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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume I - History


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Why am I not listed as claiming Dark Gaia? Oh well. I'd rather have Ganon anyway. I would like to claim Ganon's theme. I'll probably do a remix of his theme from Lttp/Oot (they're almost the same).

Sorry, can't edit someone else's post. It'll be updated later today.

Cerrax, I now have decided to include artist auditions for anyone who asks for a a track. Do you have any recent material in the style you intend to compose your track in? Doesnt have to be that long or anything, just make sure it demonstrates your best work.

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Alright, it looks like Ive got some editing to do. And V___, PM me what your doing with that "Bonus" boss. Im not saying Im worried, I just want to stay informed, I am the coordinator.

Also, would anyone have a problem with "the great mighty poo" from Conkers bad fur day as the "Joke" boss?

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Why am I not listed as claiming Dark Gaia? Oh well. I'd rather have Ganon anyway. I would like to claim Ganon's theme. I'll probably do a remix of his theme from Lttp/Oot (they're almost the same).

Sorry, can't edit someone else's post. It'll be updated later today.

Cerrax, I now have decided to include artist auditions for anyone who asks for a a track. Do you have any recent material in the style you intend to compose your track in? Doesnt have to be that long or anything, just make sure it demonstrates your best work.

Well my best piece I have out now is probably my Mystic Quest remix. But I have just gotten Logic and my Contra remix is probably more of what my Ganon remix would sound like, except much more developed. That Contra mix only took me a few hours. No real quality time put into it, just did it to see what I could pull out of my ass with a totally new program.

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maybe this was already answered, but I haven't found it:

how the remix should be done when a certain important boss have many themes, like robotnik across several sonic games? will it be a medley?

this is also an example of boss which is "normal" and "final" at the same time... how this will be dealt with?

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Well we might add a few of those tracks, but we're at the point where we need to narrow down the list. If you think something is REALLY important that we dont have, it'll be considered. The list now has 34 bosses and 8 minibosses (if I counted correctly).

maybe this was already answered, but I haven't found it:

how the remix should be done when a certain important boss have many themes, like robotnik across several sonic games? will it be a medley?

this is also an example of boss which is "normal" and "final" at the same time... how this will be dealt with?

The remixer will choose what he or she wants to do. Its not hard to fit things together. Heck, look at Sonic 2. Robotniks theme and his final boss theme are in the same key. They would it just fine. I think most people would consider the normal boss theme from the sonic games to be Robotnik's theme, since the final boss themes are only played once.

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Nineko, I thought you dropped...

Sorry if I got you mad, I just don't want to mess with DarkeSword till the projects official. Ironically, for that, hes the one to go to...

So, does this mean your back in?

And, if you two dont mind, maybe you two can work together on the project, maybe? Two heads are always better than one. If not, you have to decide which one of you gets the track, or it will be up to me and kanjika. A WIP from both of you, or work together.

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I'm pretty sure that Claado was joking, as a) you never fight Terra and B) he ended it with "terramixlol"

Terra's theme is one of the most popular/overdone (depending on who you ask) tracks around here. It'd be the same thing as suggesting that you fight Schala and the Ice Cap zone itself just to make it a part of this project.

Haha. I had no idea since i've only played the later final fantasy games. I'll make sure it's fixed later.

Yah, totally joking about that right there. Yep. Completely.

Sorry if I got anybody's hopes up. :D


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I remember seeing it somewhere else, but since she's not added to the list, I'll nominate Eve from Parasite Eve. PE is my favorite non-RPG PS1 game by far, and I'd love for someone to finally take a crack at this memorable boss' wonderful theme.


EDIT: Just found her on the other page. Oh well. Can't hurt to nominate twice.

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We will no longer take suggestions!! From this point until Friday, July 28, PM me, Pi_r_[]ed with the following information:

Make a list of UNSTARRED bosses from the first post, in order of most important to least important,

followed by a list of STARRED bosses, from most important to least important,

followed by a list of STARRED AND UNSTARRED bosses, in order of most important to least important


If there is a boss we missed (like, if we forgot Sephiroth) PM me or Kanjika with the subject "Boss miss [name of boss],[name of game]". But don't waste our time with unimportant bosses!

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no more suggestions? blast! I was about to suggestsome from Silent Hill, Chrono Cross and Golden Axe... :(

whatever... do you mind explaining this starred and unstarred system? first I though of them as the "important" and "discardable" bosses... but then we have the ones which are both... :whatevaa:

how does it work, anyway?

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