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It's basically CoolEdit Pro rebranded and from what I've heard it didn't get a lot better after that.

he's right, I had a trial few months ago, and I already have CEP 2..

I wasn't really impressed...


Not to mention that you can't use effects in realtime on it. So yeah... I stick with my Wavelab.

And next time:

Anyone heard of Adobe Audition?

Ask questions that make more sense, else the mods will delete it.

*god noobs are really flooding this place lately*


Actually, there are a lot of stuff you can do in real-time (with the multi-track view). My favorite feature is the parametric EQ built-in each track that is changable in real-time. Also, the new version (2.0) has added some nice stuff (ie, a Multi-Band Compressor from Izotope). I've tried Wavelab too, and it seems to be pretty powerful too, but I couldn't figure out how to get multi-track editing to work (if it even has that feature).


Ha ha

"yes" "no" "maybe"

Yeah, like Yoozer said:

"Adobe Systems Incorporated acquired the technology assets of Syntrillium Software in May 2003 and introduced Adobe® Audition® software (a rebranded release of Cool Edit Pro) in August 2003. Adobe Audition 2.0 is the most current version of the software, and Syntrillium's other products have been discontinued"

Adobe Audition 1.5

With the release of version 1.5 came with some of the following additional features, and I'm only

listing the ones that I found to be most useful.

-Rewire support (although for a number of ppl's cases did not work properly, however does not seem to be the case for me, so far.)

-Vst support

Unfortunately this only applies to effects Vsts for the use in the Edit view only, and not for Vst Instruments for midi controlled multitrack purposes. still, its a good addition IMO.

Frequency Space Editing:

Good for some degrees of restoration work such as removing or greatly diminishing unwanted noises like a click, cough or chair squaking during a live performance that may be considered too distracting to be simply ignored. However, I will say that some practice with the tool will be necessary before you can become proficient enough to get effective results. Like they say, practice makes perfect.

Adobe Audition 2.0

The Current version out is 2.0, which went thru quite an overhaul in places, allowing for a low latency mixing engine, and ASIO Hardware Support.

In the Editing view,

we now have the following additions and improvements.

-Multiband Compressor from Izotope

-Mastering Rack, allowing for the previewing of multiple effects applied in a chain

-Improved Frequency space editing, allowing for a more controlled selection with a free style Lasso type selection tool as well as the original Marquee selection tool.

The Multitrack View

now allows for an unlimited amount of tracks(any limitations now only apply to your comp's specs) In

version 1.5, multitrack view only allowed for 128 tracks, but to be honest, while having that kind of

freedom is nice to know, I doubt if many ppl in OCR will ever use more than, say 45 for music production, but than again anything's possible.

Another addition in 2.0 that I think will help a lot for future users is the inclusion of recordable automation lanes, which was lacking in 1.5. Sure you could adjust the panning and volume for tracks in the multitrack view in 1.5, but for envelopes in loops or clips you had to do it for every individual clip, which is tedious, unless you're very patient(points to self)

Now, this addition is what I would call my double-edge sword. In 2.0 you have the ability to really move stuff around now and customize you work station. While I think this is awesome, When I first took a gander at 2.0 in it's default setting, while the thing looked cool, it gave me the impression that everything looked crammed together and quite frankly looked intimidating at first glance. but then again, that's the beauty of a customizable workstation. Especially if you have a dual monitor display, which is mostly likely what the folks at adobe factored in with the design overhaul.

Another thing I found interesting is the fact that the size a that Audition 1.5 took up on disk was around 50MB while 2.0 now takes up at least 400MB. That musta been some overhaul.

  • 6 months later...
Audition is crap, even at 2.0. I used to use it exclusively but the bugs forced me to look elsewhere for my audio editing needs. Once I started using other programs I found out just how lacking Audition really is.


agreed...sometimes audition could shut you down whenever you are in the middle of something in the program.
Audition is crap, even at 2.0. I used to use it exclusively but the bugs forced me to look elsewhere for my audio editing needs. Once I started using other programs I found out just how lacking Audition really is.


Same here, the only time I still use it is when I want to trim up a sample or something. Sadly enough, when I first started making music, I actually used to use it to master my songs :oops: . Big mistake.

  • 3 weeks later...

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