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Mega Man & Sonic the Hedgehog - Blue Bomber Blue Blur Collision Competition

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Posted (edited)

Entry submitted!

Well, for this one, I finally got to try out a VSTi and a soundfont that I've been wanting to use for some time now.

On the flip side, I wasn't able to come up with too many ideas, arrangement-wise, for this one, so... sorry about that. :(

So, I tried to use Chrome Gadget Zone's chord progressions to tie these two themes together a bit!

Regardless, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, MindWanderer!

And, I'm quite eager to hear everyone's entries!

Edited by Mr. L
Regardless, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, MindWanderer!
Yeah. I'm sorry. but I'm going to have to concede this one. I wasn't able to come up with anything that meshed with the two sources at all. Everything I tried that deviated from just a straight re-instrumentation just sounded awful. With some effort, I could possibly have come up with something by the deadline that was maybe an 80/20 split favoring Mega Water S that wasn't a total affront to the senses, but really, what's the point? I did learn a lot about oscillators, which I'd never used before, so it wasn't a total loss, but there was no way I was going to be able to submit something that was anything more than just barely tolerable to listen to.

Again, sorry to disappoint.

Posted (edited)
Yeah. I'm sorry. but I'm going to have to concede this one. I wasn't able to come up with anything that meshed with the two sources at all. Everything I tried that deviated from just a straight re-instrumentation just sounded awful. With some effort, I could possibly have come up with something by the deadline that was maybe an 80/20 split favoring Mega Water S that wasn't a total affront to the senses, but really, what's the point? I did learn a lot about oscillators, which I'd never used before, so it wasn't a total loss, but there was no way I was going to be able to submit something that was anything more than just barely tolerable to listen to.

Again, sorry to disappoint.


Sorry to hear that, man.

I know what you mean, though - not as many ideas came to me for this one... not many at all... :\

However, as per your last comments, you'll at least hear... some different instrumentation (except for the one warm pad) in the form of two VSTis and a soundfont.

Yeah... so, I just wanted to say, that I'm sorry for not being able to come up with something creative for your theme (or mine) this week! :(

Overall, I don't know... hopefully it isn't too much of the same...

Nonetheless, the best of luck to you in the next round (or this round, if you do decide to turn something in), and I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

Edit: ... Blah... at the lack of arrangement in my entry. Once again, I'm sorry. :(

Edited by Mr. L
Condensed post.
Posted (edited)

Good luck to you, Yami! :)

And good luck to everyone in this final week!

Now... to see if I can pull off this idea I have... or will it fall flat on its face like my others... we'll see! :)

Edited by Mr. L

Basically done. There are some minor imperfections in production which I can more feel than hear, and don't know what to do about, but I'll probably just listen to it one more time tomorrow to make sure and then submit it. I had a lot of fun with it, I think you'll enjoy it.

Posted (edited)

Finished with this entry. I really stepped outside of my usual genre with this one.

Xarnax, how are you coming along with your entry :). (I don't want to pass by default :D).

Edit: I didn't get to touch it up and finish as well as I would've liked; but I think it's fine :),considering that it's the first time that I created my own synths in the song (Synth 1).

Edited by Cosmic Sounds
Posted (edited)

Final entry submitted! :)

Win or lose, it was honor competing against you Yami!

I'm looking forward to what everyone came up with for these two rounds. :)

And, since it looks like most of you are in the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet - I wish you all the best of luck there!

Finally, thanks DarkeSword for hosting this competition - had a blast! :)

Also, thanks orlouge82 for the original idea!

Edit: Oh man, listening to my final entry again... hahahahaha... well, I tried something different, I guess. :P

Ah well, I still enjoy listening to it, though. :)

Edited by Mr. L
Posted (edited)

And subbed!

Even though I lost/will lose every single round, I really enjoyed the competition. It's helped me improve a great deal in my mixing abilities. Thanks to all of you who gave me tips, I really appreciated it!

Otherwise, good luck to all of you in this and any other compos!

(Also thanks DarkeSword for hosting!)

Edited by NovaReaper

my entry was another example of shooting for the stars and shooting myself in the foot, as per usual.

It was going to be a rap, but I didn't get to record the rap due to all those power outages in MN and my work.

it would have had a lot of puns about money though :P


Review time! Starting with round 6, 'cuz I was in it.

  • Chrome Cafe: A little more cohesive than some of your other entries, but the parts aren't always in tune with each other. A little too much randomness in the sax scat. Something I learned when doing my own sax piece is that one of the tricks to maxing the sax sound good is to use a few "Hard" notes at appropriate places. It's tricky to choose where, but the results are good.
  • Mosfungus Bombs: Well... keep working on it. These sources don't inherently play well together, so it's understandable that you had a hard time with it. But your samples and production have improved, so you really just have to keep working on the arrangements themselves. A couple of big things that could be improved here are the drums (boring) and the ending (nonexistent).
  • Mega Yeezus Man: Interesting take on Marble Zone. A minute and thirteen seconds of it was too much, though. 30 seconds would have been plenty. No integration between the sources, obviously. And I gather your use of voice clips at the end was your way of saying you gave up.
  • Eighth Marble from the Sun: Hmm... I get the feeling you have become very bored with Marble Zone, considering how much you changed it this time around. Keep working on integration! I really, really liked your take on Neptune, especially from 3:13 on, but there just wasn't nearly enough of it. There's a lot of fun stuff here, it just isn't cohesive.
  • Hydroplane Zone: Clearly out of your comfort zone. I'm glad you're willing to experiment, but this shallow soundscape definitely doesn't suit you. Minimalism works well with orchestral samples, not so well with synths. Still having a tough time with source usage. Sometimes you really need to beat the melody part over the head. 1:04-1:36 sounds strangely like Heat Man in Final Fantasy VII.
  • A Gaol of Strings: Gaah, why does my production always sound so good in isolation and so bad when I listen to it later? In any event, I'm very happy with the arrangement of this one, especially the interplay of the two themes. Lots of melody-used-as-harmony going on here, and it generally worked really well. Tuberz gave me a great source to work with--thanks!--and I used it to the fullest. I intend to take this one to the WIP forums to improve the production, and then I think it will be a pretty strong candidate for OCR.
  • Out with a Bang: Heh, I recognize the Cryogen MIDI for Mega Water S here--I used it myself and had to take extra steps to make it sounds more like the original than his remix. Mega Water S is a pretty short source, and you played it several times with very little modification, which got a bit old after a while. I wish you'd use Prison Lane more, it's a really awesome source and you barely do more than hint at it in any of your mixes. In this one, it ends up sounding a lot like the Temple of Fiends from Final Fantasy I. Otherwise, it is of course very good, and easily the best entry I went up against.


And week 5:

  • Fiesta Con Las Ardillas y El Hombre Ra faga: Hm, Google is failing me on "Ra faga." Integration isn't bad, actually. It's just alternating, but both parts sound like part of a whole. You can tell where one source ends and the other begins easily enough (with really good "vs." remixes, you can't), and the transitions could be a bit smoother, but it doesn't feel like two separate songs stapled together. The fade-out is weaksauce, and the instrumentation is too much like the original Green Grove Zone for my comfort, but this is still head and shoulders above your other mixes so far.
  • Burst Grove Man Zone 3D: So the mighty Theory of Nonexistence manages to exist in the compo... just barely. Snappy arrangement, definitely still favors the Green Grove aesthetic. Nice original content, something that the other 11 of us struggle a lot with. Good riffing on the themes, too. Oddly not really any more integration of the two themes than NovaReaper, they basically just alternate. Considering I know how good you are, and how stoked you were about this entry, I actually expected a lot more. Probably would have been better as a standalone Green Grove remix.
  • Neptune's Voyage to Atlantis: I don't really have anything to say about this one that I haven't said about your other mixes. Nice ambient, aquatic sound, pleasant use of Neptune. Cop-out ending.
  • Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect $200: Hearing acoustic guitar Quick Man, I have to fight the expectation that The Megas will start singing. Solid integration of the themes, though it's more of the taking-turns sort of integration, and I'm still hearing Temple of Fiends. I can't understand why you focus so much on the harmony parts of Prison Lane when the melody is so badass. Weak fade-out ending. Definitely feels like a rest week for you.
  • Rainfall in Eco-Dome Viridian: Pretty much the same Mr. L stuff I've been saying all along. 1:44 before the second theme comes in is a bit much, and the other parts don't even acknowledge that it happened, they just keep doing their thing.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the reviews and comments, MindWanderer!

Chrome Cafe: A little more cohesive than some of your other entries, but the parts aren't always in tune with each other. A little too much randomness in the sax scat. Something I learned when doing my own sax piece is that one of the tricks to maxing the sax sound good is to use a few "Hard" notes at appropriate places. It's tricky to choose where, but the results are good.

I pretty much intended the randomness in this one, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.

I was just trying something a bit different. :P

Rainfall in Eco-Dome Viridian: Pretty much the same Mr. L stuff I've been saying all along. 1:44 before the second theme comes in is a bit much, and the other parts don't even acknowledge that it happened, they just keep doing their thing.

Mega Water S is also at 0:46 - 1:18* (the e. piano soundfont is playing it, with the saxophone accenting it) with a repeat of the intro playing under it and parts of Chrome Gadget Zone playing with the saxophone - not creative, I know, but he's there. ;)

I really would've liked more variation and arrangement, but nothing much came to mind, unfortunately. :(

On another note - excellent entries everyone - I really enjoyed listening to them! :D

Edited by Mr. L

Yeah, sorry about my lack or participation this compo. Been super busy with squirrels and life hitting kind of hard and because of that, all of my time has been devoted to other projects that had to take priority. About my entry though, it's not as inventive as I would have liked but I got the sound I wanted and it reminded me of Mighty Switch Force a bit so I ran with it. There IS one part that isn't just flip-flop between sources. The breakdown section has most of the important melodic lines from both sources (that would fit the chords) at some point in it. Also like I said, I got a little lazy close to the end and just wanted to wrap it up so I could move on to other previously mentioned projects. Some of it was copy/pasted with the intention of going back and changing some things up but I never got around to it.

REGARDLESS, I think it sounds REALLY cool and I did have fun making it. I'm typing this out on my phone so I can't really listen to the other entries but when I get a chance to sit down and listen, I'll post feedback for each of you.

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