first box under "o". "Someone says something stupid" Well that's going to be a given. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 LOL, look at general bingo card. The first box under "o". "Someone says something stupid" Well that's going to be a given. I missed that at the time but it brings me much joy.. what's the context? Quote
The Damned Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 I missed that at the time but it brings me much joy.. what's the context? They hired some comedian to host the press conference (I think it was the Ubisoft one?) and he kept doing that whenever they went to a video clip. It went from weird, to funny, to annoying, to funny again, back to annoying, and then ended somewhere around "jesus fucking christ, why is this not over yet?", all within an hour. One of the more memorable moments from E3. But not as good as "won mirriion twoooops" guy. Still the best. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 They hired some comedian to host the press conference (I think it was the Ubisoft one?) and he kept doing that whenever they went to a video clip.It went from weird, to funny, to annoying, to funny again, back to annoying, and then ended somewhere around "jesus fucking christ, why is this not over yet?", all within an hour. One of the more memorable moments from E3. But not as good as "won mirriion twoooops" guy. Still the best. Haha oh man... I loved when Joel McHale hosted the VGX award things or whatever that was.. I love that kind of stuff. I hope it happens again. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Not too much "awkward" but plenty of games, some coming soon, some we already can buy. Here's a rundown of Sony's conference in particular, though Ubisoft and EA had some awesome stuff in their conferences too. - Destiny - The Order 1886 - Entwined (already bought! Can share opinions later!) - inFAMOUS First Light (pre-ordered! Comes in August!) - LittleBigPlanet 3 - Bloodborne (aka Project Beast) - Far Cry 4 - Dead Island 2 - Battlefield: Hardline - Broforce - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Not a Hero - Titan Souls - The Talos Principle - Magicka 2 - Grim Fandango remake - Let It Die - ABZU - No Man's Sky - Mortal Kombat X - POWERS (TV Show, PSN) - Ratchet and Clank remake (only mentioned) - The Last of Us Remastered - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Grand Theft Auto V - Batman: Arkham Knight - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End For a grand total of 26 games either shown or mentioned as in production. Quote
Mirby Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 pretty sure that was the Ratchet & Clank movie they were talking about Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Nope. It's a movie and a remake of the original game. Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 (edited) The biggest surprises for me were the fact that you could jump into someone's far cry 4 game even if you don't own the game. Also, with the release of GTA 5 on PS4, you are able to transfer your online saves from PS3 and Xbox 360 to PS4. First time I have seen that before. Let's see..... also playstation now could be run on a smart TV without a console. That's cool. Oh, and also that the next demon souls (blood bourne) is exclusive to PS4. That was a shocker. EDIT: Oh, and don't forget that now you can use the share button to upload to your youtube channel. Edited June 10, 2014 by Thin Crust Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 I think this was a really strong E3, maybe more than previous years. Because out of everything shown by Sony there's maybe just 1 game I wouldn't want to play and that's LBP3. Whereas in the Microsoft and Nintendo conference they each only had 1 game I'd like to play like Sunset Overdrive on Xbone and The Elder Scrolls Zelda on Wii U. I think Sony overall had the best game selection that focuses on immersive experiences and strong narratives, areas where Nintendo lack. Microsoft has some good titles but most of the ones they showed that appealed to me were multiplatform. Quote
Mirby Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 oh by the way Type-0 HD confirmed for PS4 (and I think Xbox One too but who cares about that) Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 So Entwined is pretty beautiful. Only finished 2 levels and I have a feeling it's going to get a lot harder, but it seems pretty forgiving so far. And then there's the Challenge mode after that... Pretty game, fun flying around as a dragon after each level. Quote
Crowbar Man Posted June 12, 2014 Author Posted June 12, 2014 (edited) E3 Stuff: Destiny: I guess I am getting this one. Its turning out looking like it might be something really special. Not exclusive to PS4, but come on, its going to be the best version. Order 1886: I dunno, this game seems to be trying to hard to make itself seem interesting and good looking. We'll see. Little Big Planet 3: WEE! I'm excited about this one. Its really the best part of their E3 conference for me. Best part: All the LBP player created levels will be available for the 3rd game! First Light: Stand alone DLC eh? Well, I got Infamous Second Son for cheap on Amazon because I know I'll get a PS4 soon-ish (by the end of the year at least), so I'll probably check this out too if I like Second Son. Bloodborne: Dark Souls in London or something? I dunno, I know this is from From Software, same devs as Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 & 2, but this game doesn't have to copy / paste the same idea (even has the same REALLY bad ragdolls). The good news is their games are usually pretty awesome, so it'll probably be enjoyable either way Grim Fandango: If this doesn't come to PC, I'll definitely check this out. Grim Fandango was fantastic. Let It Die: Suda 51 game. Thats should be enough, if you enjoy his weirdness Entwined: I found it odd they spent a lot of time on stage talking about a relatively simple game from an upstart. I mean, I'll probably check it out, but weird Powers TV Show: Why did they spend so much time talking about this and didn't even show whatever this Powers TV show was? Seemed out of place. Anywho, probably don't care? DI2: Oh look a trailers from the guys who can make good trailers but terrible games. I'll pass :/ No Man's Sky: I could of sworn this was coming out on PC but now everybody is acting like its PS4-only. Well, that's disappointing if that is the case. Last of Us Remastered: I'm definitely going to pick this up, loved the original, but.. why did they show cut scenes which barely looked any different, and not Game play where i imagine the biggest differences should be? Really dumb. GTAV: I'll probably pick this up on PC, but they are showing off the PS4 version and it looks great as is! Uncharted 4: Cutscene. :/ Arkham Knight: Looks pretty amazing. I'm probably picking it up on PC, I hope the Scarecrow PS4 exclusive stuff is just timed exclusive. Ratchet & Clank: A movie and a remake? Probably check them both out! Overall, a really strong E3 showing, I just wish they showed more games than cutscenes/CG/"fake" gameplay, but almost everybody does that at E3 now unfortunately. Edited June 12, 2014 by Crowbar Man Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I got into the alpha/beta for Destiny and Battlefield: Hardline. Hyped Just downloaded them too.... Quote
Zellfreid Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Little Big Planet 3: WEE! I'm excited about this one. Its really the best part of their E3 conference for me. Best part: All the LBP player created levels will be available for the 3rd game! Did you do a lot of creating in LBP1+2? Those were arguably my favorite games on PS3. I spent a lot of time making vehicles. Not sure how the bird is going to work in LBP3, though, seeing as it pretty much defeats every "platforming" challenge. Ratchet & Clank: A movie and a remake? Probably check them both out! My PS3 came with LBP and Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Thus my love for both franchises was born. I would love to see them put the charm of R+C into a full-length film. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 The Destiny Alpha was amazing. I'm very happy that I pre-ordered Destiny a couple months ago. Now it's just a month until the Beta... waaaay too long until September 9th, sad. I think the alpha was open to everyone so what were your thoughts? I liked it a lot. I think loot drops could have been a bit more obvious. I only knew when I got an item because it would pop up on the side and say what it was. I was expecting to defeat a boss and then see a gun or something laying on the ground that I had to pick up, like they showed in one of the gameplay demos. It'll probably be like that, I was just hoping to see that during the alpha... The Crucibal, where the multiplayer PVP takes place... was crazy unbalanced. They said level-based advantages were leveled out for all players, but they didn't level out the damage and weapons too. So while I was able to kill 10 people in the match, I got absolutely wrecked by people who were level 8 while I was level 6 because they had better loot. It's good that it is not pay to win, but it's definitely play to win and you'll need to put in a lot of time getting better gear if you expect to survive. I can see The Crucibal only being for the really hardcore dudes who have all the time in the world. On the other hand, the Temple is an awesome social hub where you can dance with people. You can also dance with people on Earth, or whatever that planet is called, I forgot ha. Maybe it is Earth. Anyway, you fly there, pick a mission, and get tossed right into it. Then there's other areas you can do to that have side missions which seem to be like your basic "go here, kill this thing" or "collect this data" missions. It takes you to some interesting locations. The full game quests will hopefully be a little more interesting and substantial. Character creation could also be a little more substantial. Choosing a face and some random ridiculous hair and eye colors is cool but it's not really deep enough. Then your face gets obscured by a helmet anyway, and your body is obscured by armor. I was hoping there'd be more customization there, especially with the color of gear and such. But on the whole, it's a really fun game and a lot of those features I am hoping for might be in the final game.. this was just an alpha after all. Dunno how much content we'll get in the Beta but it's shaping up to be a really awesome experience. If you want extra hard mode on any game, try playing PS4 games on Vita remote play from across town on a 3G mobile tether connection. *shudder* Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 New marketing trailer for PS4. I'll get one eventually but I still have a backlog of ps3 games to play. (and even a ps1 and ps2 game in there) Quote
Thin Crust Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Double post. I've got to say that Media Molecule has some of the best advertising in the industry. Check out their latest video. Does anyone know if they will allow for cross platform play? Can someone playing the PS3 version of LBP3 play co-op with someone playing the PS4 version? I ask this because it would be a great game to play with my brother but he isn't going to be upgrading to PS4. FF14 did that and it was awesome. Quote
Thin Crust Posted December 6, 2014 Posted December 6, 2014 (edited) Live conference right now! Games shown (Not only mentioned) Uncharted 4 (exclusive) MLB 15 The Show (exclusive) Free to play game: KillStrain Bloodbourne (dungeon that generates differently based on how you play) (exclusive) Destiny expansion: The Dark Below (exclusive till fall 2015) Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS4 exclusive) Killing Floor Darkest Dungeon The Forrest Geometry Wars 3 (vita) Persona 5 (exclusive) Bastion (PS4 and PSvita) Orks must die: Unchained EA is giving away 3 games for free like Need for speed, plants vs zombies, mirrors edge Only available for the next couple of days. Dungeon Defenders II Skytorn Severed (fruit ninja?) Shovel knight (Featuring Kratos) Enter the Gungeon Arkham Knight Street Fighter V (console exclusive) (cross platform play between PC and PS4) Yakuza 5 Suikoden 1 and 2(vita) Playstation playing card deck. Play demos at the show floor and get a card. Hopefully you can get a full 52 card deck. Towerfall Ascension(vita) Octodad (vita) Super Time Force Ultra (ps4 and vita) (shuhei yoshida is a playable character) Banner Saga (vita) Resident Evil Revelations 2 (vita) Gang Beasts Broken Age (all content) (vita and PS4) New Grim Fandango trailer Day of the tentacle special edition (PS4 and vita) 4 santa monica titles 1.Fat Princess Adventures 2.Wattam (That square needed to blow up sooner) 3.What Remains of Edith Finch 4.The Order 1886 (new footage. Looks like its turning into just a generic third person shooter but set in Victorian era.) Teraway: Unfolded Until Dawn (exclusive) Final Fantasy VII (Upscaled graphics) (ps4 exclusive) Cute trip down memory lane showing off the games of playstation on a little big planet 3 movie No Man's Sky (Every player is in the same universe somewhere but there are millions of stars and planets that people could be at.) Drawn to Death That's a very impressive list. Edited December 6, 2014 by Thin Crust Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 16, 2015 Posted June 16, 2015 Wow, I have made many posts in a row. I think Playstation just won E3. I'm not even done with the conference yet but we have The Last Guardian, new Guerrilla game "horizon", new Hitman game, Street fighter 5, No man's sky is infinite, Media Molecule's "Dreams", Destiny expansion, this year's Assassin's Creed, WTF is World of Final Fantasy? And FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE with Nomura as project director! Shenmue 3, Project Morpheus... I can't wait to see Uncharted 4. What is everyone else excited for in Sony's press conference? EDIT: Why didn't Square Enix announce this at their own press conference tomorrow? Brandon Strader 1 Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 19, 2015 Posted June 19, 2015 It was an amazing conference substance-wise but I found it to be a little less memorable and exciting than last E3. Which is weird, this may have been one of the best E3 conferences of all time, really giving gamers exactly what they have wanted. Square-Enix's conference was a joke, just showing stuff they've already shown, or dumb properties like tomb raider, hitman, and just cause 3... But they announced NIER 2!!!! So I can't be too mad at them even though they're really inept Quote
Esperado Posted June 20, 2015 Posted June 20, 2015 I think the highlight for me is an open-world mirrors edge sequel. I couldn't get enough of the original a this comes as great news. Overall though, it's gonna be a good year for playstation, so many good titles Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 PLAYSTATION VR! $399 Quite literally the future of gaming, coming October 2016 Quote
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