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good to hear, man

I'm hoping this will come together. this is surprisingly gaining much more attention than I expected.

I'd love to hear some ideas, though.

basically, I could direct the project, but in no way could I get all the marketing together (in meaning of site, advertisements, stuff like that). I just suck at that stuff. and even if I don't, I'd prefer not to be the head of all of that. :-P

As much as I'd like to take charge, I'm definitely not an option for it either, unfortunately. This is my first time that I've gotten seriously involved in OCRemix collaboration, and honestly I have no idea how albums even work here.

In other news, I've started breaking down the melodic elements of Banshee, and damn are those xylophone arps tough to pinpoint...


This is a really really big 'maybe', but I might be able to help out from a directing standpoint at some point. It wouldn't be anytime soon however. If nothing else, I can offer some advice on my experiences directing a project and provide some general guidelines for those who do helm the project.

Regardless, Tuberz and I want to collab on a song for this if it takes off. We were talking about it the other day :)

i still like the name Road Rage. it's perfect

perhaps we could consider this a rebirth of the original project? just thinkin'

I'd be all for it. If there's sufficient interest to get it off the ground, and someone who has more time on his hands than I do to get people interested in making music for the album, you've all got my blessing! haha

As a rebirth, I'd ideally love to see the same track list I proposed in the original album thread to come back to light, but if people really want to deviate away from it, I say whatever gets the energy going to finish the project is fine by me.


I'm going to be honest, I really enjoyed part of that track list and I felt there were other parts that I was like "eh" on.

I'm thinking more along the lines of taking the "greats" of Mario Kart music and getting them in here, and sneaking in some other references when mixers feel the need to do so.

I'm still not sure how we'd pull it together, but I'd love to have like four tracks from each game. In fact, since Mario Kart 8 will be releasing so soon and this project would probably not even be closed to finished by that point, it'd be cool to even remix stuff from that game, so we could have it something like this:

There would be four tracks from each "disc". And each disc would be a "cup". So disc 1 would be "Mushroom Cup", disc 2 would be "Flower Cup", and so forth, and we'd get all 8 reoccurring cups in there (Mushroom, Flower, Star, Special, Banana, Shell, Leaf, Lightning).

That, OR, we do the four main cups (Mushroom to Special) and have 8 tracks on each, would may make more sense, but then we'd be mixing like SMK with MK64 and MKSS with MKDD.

Any thoughts?

I like the idea. Maybe remix 1 theme from each cup from each game? So disc Mushroom Cup has one remix from each Kart game from a Mushroom Cup track.

Only thing that worries me is leaving out some cool themes because of that :-P

that's actually a really great idea.

I mean, it could be like a medley or a combination/vs. mix or something like that if it needed to be that way.

wow Matt, I'm honestly surprised your even that into it. :-P

I really appreciate it. :)

Well, Mario Kart (and Mario in general) is another series that means a lot to me from a nostalgia standpoint, growing up and whatnot. I have lots of good memories playing SNES & N64 Mario Kart with friends, so I'd love to see this come to fruition and executed properly :)

And no problem. I do not have a desire to direct another project anytime soon though, hahaha (need a little break). But yeah, I can definitely provide advice/guidance in that light, and maybe help out to a further extent depending on timing in the future!


From the Road Rage tracklist, I remember thinking it didn't have the stuff I'd wanted to arrange. Setting tight constrains may help getting a more focused album together, but at the same time it's not landing into everyone's interests.

Funny actually, I don't think I've really played any of the games of the projects I've finished tracks for. But in his case where I've played a lot of the DS version, getting to pick the source you really want from there instead of a sorter list seems more important.



I think arranging 8 tracks from each game is asking for way too much. This project is never going to get done is you ask for that much music. I think 2–3 track themes per game, alongside 2–3 series tracks (Title Screen medley, Rainbow Road medley, and I dunno, a results screen medley or something) is just right.


since when was 8 times 4 64? lol I'm not quite sure you're reading everything I'm posting, because I think I changed the idea from 8 cups to the 4 main ones. maybe I didn't make it clear enough.

medleys... hrmmm... I just don't know

The medleys pokemoneinstein stated seem to be the only ones that make sense

I mean, with all these games, it's pretty hard to not have a lot of tracks. In all honesty, it may require that it be a large project.

Now, we could cut it down to two tracks per game, but that's honestly as far as I'd go. I wouldn't want to cut it down any further than that.

have a general idea of like 8 tracks of each game from each Mushroom cup for one disc
I was saying (and jnWake was saying) that we should have 8 tracks on each disc, considering there are about to be 8 games. so it'd be like disc one is Mushroom Cup and it would have one track from each Mushroom Cup in the series (so like Mario Circuit 1 from SMK, Luigi Raceway from MK64, and so forth)

It sounded like you were saying 8 tracks from each game, and there will be 8 main games thus far. That's where they were getting 64 from. But yeah, that would be a really large project - and at that point you might as well just dedicate one album to one game instead of trying to cover nearly all the tracks from ALL the games. That's quite a large scope. Keeping it simple, like 4 tracks per game, in sort of an "all-stars" approach might be the best idea. Even then, it'll still be a large project. You could let people choose which tracks they want to cover though, so it doesn't feel restrictive.

The idea of remixing tracks together might work too... not necessarily in a 'medley' style, but maybe like more of a "vs" remix. Like remixing two course themes together. Sort of like what we do in Darkesword's Mega Man compos, where you mix two Robot Master themes together to make one cohesive song. It might be kinda cool - if done right and cohesively, you might be able to include 8 tracks from one game within 4 songs. It would fit well within the whole racing/competition/versus theme too.


Personally I think it should just be a MK64 album since the OST would make a reasonable sized album without the need to cut out certain tracks. And since it's probably the most beloved in the series. Or at least the most nostalgic for a lot of people.

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