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That's an actual expression. The website wasn't the first place those words were put together.

I don't buy that explanation. The words "hit the weak point for massive damage!" is an actual term too. But give me a break. You know that is a reference. Mainly because those sentences are just grammatically odd and emphasize those words a bit. And you know what's funny? The way people are SO OFFENDED because it's Something Awful. Big deal. I swear I caught the words "it's sacrilegious" in those flame wars. Because references are serious business.


If they're offended by SA references, there's several other games they shouldn't play.

Here's a few:

Banhammer and Mace of Slurring in Morrowind.

Player ranking "SA Goon" in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City(Confirmed as a reference by one of the people who worked on the game)

Jeff K picture in Heavy Metal FAKK 2.

Pusher Bots referenced in Aliens versus Predator 2.

Jeff K reference in No One Lives Forever.

Jeff K cyclops in Icewind Dale.

Lowtax tombstone in Icewind Dale 2.

Lowtax, Jeff K and other user names the commentary will audibly call out in Links 2004.

In Quake 3, Crash in bot mode will say "JeffK is my drill master!" from time to time.

Doom 3 has SA's front page visible on a monitor.

Pacific Fighters has "Rich Kyanka and the SA goons" in its Thank You section of the manual, and there's nose art referencing SA available for at least one of the planes.

Sin Episodes: Emergence has a poster which shows a stick figure at the top of a flight of stairs, with the text "Do you have stairs in your house?".

There is also acknowledgment to Lowtax and SA in the Return to Castle Wolfenstein instruction manual and the credits of EA's Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Also, Garry's mod was made by a goon, and 9.0 uses the :V: smiley as an icon on the Steam game list.

OMG. People would get into lengthy discussions about whether FF4 on the GBA had Something Awful references and all that shit.

References happen.

I don't visit SA, so I guess I missed out on that ;P


The rumor is that the translator is a Goon. And some Square-Enix nut jobs argued that their game is too hallow ground for a harmless reference. The flamewars that ensued was just ridiculous.

That's pretty retarded lol.

I'd say Contact uses it as a reference because well... that game is TRYING to be funny on purpose.


What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

What is your shirt made out of, chain mail?

What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

What is your shirt made out of, chain mail?


What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

What is your shirt made out of, chain mail?


What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

What is your shirt made out of, chain mail?


Sounds like it might chafe.

Anybody have Starfox Command? How is it?


also how is contact?

Star Fox is good for multiplayer and online. The single player sucks, yes, but if you can play multiplayer it's certainly worth a purchase.

And Contact is both incredibly good and incredibly boring. It's one of the games where, when you die, you don't feel like playing again for about an hour but you never truly feel like just quitting.

Edit: Found another goofy reference in Contact. "I wish a base like this belonged to us."

Anybody have Starfox Command? How is it?


also how is contact?

Star Fox is good for multiplayer and online. The single player sucks, yes, but if you can play multiplayer it's certainly worth a purchase.

I played the online twice and hated it.

Anybody have Starfox Command? How is it?


also how is contact?

Star Fox is good for multiplayer and online. The single player sucks, yes, but if you can play multiplayer it's certainly worth a purchase.

And Contact is both incredibly good and incredibly boring. It's one of the games where, when you die, you don't feel like playing again for about an hour but you never truly feel like just quitting.

Edit: Found another goofy reference in Contact. "I wish a base like this belonged to us."

I know how that is, haha.

And ok, I guess what people said were right. I just saw the MGS reference tonight about "snake". I guess the All Your Base Are Belong To Us isn't far from that.


Anyone who's bashing Starfox Command can stuff it. No, it's not like Starfox or Starfox 64, nor is it trying to be. It's just a good game on its own, with intuitive and responsive controls (the turning is just as fast as SF64's, and I just drew circles for barrel rolls and never had any problems), and has a creative hybrid of shooter and turn-based strategy elements. The missions are addicting, and the campaigns are short enough on average to finish each in one sitting.

I had to send the game back because it was a rental, but I seriously considered buying it for the WiFi. If you're not hardcore intent on getting a traditional Starfox experience, I highly recommend the game.

Anyone who's bashing Starfox Command can stuff it. No, it's not like Starfox or Starfox 64, nor is it trying to be. It's just a good game on its own, with intuitive and responsive controls (the turning is just as fast as SF64's, and I just drew circles for barrel rolls and never had any problems), and has a creative hybrid of shooter and turn-based strategy elements. The missions are addicting, and the campaigns are short enough on average to finish each in one sitting.

I had to send the game back because it was a rental, but I seriously considered buying it for the WiFi. If you're not hardcore intent on getting a traditional Starfox experience, I highly recommend the game.

I honestly didn't really care about traditional Star Fox gameplay, I just really hated the game for what it was. I'm only one person, though.

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