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Posted (edited)

So, far the past few weeks, Timaeus and I have been working on this remix. It started when I sent T some MIDI I had been working on for an arrangement of "Rain" from Tenchu: Shadow Assassin's and the chorus melody is that of the end credits from "Street Fighter X Tekken".

Because we need more modern VGM remixes, that's why. T's mixing skills are epic!

Here is the remix...I've been hearing it in my sleep lol.


The two sources


Thank you for listening!

Edited by AngelCityOutlaw
Wow the mix sounds pretty sweet. I'm not crazy about multi source remixes but i'm liking this one.

I'm not sure what T is doin' on the mixing end of things but it's epic, I look at the file in the DAW and I'm just like 0_0

Anyway, one of the main reasons I picked those two sources was because the Tenchu melody has this down a fourth, up a fourth pattern, then goes into a stepwise descent back to the tonic note. The SFXT melody does the opposite and ascends the same intervals. So I think it balances.

Posted (edited)
Hey timaeus!! Could you clue me in with what you are doing here?




I compressed the drums with, believe it or not, Fruity Compressor (only because ACO doesn't share the same compressor as I have, and I use The Glue). The Master has a Fruity Limiter with soft knee characteristics (relatively short release, "Curve" numbers are 8 instead of 3) since I knew ACO obviously had Fruity Limiter. I figured it would help him use that more creatively to get around overcompression if he had to or wanted to.

I did the sound design in Zebra2, and automations were added to automate filters inside Zebra, automate EQ bands in Param EQ 2, or automate the wet mix in Fruity Reeverb.

Zebra patches:

- "Inner/Outer Temple" pads (Howard Scarr)

- Hoodoo people emulation lead (modded from zircon's patch)

- slap bass

- "bamboo" flute (just a normal flute with some white noise for a blow effect)

- digital FM-like bass (cause for "strumming" sound in the second half of the song)

- sync bass (outtro), meant to emulate "Hyper resonant" patch from Sytrus

- PWM saw lead (during lead harmonies)

- resonant filter with an LFO on the cutoff and an envelope on the LFO rate (leads into breakdown)

- resonant sweeper bass (during breakdown, automated filter)

- "Percolator" and "Beat the Bug" (filler FX patches during breakdown, the second from a free patch bank from u-he website)

Piano was me too, and ACO polished some of the harmonies.

And some typical reverb/delay stuff, though I usually use other reverb tools. =)

Edited by timaeus222

Nice sound here!

I'm not a big fan of the kick though. I like how much presence it has but I feel its sound is too agressive for the mood of this song.

I wonder why you didn't use a rhytm guitar for the song. Not saying that the synth used for the rhytm is bad, but at the very least I'd try to layer it with a distortion guitar (with lots of palm muting!) and see how that goes. I think it'd add some nice "bite" to the song.

Synth leads are amazing, but that seems to be Timaeus' specialty now :razz: Piano also sounds great.

Nice sound here!

I'm not a big fan of the kick though. I like how much presence it has but I feel its sound is too agressive for the mood of this song.

I wonder why you didn't use a rhytm guitar for the song. Not saying that the synth used for the rhytm is bad, but at the very least I'd try to layer it with a distortion guitar (with lots of palm muting!) and see how that goes. I think it'd add some nice "bite" to the song.

Synth leads are amazing, but that seems to be Timaeus' specialty now :razz: Piano also sounds great.

Actually, at one point, I had recorded rhythm guitar. Kinda just decided it wasn't all that necessary and kinda killed the vibe. I personally prefer the synth for this tune.



Ooo, got some sexy soundscaping going on in this one. The sources seem to be pretty well present in this track, as far as I can tell (I gave the sources one listen through each - not familiar with em' otherwise, but I could hear them in there throughout), and the merging of sources felt very natural. Also gotta add that the lead work is amazing in this track, throughout - very nice variety and groove.

There is one thing that holds this track back, though. I feel barely any bass throughout the track (save for the bass drum). That makes the track feel hollow, in a way - I would like to either hear the FM bass you currently have cover the lower end better, or layer that with something that covers that end of your soundscape better.

It's an issue that remains prevalent throughout the track, so I'd recommend making a fix on that. I'd say this would be a borderline YES on the panel, at the moment (as the rest of the rack sounds great), but in order to be sure I think you guy should get that bass spectrum sufficiently covered in this track. Really nice work otherwise, though.


This is quite a loud mix, which isn't necessarily a problem, but you've got to be careful pushing for that kind of loudness. For some of the snare notes, I detect a subtle breaking up in the frequencies due to loudness. It's not that big of a deal though as it is subtle. I like the movement into 1:07 where it is building up. The kick seems alright to me, but that may be a taste thing coming into play. It's nice and strong, and it doesn't clash with the bass. I could hear the bass with a bit more tone actually, since it's more of a Genesis-type bass, you could potentially EQ up some more bite into it, and experiment with adding a bit more sub / lower bass if you can. I'd have to hear how it sounds afterwards of course, but as it is, it is ALREADY pretty strong of a bass with a borderline saw texture. Nice use of reverb, especially at 2:57, but I think with that much reverb the lead should come down slightly -- seems loud, OR you could lower the reverb a bit. If you lower the volume with that much reverb, it'll just get buried, and that's not so good. There are ways to have a lot of reverb without pushing something way to the back. Maybe fiddle with the predelay in your reverb effect if you can. As a whole, nothing too impressive, and not a lot of HOOKS to really sink into people and pull them in, but it's a cohesive piece and sounds pretty good. Maybe take another pass over it and refine things up a bit more before subbing it to the joojment overlords.

  • 10 months later...

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