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Posted (edited)

Brandon: I'm ashamed to admit, but I've had a level 11 kill me over and over with a shotgun to the face...somehow even a level 3 killed me a few times. So while leveling up means you have access to different skills and weapon in PVP, it doesn't mean you auto win at higher levels.

Also keep in mind, past 20, there aren't any different weapons/armors that you can't wear/level up, so the light levels (21-30) make no real difference in normal crucible PVP.


Yeah, I remember I first went to the level 8 strike to help a friend level up a 2nd character, thinking I could destroy everything with reckless abandon with my 20+ character. I was the first one to die. :/ Even the lowly level 2 beginning mission enemies can wallop you if you don't pay attention.

Then again, I wouldn't say I'm good at ... anything

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

This is how you fly the flag of OC ReMix in the IRON BANNER! Not even joking, first time in the Iron Banner and this happened.


I guess when you're not overpowered against noobs, it's hard to win, eh?

Oh yeah..


Limited time event replacing the Queen, probably will last a week. GET ON IT

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)
I'd love to join a fireteam here. I'm on PS4. My PSN name is HyBound. Please add. If I'm on I'd be happy to help with anything you would need to work towards and I'd appreciate some help with my exotic bounty.

Join the clan!!


Between everyone in the clan, we should be able to hit level 26/28 and beyond in order to take on the Vault of Glass and upcoming raids. Not a bad idea to also add people as a friend to see when they're online.

Also check out Zircon/Jill's Destiny ReMix, the song plays during the credits which you have to play manually after finishing all the missions

I'm on PS3 :(

You can still join the clan and wear our tag, it works on all platforms!

Added some links to first post -- event timer and is Xur in the tower.

Edited by Brandon Strader

I finally hit level 26 cause I got my Crucible rank up to level 2 and had enough marks to buy all the legendaries... got 16 strange coins for Xur on the weekend if he's selling an Exotic Hunter helm.

So my question is, who has tried the Vault of Glass yet, and who is working towards that? ;-)

Had a heck of a good time playing with ebuch the other night, got my legendaries right after we stopped playing together. Not sure what being lvl26 actually changes apart from defense amount and item perks.. got a pretty great legendary Auto Rifle called Doctor Nope right before they released a patch nerfing auto rifles. :/


Still having a blast with the game, thanks to the OCR clan! It's so much more fun playing with a full fireteam. We're looking to complete our roster for Vault of Glass so if anyone is out there still looking for a good time, you should seriously join.

New happenings in the world of Destiny and OCR clan:

  • Destroying Septic Grime with bestrader and Lucavi00 on weekly Nightfall
  • bestrader got his exotic Hunter helm from Xûr, finally caught up to me at lvl 27
  • Dancing on the Moon spire (wearing moon boots, obviously)
  • Dancing with Xûr



Keep dancing, Guardians.

Posted (edited)
finally got a ps4, add my acc: s_demise

Just added you with the phone app.. I didn't realize it was you before cause I didn't read the included message. :-P

We've got half of a team ready for a Vault of Glass raid. Ebuch and I are level 27 and Lucavi00 is catching up pretty quick. Vault of Glass on normal is a level 26 raid so I think as soon as people hit that, we should be good to go.

If you have 13 Strange Coins make sure you hit up Xur in the hangar of the Tower before 5am tomorrow when he leaves, or else you'll have to wait until next Friday.

Edited by Brandon Strader
I still am stuck at 24 because I've yet to get my vanguard rank 2. I'm working on it slowly but surely. Once I get to that point I'll let you guys know. I'm also working with FWC to get better armor too.

Get someone to carry you through the weekly nightfall if you can when it refreshes Tuesday then you'll get like a 20% EXP increase on everything so when you turn in your bounties you get extra rank then hit rank 2 and buy hella legendaries

I personally did Crucible and I think it's quicker but other people joined factions and iunno it's really up to you which one you wanna do, eventually you can rank them all up

Posted (edited)
Get someone to carry you through the weekly nightfall if you can when it refreshes Tuesday then you'll get like a 20% EXP increase on everything so when you turn in your bounties you get extra rank then hit rank 2 and buy hella legendaries

I've started a second warlock so I can complete all of the weeklies a second time -- I'll be completing the Nightfall strike again before it resets Tuesday. Anyone is welcome to join!

Sent friend request to HoboKa!

I went on a shopping spree and bought Shadow Price (Vanguard Legendary Auto Rifle), Truth from Xûr, and some legendary armor for my second warlock (still only level 3.. might take a day or two to get up to 20). I'm all decked out for the raid aside from leveling up the new gear I got, it should be great. I'm guessing we'll want Void weapons for the raid.

Edit: Also, SALVAGE is back this weekend! I always either get put on a sucky team, or we absolutely clean house. It'd be great to get a group together before it's over!

Edited by ebuch
Posted (edited)
Just added you with the phone app.. I didn't realize it was you before cause I didn't read the included message. :-P

We've got half of a team ready for a Vault of Glass raid. Ebuch and I are level 27 and Lucavi00 is catching up pretty quick. Vault of Glass on normal is a level 26 raid so I think as soon as people hit that, we should be good to go.

If you have 13 Strange Coins make sure you hit up Xur in the hangar of the Tower before 5am tomorrow when he leaves, or else you'll have to wait until next Friday.

I'm lvl22 so I'll need to do some catching up >_<

And np Brandon =D


I will add you back Ebuch!

Edited by HoboKa
Posted (edited)

Naw mane you gotta hit level 5 billion to catch up with us! We just finished the Vault of Glass earlier, ebuch's got the vacation photos to put up later. :-)

I ended with 25 shards, who-cares how many energy, a legendary sparrow, legendary vault cloak, Plan C exotic fusion rifle, another exotic Truth rocket launcher, and a legendary rocket launcher.. not the best weapon drops in general and no armor. WE MUST GO AGAIN.

But hard is level 30? We'll get rekt. D:

edit: I'll definitely run around with you sometime hoboka, but take on crucible bounties to get your rank up to buy legendaries... or vanguard bounties, whichever is easier for ya

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

Didn't get as many photos as I thought, and most of them didn't turn out very cool, but here's one that I think sums up our first Vault of Glass pretty well. :smile:


We'll have to grab some cooler photos next time!

Aside from the shards/energy, I ended up with:

Gjallerhorn (Exotic Rocket Launcher)

Hezen Vengeance (Legendary Rocket Launcher)

Praedyth's Revenge (Legendary Sniper Rifle)

We should probably wait until everyone has raid gear or level 29 at least before trying hard mode... get some good practice on normal while we're at it. If you have an exotic helm you'll be able to get to level 30 without having to beat hard mode!

Edit: HoboKa, feel free to send me an invite whenever! If I'm not doing anything else important already I'll definitely join up. Same goes for all you other guys. We're a clan after all :D

Edit 2: There's a trophy for completing a raid with a team consisting only of clan members. Let's dooo it. I think we know enough to do it on our own without relying on DestinyLFG people who have already done it.

Edit 3: There's also a trophy for completing a strike with only clan members! We're doing Nightfall this week! Who can do it tomorrow?

Edited by ebuch
Didn't get as many photos as I thought, and most of them didn't turn out very cool, but here's one that I think sums up our first Vault of Glass pretty well. :smile:


We'll have to grab some cooler photos next time!

Aside from the shards/energy, I ended up with:

Gjallerhorn (Exotic Rocket Launcher)

Hezen Vengeance (Legendary Rocket Launcher)

Praedyth's Revenge (Legendary Sniper Rifle)

We should probably wait until everyone has raid gear or level 29 at least before trying hard mode... get some good practice on normal while we're at it. If you have an exotic helm you'll be able to get to level 30 without having to beat hard mode!

Edit: HoboKa, feel free to send me an invite whenever! If I'm not doing anything else important already I'll definitely join up. Same goes for all you other guys. We're a clan after all :D

Edit 2: There's a trophy for completing a raid with a team consisting only of clan members. Let's dooo it. I think we know enough to do it on our own without relying on DestinyLFG people who have already done it.

Edit 3: There's also a trophy for completing a strike with only clan members! We're doing Nightfall this week! Who can do it tomorrow?

Sounds like something we should do! I'll invite you when/if I see you on ebuch!

edit: I'll definitely run around with you sometime hoboka, but take on crucible bounties to get your rank up to buy legendaries... or vanguard bounties, whichever is easier for ya

Okay, sounds like a plan.

Posted (edited)

Nightfall is aaawful, we probably won't be able to do it. :-P Couldn't do it with three level28s

Yeah nothing to say about this new raid, a lot of shards and a Chatterwhite shader. But we missed 1 chest somehow, it disappeared before we could get it.

I agree that we need some OCR clan folks for raids and nightfall :-)

Edited by Brandon Strader

Partial group photo of last night's raid:


We're basically pros at it now; we cleared the Vault of Glass in 1h 35m last night (down from the 4h 52m it took us the first time), and that's even after beating Atheon the normal way instead of knocking him off the ledge.

I got nothing but shards loot-wise, unless you count Chatterwhite (for the second time) and a useless arm band. Here's hoping we start getting some raid gear soon. I just hit level 29 so that's the only thing that's going to improve my armor.

Nightfall is probably going to have to be solo this week.. the closest we could get Phogoth down was to half health and then a dozen wizards spawn and blast us to smithereens.


bestrader in the tower tree.

Posted (edited)

Huhhaw I like my transformation from red raiding badass to white bird in a tree. :-P

I think we could definitely get a group of people together to cheese Phogoth, just make sure they know what we're doing and don't run around like A-Holes! If you go to the room previous to the one we cheese from, it resets the enemy spawns so they come back. If you go to the room ahead it has that spinny orb that shoots death rays. Gotta get an arc damage sniper, shoot phogoth from the 2nd room, NOBODY go back to the third room, and just chill until he's dead.

I think we can do it.. just let me know when you wanna try, I don't think I have an arc sniper but I'm good at chillin'

We'll be doing the raid again on normal difficulty around 7PM EST tonight (Wednesday). If you're around level 26, you should join us!

Edited by Brandon Strader

Yoooo. It's been like, years since I last posted, but I've kept downloading stuff here and seen the panels at cons and stuff. Don't have a clan yet, and it doesn't look like I'll be getting in one either, so if you'll be willing to have me, I'm in.

I'd be more than happy to rep OCR on the Xbox 360, more people need to know about this joint, even if it's just a clan tag. Being on the 360, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be pretty lonely for a while, haha, but I've done the raid a couple of times in PuGs, so I'm good on that front. I also wreck PvP, since it's just Halo only better and I've been doing that for years.

Got a level 28 Warlock and a Hunter that has 4 pieces of legendary equipment waiting for her when she decides to hit 20, heh. If you're on 360, let's do it up!

Not sure if there's some sort of approval needed for the app, but my app's in the cooker. I guess the same rules apply to 360 as to PS4: 3 clanmates needed before the tag show up.

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