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I'm not sure, but maybe your's has something wrong. By the way, what's that game? I'm almost positive I know it...

Sword of Mana



So Horseboy can stop reloading this page every 2 sec.

I present to y'all, the OCR-DS Skin. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j261/lancer130/OCR4Done.jpg

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. And for those of you who don't know how to buy this, you go here


and upload the image above(Do not scale the image down at all! Save as is!) and buy it. Let me know what you think about it.


What you're seeing in that video is an item power up that barrel rolls you for a certain amount of time before going away. It is in no way user controlled.

I didn't go to E3, and I haven't played Star Fox DS. However, looking at this video (lower left hand corner), the guy's left finger twitches on the L button when he does what looks like a barrel roll. If it is an item, is it one you collect, and then can use later? Is it something that's sitting in the air, and when you pass through it you automatically do a barrel roll? If it's a collectable item, then it is player controlled, in that you can decide when to do a barrel roll/use the item. I admit, I'm not a huge player of the Star Fox series. As such, I'm not very good at doing barrel rolls (especially on the SNES), but I haven't found much use for them (again, I'm probably wrong on that. I think it works as a dodge tactic, but I'm not sure). If it's an item that you can trigger, then there is at least some player control over it. At least for me, that'd be pretty good. It would make it easier to do a barrel roll.

On the other hand, if the barrel roll does work as a dodging tactic, then I can see how it would be useful. Especially if you're given full control over how, when, and where you use it. But, in playing Star Fox Assualt, I seem to recall barrel rolls only lasting for a certain time as well. Sure, you could chain it together so that it would last longer, but it *seems* (based on videos, not actual gameplay) that the Star Fox Command game has roughly the same functionality. Please feel free to clarify any of this, or correct me. I'm looking forward to this game as well. Based on the videos and reviews I've seen (not reviews from anyone here, mostly in magazines or other sites), most people thought it was pretty good. There's room for improvement, but most thought it was pretty good.

Thanks in advance if you can shed a little more detail in that area. Mouser X out.


What you're seeing in that video is an item power up that barrel rolls you for a certain amount of time before going away. It is in no way user controlled.

I didn't go to E3, and I haven't played Star Fox DS. However, looking at this video (lower left hand corner), the guy's left finger twitches on the L button when he does what looks like a barrel roll. If it is an item, is it one you collect, and then can use later? Is it something that's sitting in the air, and when you pass through it you automatically do a barrel roll? If it's a collectable item, then it is player controlled, in that you can decide when to do a barrel roll/use the item. I admit, I'm not a huge player of the Star Fox series. As such, I'm not very good at doing barrel rolls (especially on the SNES), but I haven't found much use for them (again, I'm probably wrong on that. I think it works as a dodge tactic, but I'm not sure). If it's an item that you can trigger, then there is at least some player control over it. At least for me, that'd be pretty good. It would make it easier to do a barrel roll.

On the other hand, if the barrel roll does work as a dodging tactic, then I can see how it would be useful. Especially if you're given full control over how, when, and where you use it. But, in playing Star Fox Assualt, I seem to recall barrel rolls only lasting for a certain time as well. Sure, you could chain it together so that it would last longer, but it *seems* (based on videos, not actual gameplay) that the Star Fox Command game has roughly the same functionality. Please feel free to clarify any of this, or correct me. I'm looking forward to this game as well. Based on the videos and reviews I've seen (not reviews from anyone here, mostly in magazines or other sites), most people thought it was pretty good. There's room for improvement, but most thought it was pretty good.

Thanks in advance if you can shed a little more detail in that area. Mouser X out.

That video is misleading as his barrel rolling and L-pressing are a coincidence. If you watch the rest of the video, you'll notice that the L button is used to fire lasers (which is actually what the L button is for). The barrel roll maneuver is an item that you fly through, and once you fly through it, your ship barrel rolls for a certain amount of time, deflecting incoming enemy fire.

I think you mean Tenchu. I saw Tenchi there and immediately thought Muyo, which has been dead for years.

Yup, sorry, typo. It's Tenchu DS.

That video is misleading as his barrel rolling and L-pressing are a coincidence. If you watch the rest of the video, you'll notice that the L button is used to fire lasers (which is actually what the L button is for). The barrel roll maneuver is an item that you fly through, and once you fly through it, your ship barrel rolls for a certain amount of time, deflecting incoming enemy fire.

Ah. Well then, I do agree, that sucks. Perhaps it's the resolution of the various videos I have, but I've been hard-pressed to see them fly through an item to barrel roll. On the other hand, in most of the videos I've seen where they do barrel roll, they have a scene change right before, or as, the barrel roll takes place. As such, that would make it difficult to see the item. Then again, perhaps I'm just missing something. Mouser X out.


I couldn't care less for VGDJ or djp on my DS, nor for so much text on my DS, or the names of random people or an url on my DS. Plus it looks kinda pixelated.

Yeah, I pretty much have to agree, imho there should only be graphics on a skin, words just ruin it.


Well, DS games that I know are coming but havent been officially anounced yet:

Fire Emblem


And, the ones that have been:

Tales of the Tempest

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Final Fantasy III

The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

And finally, the rumors:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Baten Kaitos

Thats my list as of now :)

Still waiting for a new worthwhile DS game that ISN'T a sequel.

Good point. Never really thought of that. But like you said, there nothing wrong with sequels, as long as they introduce new concepts and ideas without whoring the old ones.


So I ordered a flash cart and a passme for running homebrew on my DS, and I was looking around to see what all I could get for it. I stumbled upon this cool little program someone's working on; a full featured tracker, complete with touchscreen support and mic sampling.



I figured a lot of people here would find this interesting, this being a music arrangement community and all. It looks pretty cool, I'm definitly gonna try this out once everything arrives in the mail.

My store needs to get more DS Lite's so I can replace mine :[ /cry

Nevermind, been reading around and lots of people are saying you have to use more force to go diagonal. Let the DSing commence! lol


Advance Wars is pretty awesome, the best of the series. BTW, how is Lost in Blue? I was intriguied by it, but dropped when reviews came sour... what did you think of it?

Anyway, when do you wanna play online Bigfoot? I've tried it once and it's pretty fun. (ACWW I mean)





Nice, you have 8 games that I have. :D.

but anyways... you got Sprung??? LOLOLOLOL.

Just messing, and we need to play Metroid again guys. I haven't played in forever.

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