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Yeah, money trees are an unreliable means of making money. The stalk market is the fastest way to make money without cheating. unless you exploit the turnip glitch by leaving them on a table so they stay fresh for as long as you want.

The interest trick is the fastest known means of making money through cheating, resulting in 100,000 bells every 2 or 3 minutes. Here's how it works:

1.) Have at least 100,000 bells in your account and save.

2.) After booting up your DS, go to settings and change the date to Jan. 1, 2000.

3.) Start the game, check your mail (if any), and then save.

4.) Change the date to Jan. 1, 2011.

5.) Start the game and check your mail. You'll get a letter from town Hall saying that they added 99,999 bells into your account, or close to that amount. You will also get 10,000 more bells from your mom. Afterwards, save and quit.

6.) Repeat as many times as you like, jumping ahead 11 more years each time. As you get more money into your account, you can skip ahead fewer years while getting the same effect.

Don't use this trick unless you don't mind weeds, neighbors moving away, or the inability to use your catalog, but all of these things can be fixed.

What else would you say is worth getting?

Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, Meteos (the original, not the Disney remake), Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Tetris DS, Megaman ZX; this is just to name a few worth getting.

Oh, and Animal Crossing: Wild World.

What else would you say is worth getting?

Mario Kart DS' date=' Metroid Prime Hunters, [b']Meteos (the original, not the Disney remake), Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Tetris DS, Megaman ZX; this is just to name a few worth getting.

Oh, and Animal Crossing: Wild World.

I've actually heard good things about the Disney version of Meteos - the extra movements allow for an entirely new strategy.


I'll probably still get it. I love music games.

Also, random question, but did anyone enjoy Lost in Blue? I didn't really play it much and got discouraged when I died fairly quickly lol. Well, there appears to be a Lost in Blue 2 coming out.. How different could it be?


New videos of Elite Beat Agents. Other than half of the music (and hair), the game looks to be pretty fun.

I read about it in my NP magazine today. It looks awesome and I'm definitely going to pick it up.

As for the songs - they are all covers. As long as the cover band is good, doing this can improve a lot of the songs and adds a nice, uniform feeling to the game.

Oh yeah, they also said that songs were picked to match the stories - something I actually didn't expect. So they didn't just pull a bunch of random pop songs out of a hat.


I literally just finished Feel the Magic: XY/XX, making it the first DS game I have completed thus far. It was neat, and a fun distraction, but what I really want is to find a copy of WarioWare Touched!

Ain't no better place to go for Mini/Microgames than WarioWare.


I'll wait for Heroes of Mana. A portable RTS? Yes. That is made of so much Win I don't really know what else to say but it is easily my most anticipated game for the DS.


I got Children of Mana yesterday, and I like it. I've been getting into portable dungeon hacks lately: Deep Labyrinth, Shining Soul II, CoM, umm... Castlevanias, yeah, good stuff.

But like others have said: CoM's NOT like SoM. So, that's the FYI so people should STFU about INBLTOMG and JFEI and kblrtflgzzzzzzzzzzzz....

In other news: Dead 'n' Furious

First I've heard of it.

"With your stylus or your finger, you will recreate all the sensations of an arcade gun-shooter: different weapons, zombies, a mysterious story ..."

I know that I sure am pissed when I'm dead, so I don't blame those zombies.

I'm not a big fan of Star Trek, but I must say Tactical Assault is pretty fun.

How is the gameplay? It seemed a little iffy to me, and if the controls were anything like Encounters for PS2, I'm out.

I'll wait for Heroes of Mana. A portable RTS? Yes. That is made of so much Win I don't really know what else to say but it is easily my most anticipated game for the DS.

pwb get clubhouse games if you haven't already so we can play some card games

On another note, I beat Touch Detective. Not fully satisfying and the last episode was a little childish, but I still enjoyed its humor. Still have the Bonus Episode to finish, plus about 5 more things to touch.

I have been playing quite a bit with a bunch of people from another board. The only problem is the game is so addicting and you don't realize how much time passes when you're playing stupid games of poker and rummy.

Me and WOT laughed our asses off with Take Over. It's just so stupidly funny how every turn you pretty much knock the other player off haha.

I was excited about FF3 DS until I found its going to be $40. Won't be buying it until it goes <=$35 Screw you Square-Enix. If anyone sees somewhere online selling it for an ACCEPTABLE high-profile DS game price, let me know.

After FF12, FF3 is going to be the most boring RPG I'd ever play.

I was on the fence about passing on it for a while, but now I'm certain that missing FF3 will be no loss at all.

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