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Interesting. I like the direction you're taking, it's different than the other WIPs so far. Its a little messy and needs work, but otherwise runs smooth. Of course, don't take it too harshly. Its a work-in-progress, or course it isn't going to be the best. Nice!


Things are pretty wild up there right now, but if anyone else wants to step forward, even if they aren't making a track themselves, feel free to. Much appreciated.

I can play drums live if need be.

And as for the sig thing, It sounds sweet. My sig should have both Starwolf and Andross in it somewhere, though. I have decided to use sprinklings of the Starwolf theme in places, but keep the Andross theme as the main theme. It will probably start with a little bit of starwolf, then go into a breakdown section, then play the andross stuff, then have a bit more Starwolf in the bridge and at the end. Seriously, Its going to rule.


Things are pretty wild up there right now, but if anyone else wants to step forward, even if they aren't making a track themselves, feel free to. Much appreciated.

I can play drums live if need be.

And as for the sig thing, It sounds sweet. My sig should have both Starwolf and Andross in it somewhere, though. I have decided to use sprinklings of the Starwolf theme in places, but keep the Andross theme as the main theme. It will probably start with a little bit of starwolf, then go into a breakdown section, then play the andross stuff, then have a bit more Starwolf in the bridge and at the end. Seriously, Its going to rule.

Ooooh... drums. That may come in pretty handy. Are you good at orchestral/march kinda stuff? Perhaps I'll call you in for some help somehwere along the line.

And of course it's going to rule... this whole project is! :P


Things are pretty wild up there right now, but if anyone else wants to step forward, even if they aren't making a track themselves, feel free to. Much appreciated.

I can play drums live if need be.

And as for the sig thing, It sounds sweet. My sig should have both Starwolf and Andross in it somewhere, though. I have decided to use sprinklings of the Starwolf theme in places, but keep the Andross theme as the main theme. It will probably start with a little bit of starwolf, then go into a breakdown section, then play the andross stuff, then have a bit more Starwolf in the bridge and at the end. Seriously, Its going to rule.

Ooooh... drums. That may come in pretty handy. Are you good at orchestral/march kinda stuff? Perhaps I'll call you in for some help somehwere along the line.

And of course it's going to rule... this whole project is! :P

I can. i can do anything, I suppose. Funk, Metal, Orchestral, Marching Band, Waltzes, Hip-Hop, Pop, Indie, Christrian Rap .... anything.


Christian Rap? Oh, god no... (Get it? Christian Rap? God? HAHaha...).

Anyway, does anyone want to a few questions?

- Why do the Torrents have FLAC files? What are they for?

- Can anyone provide their services to master tracks, with better quality samples, and mad expensive programs no all of us have? (Don't answer if you already did)

- How many judges need to OK a track for it to get through? 'Cause I was thinking, what if, instead of deciding ourselves, or leaving it up to the regualr judge amount, what if ALL judges needed to OK a track? Because I know that Summoning of Spirits is using the judges to decide what gets on (Thanks, pu). But, what if, instead of the norm, we used ALL of the judges, and needed a full, (if not missing one) to give a "yes"? It would ensure track quality, and make sure anything we might miss gets caught.

i can play flute

what? don't give me those weird looks :wink:


Hey Anchorman Ron Burgandy played flute too, and he was one cool cat.

Aight guys I'm gonna get an update on my mix pretty soon. Nothing major, but i've been listening to evanescence and godsmack recently bc I've been doin a massive amount of programming and am really pissed off, so I thought now would be a good time to work on my Lufia track.


Great, we wanted evil music, not angry music. No, thats fine. I think it's great to see this project considered an escape, or recreation, rather than actual work. Keep up the good work.


Haha, well i got an update. Only one change in the arrangement :D whahahaha

But I did a crap load of work on mastering, def a big improvement on that area from my old stuff. Oh yeah the guitar is friggin awesome now that i got off my lazy ass and used guitar rig 2 for some added ooomph.

I'll get it up in the forums within the hour.


I posted a rough Bowser WIP on the, uh ...other... forum .

I'll probably take a week break or so from this as I remember that working on this has kept me away from various school responsibilities :? Plus it will give me a fresh ear when i pick it up again.

In the mean time, comments appreciated.


Great do far. At 1:00, I think the original SMB's castle theme might make a good bass, and at 2:50, it sounds a little like the endless staircase, and maybe something can be fitted in?

Otherwise, great work. If thats the "skeleton" of the track so far, I can't wait for the rest (as usual...). I feel like the guitar can get way sicker, but I guess if (and when) you get a live guitarist, some improve can be done.

ed]Hey! Dont look at me, I only know what I pu said. Not my fault! Not my fault!

*sigh*... the Summoning of Spirits project mixers are sending their tracks to the judges to be well... judged of course. I know that they're not doing it as a whole project (but most of the songs are being judged first).

That's why the idea was to make that a rule at this project. Every single mix being judged by the panel first beofre they're accepted into the project. I, for one, think it's a good idea. It would surely boost the quality of the project. Don't know what you guys think, though...

EDIT: The Live instruments... you seem to see piano and keyboard as one. They do in fact have a slightly different way of playing... Plus it's not a keyboard I have. But I'm just complaining about the smallest thing I could find I guess :wink:

EDIT2: FLAC files provide way better quality than mp3, but it's also a lot larger. Hence the coiche you offer: Small files with lower quality, or bigger files with higher quality


Anyway, does anyone want to a few questions?

- Why do the Torrents have FLAC files? What are they for?

Theyre a high-bitrate, seemingly high-quality type of music file. You need to get a codec to play them. I think theyre a waste of space, personally, one FLAC song can end up taking up more space than a whole album thats in MP3. You should state in the rules of this project that all entires must be in MP3, including WIPs

- Can anyone provide their services to master tracks, with better quality samples, and mad expensive programs not all of us have? (Don't answer if you already did)

I could.

- How many judges need to OK a track for it to get through? 'Cause I was thinking, what if, instead of deciding ourselves, or leaving it up to the regualr judge amount, what if ALL judges needed to OK a track? Because I know that Summoning of Spirits is using the judges to decide what gets on (Thanks, pu). But, what if, instead of the norm, we used ALL of the judges, and needed a full, (if not missing one) to give a "yes"? It would ensure track quality, and make sure anything we might miss gets caught.

I think it needs to get 3 more yes's than it does no's. I'm not particularly sure about the system either.

Despite not entirely knowing what the current system is, I'm happy with it. I know you wan't to ensure quality, but if we have to wait for every single judge to give us an YES, well, that could take ages. Judges might not have access to thier computer for weeks. We have to remember: Judges are people to. So in short I'm happy with the current system.

I think it needs to get 3 more yes's than it does no's. I'm not particularly sure about the system either.

You have to get either 4x YES or 3x NO. If it's real close (3x NO, 3x YES or something like that) they'll wait for more judges to give their opinions.

I think it needs to get 3 more yes's than it does no's. I'm not particularly sure about the system either.

You have to get either 4x YES or 3x NO. If it's real close (3x NO, 3x YES or something like that) they'll wait for more judges to give their opinions.

Oh. Cool. Now I undesrtand. Yeah, I'm happy with that system.

Oh yeah, and just in case anyone can give me a few pointers, I'm kinda having a little trouble with andross's theme. Its just the music isn't exactly.... well, music. Don't get me wrong, I know the percussion pretty well and can do a lot of things with it, Its just the Synths are a bit mental... meh, I'm sure I'll figure something out.


What game are you using for reference? The N64? Hmm...yeah, the composers are doing this dramatic thing in three, trying to emulate a film score. A bit awkward to remix. Do you have MSN or something? I could help you out while you mix if you want.

Also, Andross' brain has a seperate theme, which might be easier to do. He's in the SNES version too, I think. (never beat that one...)

What game are you using for reference? The N64? Hmm...yeah, the composers are doing this dramatic thing in three, trying to emulate a film score. A bit awkward to remix. Do you have MSN or something? I could help you out while you mix if you want.

Also, Andross' brain has a seperate theme, which might be easier to do. He's in the SNES version too, I think. (never beat that one...)

I don't have MSN just now, but Ive been meaning to get an acount for some time now. Just wait 'till tommorow, I'll probably have an account by then.

I know he's in the SNES version, but sadly he didn't have his own theme.

And I know his brain has a different theme, but I don't know what it is. I'm actually currently writing the music by ear. I'm just lucky that there are only 3 instruments - and 2 of them are drums, which I would completely revamp anyway. The other instrument Is just a synth with some crazy effects added on, and the actual notes are quite simple. Yeah, I should be OK.

But I will probably need tips for the remixing part, so I'll set up an acount for tommorow so I can ask you for advice.


By the way, I have to say, cause I've been asked quite a bit recently, I made an MSN name thingy... "Frank.14159". So, go ahead and ask any questions... LIVE!! The torrent, when the project is done, will be two torrents. A FLAC torrent, and an MP3 torrent. I HATE when the project torrents take hours to load, just because some people need a FLAC. I just dont get it. The judges? Ill think about it. I just want to ensure quality, like all major food corporations (Crescendo to Cooking 4 ever!).

About the Andross theme, just a personal request from me, I've always been a big fan of 64's "Sector X" theme (who isn't?), and hearing a bit of a cameo would make my day, seriously.

Now, pu made a good point, in a PM to me. I AM NOT ENFORCING OCREMIX'S BITRATE OR SIZE RESTRICTIONS. As long as you dont make a three hour mix, it's fine. Well, even a 10 minute mix is pushing it, unless you have a kick-ass 5 minute guitar solo in there. So that leaves it open for as much detail as you want, as long as you dont clutter the thing.

Another thing in that PM, the idea of a mega-mix at the end of the album, or possibly as a bonus track off of the website. I say, let's wait for everything else to fall into place before we worry about that.


Neato. I added yo-

Whoa, you're on now...creepy.

How would a mega mix even work? Just editing together sections of each others tracks or writing some new?

Eh, whatever.


Haha mega mix. mlo think of those crazy 15-20 min tracks DJ's put together of a bunch of popular songs. Well apply that same theory to all of our remixes. Someone could use ableton live to do it. Thats all I'm gonna say about it.

Oh yeah got another update for you guys, please go check it out. I need some comments on it, wats good wats bad...anything.

Oh yeah as far as having the judges judge each song. It's a good idea in theory. In reality it means thing are gonna take awhile. Look at this way, first submission 1.5-3 months for feedback. If it's rejected thats about .5-1 a month to fix it. Then that's antoher 1.5-3 months to get feedback again. So we're are lookin at 3.5 - 7 months for that by itself. And that on to whenever the very last mix is finished.

It's a great idea but it'll be time consuming. I'm down for it if we're gonna do it.


Well, it reduces a huge problem I was thinking of. The time spent to judge a few mixes might give the other mixers time to finish, as well as completing the website, art, etc...

Of course, it would be rave/techno. No orchestra, no Rock. The whole thing would be underground lasers, smoke machines, and moshing. That would be awesome. Besides a total departure from our basic design, but leads into volume II, "Haywire Harmonics", which I was thinking of basing in techno and rave, rather than orch/rock. Still dark themes, though.


You know, my fellow project-mates, I all of you, and have a personal request, that just came up at the perfect time. I recently found a box, while rummaging through my room, that my uncle gave me 2 years ago. It's a music program, "Magix Music Maker". Now, if it's a piece of crap waste of time, tell me. But otherwise, I would appreciate the opportunity to help, besides the fact that it is my project, and it feels weird not doing anything to help. It's the 2004 deluxe version, and has three extra discs with audio samples for "techno/trance", "hiphop", "nu rock", "disco house", "strictly 80's", "easy listening/nu jazz", "oneshot samples", "electro lounge", "film music & classic", and "world music".

I hate to be pushy, or rude, but I really would like to be a part of my own project, and something tells me taking advantage of a whole program would be more beneficial than downloading the trial version of FL, or something... that, and now I feel guilty about not using this program for a whole two years.

So, if its not worth it, just forget I brought it up, and maybe I can go see if my school has any proffesional tools, or maybe I can go buy some good software. But, I've only tried mixing once before, with the FL demo, and, Ill tell you, I really crapped that one up... but I do want to help, and not just supervise. I feel... lazy. You understand? I want to leave my mark, not just have people say "Who directed that one, now?", but rather, help out, and maybe go on to later mixing.

In short, can anyone tutor me in mixing, for my own project? Someone who knows this program, prefferably, but I'd be willing to spend a small amount of money on another program... the holidays are right around the corner, and everything else I want is already saved up for. Get it?

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