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Yeah, unfortunately... gotta have 3 Xbox Live players.. maybe you've got friends? Could invite them too. :-) Took me forever to get PS4 clan members and now they're all up the wazoo.

Leveled my new Titan from 7 to 15 this morning, took a few hours... <_< It looks like bounties really are the way to go. You can get 5000XP a pop for them and if you somehow manage to turn in 5 bounties you'd probably go up 2 and a half levels just from that..

I dunno, crazy. I got rares in my vault so when I hit 20 I'll go right up to light level 24. Looks like I can't buy legendaries for my alt so I'll probably be stuck around 25 for a while :-(

Buying exotics from Xur on the weekend, of course....


Haha yeah man, I dunno. I got super lucky back in the day when legendary engrams didn't necessarily give you purples; a good chunk of my blues gave me purples instead. Bad thing was, they were for hunters. I didn't bother sharding them, so now I have a full set. She even has an exotic chestpiece waiting for her because of the exotic engram I bought. :P

At the moment, PvE seems to have come to a standstill for me, mostly for lack of raiding partners, so I've just been rocking PvP and trying to level up all these stupid exotic weapons. Having one equipped at a time is the slowest grind ever.

But yeah, if others around here have the 360 version here (and I'm not sure who would) lessdoit. :3

  • 2 weeks later...

I hit 29 on my new Titan so now I have 2 characters at level 29 :-P And I have Sunbreakers (exotic) and a Legendary chest piece for a Warlock prepared, but never made a Warlock yet. :-P

In other news Weekly Reset took place an hour early today so there's a new Weekly Heroic Strike, Nightfall, and of course Daily Heroic Story. Also, the Vault of Glass is reset for everyone to run it again this week.

And... the IRON BANNER is back!! Maybe a fluke? Didn't look like the detailed updates they talked about have been applied, but we'll see.

Posted (edited)

Here are a few crazy clips I've saved over the last few days/weeks:

Zombie Minotaur:

Poor bestrader getting mauled by a zombie minotaur :(

Acolyte Shooting Gallery:

Poor aim, good timing.


Did not see that one coming.

Edited by ebuch

After a bunch of rounds of Iron Banner with Riboseman we saw a guy in the tower named TyrannosaurusRekt, I think that accurately describes how rekt we got. Seems like there's certain weapons that are more effective though so I'm gonna give that a shot. Gotta hit rank 4 so I can get my Iron Banner gloves so I can hit level 30.

  • 3 weeks later...

All the rage now is hitting level 31, and eventually 32. Yes, the new expansion, The Dark Below, has released.

Even people who did not buy the expansion can get the new armor at the vendors. Going with the Vanguard to get your legendaries is still what I recommend to hit level 31 as fast as possible. You'll gain marks and reputation with tiger strikes (among many other things) and vanguard commendations once you start ranking up. That's all you need to hit level 31.

But you guys should get the expansion pass. I dunno if any of you played the Vault of Glass, but Crota's End is basically 3 times better than that raid. It makes it look like an early experiment by comparison, which makes sense, if you think about it.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing a lot more frequently. I'm on PS4, and my handle there is Dyne2057. If you see me on and want to run Strike lists or Crucible, feel free to hit me up. I'm looking forward to getting to 30, I'm over halfway there now, but I need some Legendaries yet, so, it'll take some time.

  • 2 weeks later...
I've been playing a lot more frequently. I'm on PS4, and my handle there is Dyne2057. If you see me on and want to run Strike lists or Crucible, feel free to hit me up. I'm looking forward to getting to 30, I'm over halfway there now, but I need some Legendaries yet, so, it'll take some time.

You're level 27 so we could cheese you through the first half of the new raid just to get a chance at raid gear drops (starts at light 30) which would save you a lot of hassle having to buy inferior vender items. It's up to you. :-)

Also in case you didn't know, the Vault of Glass armor is obsolete and the weapons haven't been buffed (with the exception of Vex Mythoclast). People still swear by Fatebringer -- and Found Verdict in the Crucible.

On the other hand if you wanted to do Crota legit the first time you pretty much have to be level 30... so... *shrug* :-) And if you manage to find an Icebreaker or a Gjallarhorn you'll be set for life basically.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So what are your predictions for what Xur will be selling tomorrow?

Every week people have been crying for the Gjallarhorn. Xur sold Ice Breaker a couple weeks ago, and No Land Beyond last week, which was a total waste of time because it's the worst gun in the game. (And he's sold it 3 times since the DLC game out.)

Personally I think he's still going to upset people with Plan C or something similar. Maybe MIDA Multi-Tool which I'd actually get.

But will he sell the Gjallarhorn? Chances seem high but also it might never happen. That's RNG for you!

Has anyone got the Crux of Crota yet?

edit: Xur sold the same crud as he did a few weeks ago :< not even worth posting about.... he's gone now. Good riddance!

Edited by Brandon Strader
  • 3 weeks later...

Reset tonight at 4am... I just need my dang Crux of Crota! And the Titan raid helm, that's it...

Then the only exotic I'll have left to get my hands on is 4th Horseman, but I've heard it is crap, and shotguns are getting nerfed again soon.

I got Felwinter's Lie, the Iron Banner shotgun, and already maxed it out.. this thing is a beast. Probably the highest range and impact of any shotgun. The Scout Rifle Gheleon's Demise is good too with Firefly and Outlaw.

  • 2 months later...

Been a while since anyone's given a gosh-flippin-darn about this thread, but there's been a buttload of news about House of Wolves!


Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, new PVP maps... ascending weapons and armor to the cap which is being raised to level 34.


It's gonna be awesome. I still don't have that dumb Crux of Crota but I might wait until I'm level 34, got all the other things. 8)


If you want to organize raid nights, be sure to use the community calendar.


This is a REALLY good idea, I just wish more OCR people were active on Destiny. 


Though it's worth mentioning, I was playing with supercoolmike and some friends the other day, and I was doing the sword bearer with hard mode Crota because for whatever reason whenever someone else does it they lag and die all the time. Anyway, I got sloppy and ended up dying after getting 12 sword hits, so Crota just needed 6 more hits... the problem was none of the other people on the team knew how to take the sword, and supercoolmike had no microphone... So I basically said supercoolmike either knows how to do it or we're screwed, and I'm like "If you know how to do it mike, dance" and then he started teabagging and jerking his camera up and down haha.. so I'm like... well he didn't dance... let's see what happens. 


The long and short of it is, mike ran and grabbed the sword and hopped up on the perch, and I told them when to shoot (cause as a dead guy, I had a good angle on what Mike was doing), then he jumped up, got 3 hits, went back to perch.. Called it out again, Mike jumped up and got the last 3 hits and killed Crota. That was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen in Destiny, a guy with no microphone killing Crota -- the most amazing thing I'd ever seen was when BUTTBLAST3000 finished killing the Templar (from about half health) on his own after the rest of the team got marked and died.


Anyway Destiny's starting to get more and more content and there's a lot to talk about, I was hoping more people would come in and share their opinion on the Prison of Elders and  Trials of Osiris.. I know Dyne and supercoolmike are active members of the OCR clan and making OCR look good there. I wish we could organize event days but likely it'll just boil down to, everyone be on Tuesday, when the events are done in a more hardcore fashion, or else you'll be doing them more casually the rest of the week whenever someone feels like putting a group together. Reset is every Tuesday at 4AM EST but I'm not sure if the new events will reset at 1PM EST -- we don't know yet, so that'll be something to think about. 


Prison of Elders is sorta like a mix between a raid and a horde mode -- mostly a horde mode, but with some raid-like mechanics. There's a level 28 version with matchmaking, and the others without matchmaking are level 32, 34, and level 35 which is the biggest challenge. Trials of Osiris is basically Skirmish, but if everyone on your 3-man team dies, you lose the round. Get 9 wins and you can grab the best loot, get 3 losses and you're out. 


I gotta work Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon for the foreseeable future so I'm a bit out of luck with the release-day festivities but I hope people will return to posting cool stories and screenshots, share epic loots.. etc.. let's get the interest in the OCR Clan / Destiny community moving again :-)


ya, felt like a total badass when i killed crota with no mic but I know it was a team effort (but now I wished I recorded it.lol). On the topic of house of Wolves, the hype is real. just can't wait till it comes out.


The best way to start off the next dlc (for those that don't know) is to have all ur factions rep on the verge of lvling up so that u get a package on the day of the dlc release. I currently have 6 packages waiting to be received for the dlc and I'm still prepping up more for my other characters. I'm also going to rush to reach 34 then to have a gun that has 365 dmg.


I highly suggest for all players to go to http://planetdestiny.com/and follow them on youtube. The best source for destiny content out there and they were able to go to bungies studio ahead of time and experienced the HOW content before anyone else.


i thought the 1.2 patch was going to be the HOW patch but sheeeeeit if its really coming tomorrow, crucible will be so much more rewarding to do now.


Idk if u read the full patch notes but iron banner will give out packages when rank 3 and/or 5 have been reached. Also the crucible will start having legendary gear in there rewards rotaion and top players will have have a better chance to get loot. I'm really looking forward for the daily crucible packages tho. shits gonna kikass.

  • 2 weeks later...

YOU PEOPLE!! I know nobody's posted cause they're too busy with the DLC.


House of Wolves is amazing. There's never been a better time to join the OCR clan, either on PS4 or on Xbox One. We need representation for both. 


I ran Prison of Elders level 28 with Dyne last night. Even without a treasure key, it's worth doing. I got House of Judgement rep, 2 motes of light, and a Royal Amethyst which is redeemable for 5,000 glimmer. Had to work all weekend so I only had 1 chance to get the flawless Trials passage. We went 5 wins then got a loss, it sucked.. then we disbanded out of sadness. But that's all it takes to get the chestpiece with 42 (max) light level. But I missed out on the other rewards and the Lighthouse. 


No Queen's Cypher exotic bounty for me, either. Maybe others were more lucky.


We've got a new clan member, Dstillma, he's pretty much the Australian version of me, so watch out for him. He's really loud and offensive.


In conclusion...... WE NEED TO COORDINATE. If you get a regular exotic bounty, make sure you grab A Light in the Dark. It's tough, but do it so you can get Thorn. We all need Crucible training, myself included, to be competitive in the Trials of Osiris... it's the hardest pvp experience. People will be around to help with the bounty, but you're on your own with the Void kills in Crucible part.


Learn to play defensively. Try dropping the shotgun and practice with a sniper. I gotta do that too. But for Thorn bounty, definitely use a shotgun if you're good with it. Paired with Word of Crota void primary, and Truth (if you have it), the bounty shouldn't be too hard.


Not sure what to say apart from I've barely even scratched the surface of this DLC, there's SO MUCH STUFF. And I only killed Skolas once. 


If anyone's having trouble figuring out how to join the clan please ask me. If anyone's looking for groups for Trials please post here.  I used the forum calendar for the DLC launch but we may coordinate PVP weekends in the future, or specific days for Clan PoE, open to suggestions for events and such. 


Had to work all weekend so I only had 1 chance to get the flawless Trials passage. We went 5 wins then got a loss, it sucked.. then we disbanded out of sadness. But that's all it takes to get the chestpiece with 42 (max) light level. But I missed out on the other rewards and the Lighthouse. 

u guys should have kept going. ya going to the light house is the ultimate goal but the last 2 packages u get from brother vance also gives u etheric light. I was able to reach the lighthouse with my titan and I got the jewels of Osirus (Void H.Cannon) and the free exotic weapon I got was the no land beyond.lol

  • 4 weeks later...

The taken King has been revealed thoroughly with this new video Documentary.It comes Sep.15



Year 1 ps exclusives like Hawkmoon,Monte carlo,(some)Crucible maps and strikes will be available for all Xbox players when the Taken king is released. However, A new year for Destiny also means a new year of Playstation Exclusives that Xbox players will be left out untill fall 2016. The video below talks about the new ps Exclusive



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