The Womb Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Okay 2 questions 1 question What is a modern day middle eastern religon that focus' on monotheism its not judaism or Islam (Christianity was my first religon so it's not that either) 2.) I was trading for gems and then the guy pulled out but my happeness dropped from almost 20 to 10 X_X what happened? Quote
kitty Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 EDIT: Things in red are important. Pretty much I highlighted only one thing. Make sure to read the full thing and put your suggestions for some of the numbers I left blank. Article I: Concerning Membership The Overclocked Alliance (OCA) is open only to registered members of the forums located at By joining nations claim that they are not part of any other alliance. Any nation found in violation of this claim is subject to attack by the OCA. Any nation resigning from the OCA must provide a resignation letter to the current leader via public forums. Once a nation has left the OCA, that nation's protections and rights supplied by the OCA are revoked. Article II: The General Body The General Body is made up of any non-office holding nation. Any nation belonging to the General Body is equal to every other nation. The General Body nominates and elects nations to various positions of power. Article III: President The President of the OCA holds a term of one month. This position is available only through election by the the General Body. The President is and should be recognized as the leader of the OCA. The President is expected to make OCA announcements and decisions to the world as needed. The President has one vote in both the Alliance and War branches of the government. The President will review all expulsion and resignation issues. In the event of a vacated Alliance and/or War Branch seat, the President will appoint a replacement nation to fill the vacated seat. Article IV: Relations with Foreign Alliances The Alliance Branch of the OCA is concerned with improving relations with other alliances. This Branch is made up of a council of [insert number here] nations. All seats in this council are elected from the General Body. One term is equal to one month. A nation may NOT hold a seat in both the Alliance and War Branch simultaneously. The Alliance Branch reports to the President about relations with foreign alliances and should provide advise in certain situations to the President. Article V: War The War Branch of the OCA is concerned with the survival of the OCA physically, whether during peace or war. The War Branch is made up of a council of [insert number here] nations. All seats in this council are elected from the General Body. One term is equal to one month. A nation may NOT hold a seat in both the Alliance and War Branch simultaneously. The War Branch reports to the President advising him/her about the status of the OCA during times of war. Article VI: Concerning Expulsion Any nation may be expulsed by the General Body. However, a voting period of no less than 48 hours will be submitted to the General Body to expulse the nation in question. Should the vote reach [insert percentage here] when the poll is closed, the nation is expulsed from the nation. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 Yours is great and detailed and all, but it seems a tad bit strong for what seems to be a fairly casual alliance. Quote
kitty Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Yours is great and detailed and all, but it seems a tad bit strong for what seems to be a fairly casual alliance. If you're going to go public with the alliance, you need something to show you're no pushover so some stupid alliance (LUE) doesn't go and obliterate you. But whatever. Take it or leave it if you want. I just typed it up in like 10 minutes or so. Quote
bones_221 Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 I think it's pretty good. Just about everything in it was going to be unspoken agreements (unwritten laws, if you will) anyway, but getting it out in the open is better. If we were going to operate in that way anyway, it doesn't harm anyone in our alliance to have it written down. The only thing I can see in Falchion's contract that I hadn't thought about (even though it actually makes up the bulk of his suggestion) were the alliance and war councils. But they really make sense. I assumed we'd have some sort of democratic or republican leadership (that's "democratic" as in every nation has an equal vote in all decision making processes, and "republican" as in the nations vote for some sort of senate which makes all decisions) but I hadn't considered two councils to handle two different sides of global interaction. Like I said, they really make sense. If you're going to go public with the alliance, you need something to show you're no pushover so some stupid alliance...doesn't go and obliterate you. Even with all our ages added together, we probably wouldn't be older than most powerful nations alone, regardless of other alliances. And our nations' powers probably wouldn't add up to much, either. If one of the main alliances wants to destroy us, they're going to whether or not we have a professional charter... Edit: I just want everyone to know that I net $2,300 each day. And I found out that your pop. increases immediately upon purchasing infrastructure. I still don't know if it increases each day also, but I have watched it go up just after the last two times I bought infrastructure. Quote
kitty Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 I think it's pretty good. Just about everything in it was going to be unspoken agreements (unwritten laws, if you will) anyway, but getting it out in the open is better. If we were going to operate in that way anyway, it doesn't harm anyone in our alliance to have it written down.The only thing I can see in Falchion's contract that I hadn't thought about (even though it actually makes up the bulk of his suggestion) were the alliance and war councils. But they really make sense. I assumed we'd have some sort of democratic or republican leadership (that's "democratic" as in every nation has an equal vote in all decision making processes, and "republican" as in the nations vote for some sort of senate which makes all decisions) but I hadn't considered two councils to handle two different sides of global interaction. Like I said, they really make sense. If you're going to go public with the alliance, you need something to show you're no pushover so some stupid alliance...doesn't go and obliterate you. Even with all our ages added together, we probably wouldn't be older than most powerful nations alone, regardless of other alliances. And our nations' powers probably wouldn't add up to much, either. If one of the main alliances wants to destroy us, they're going to whether or not we have a professional charter... You underestimate the power of world relations in this game. If we make allies (especially with a Mutual Defense Pact), even if we're weak, we're still something there. Besides, you guys will grow way big soon. And the council system is pretty much stolen from the NPO charter methinks. I couldn't think of a better system than what we have. I just tweaked it a little bit with the president having a vote in both. Quote
Methiea Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 hey, why not. count me in, the nation is Dantenia the capitol is K-town. We're based in The dominican republic. have wine and fish to trade. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 Well, if we're all going to get killed if we don't have a pretty looking chartermajig, let's use Falchion's. Quote
Mi'kile Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Haven't posted in a while but I have been reading. I think the extended charter is very good but if there are some in the OCA (or OCRA?) that dont like bits of it or find it too constraining then there is no reason it cant be modified. Falchion has given us a good first draft to work off and I suggest we use it. Anyway the other reason I posted is that somebody just attacked me. There I was innocently building up my nation for the past few days, possibly not concentrating on my mititary as much as I should have (I am a fairly peaceful nation), then a nation called "Craxus" attacked and killed all but 3 of my soldiers. My nation is in anarchy until the 8th and my income has droped from nearly 2k to 2 hundred. I want vengance Quote
Antelucan Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Anyway the other reason I posted id that somebody just attacked me. There I was innocently building up my nation for the past few days' date=' possibly not concentrating on my mititary as much as I should have (I am a fairly peaceful nation), then a nation called "Craxus" attacked and killed all but 3 of my soldiers. My nation is in anarchy until the 8th and my income has droped from nearly 2k to 2 hundred.[/quote']Are you guys still at war? If you need financial or military aid, give me some idea of how much you need, and I'll see what I can do. EDIT: If you are still at war, you might want to change your DEFCON level to 1. Also Falchion, that's a great charter draft for us to work with. Thanks for your help. I nominate Falchion as "Honorary Mentor" to the alliance (since he cannot be a member). Quote
Mi'kile Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Yes we're still at war. I'm split between my peace loving nature and my need to kick back at the person who attacked me. Thanks for the offer of aid though if I send him a warning that I'm a member of the OCA and that I will receive help if he doesnt declare peace it might convince him to not attack again. Possibly better to try the peaceful way first??(oo that hurt to say) Is this possibly a little overboard on the theatrical side? This is a warning from Mi'kile of Rubberduck. My nation is a member of the OCA and though I am willing to over look your declaration of war if you continue your hostilities I will counterstike with the blessing and assistance of the OCA. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 This is a warning from Mi'kile of Rubberduck.My nation is a member of the OCA and though I am willing to over look your declaration of war if you continue your hostilities I will counterstike with the blessing and assistance of the OCA. Do it. We don't take crap. Quote
RocketSniper Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 I'm not at war, but I have less than 100 citizens and bills are taking away half of my monies every day. It's kinda scary. I'm increasing my infrastructure, but it seems like that's pretty much all I can do at this point (I've got about 1.7). I finally got my government to where my citizens like it (transitional, the hell?), but they are unhappy with my religion. Apparently they want to follow "divine scriptures"... Does this mean they're Judaists? Quote
Black Mage Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 I'm not at war, but I have less than 100 citizens and bills are taking away half of my monies every day. It's kinda scary. I'm increasing my infrastructure, but it seems like that's pretty much all I can do at this point (I've got about 1.7).I finally got my government to where my citizens like it (transitional, the hell?), but they are unhappy with my religion. Apparently they want to follow "divine scriptures"... Does this mean they're Judaists? Yeah, the game seems slow at the get go, but speeds up as you play. I also have the same religion problem with my population. I think that means they want to be christian, or something...which I don't really want, but I may have to make it such so that they are happy. edit: Okay...maybe they don't want christianity. Oh well, guess I'll change it again in a couple of days. Quote
Antelucan Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Apparently they want to follow "divine scriptures"... Does this mean they're Judaists? Yes. This is a warning from Mi'kile of Rubberduck.My nation is a member of the OCA and though I am willing to over look your declaration of war if you continue your hostilities I will counterstike with the blessing and assistance of the OCA. That sounds appropriate. If he hasn't declared peace yet' date=' I'll send him a message of my own. EDIT: To:Calchexus From:Cardinal Lustro 8/1/2006 8:00:41 AM Subject: Notice from the OCAWe have been notified of your nation's unprovoked attack on our member, Rubberduck. Rest assured, should you fail to declare peace immediately, we will direct our alliance to assist and defend the nation of Rubberduck in any and every way. Quote
Mi'kile Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Hehe, almost makes me feel sorry for him...almost. Thanks again Quote
Antelucan Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Hehe' date=' almost makes me feel sorry for him...almost.Thanks again [/quote'] Let us know if he ignores our warning and continues to attack, and I will immediately send troops. Quote
Black Mage Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Hehe' date=' almost makes me feel sorry for him...almost.Thanks again [/quote'] Let us know if he ignores our warning and continues to attack, and I will immediately send troops. Provided that he's not too low for me to attack, I'll send in troops as well. edit: Cool, post #500. Quote
Antelucan Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Well he is too low for me to directly attack. What I meant is I would send troops in the form of foreign aid to help Mi'kile defend himself. Quote
Jarvi Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 ya let us know if you need aid EDIT: Offer of about 67 troops sent, I don't have any money to lend so its the best I can do. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 Sent Mi. a foreign aid offer. Just a bit of cash, as I'm going to build up my military. I've also moved to DEFCON 4. I believe we should standardize ourselves by calling us the OCA, as opposed to the OCRA. We also need to elect a president. I've also reg'd as an IF message board. I'll be working on it during the day today. Perhaps once we determine who wants to run for president (I'd like to), we can hold our elections there. Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 I'm not at war, but I have less than 100 citizens and bills are taking away half of my monies every day. It's kinda scary. I'm increasing my infrastructure, but it seems like that's pretty much all I can do at this point (I've got about 1.7). That's probably 'cause you spent all your starting funds on land, eh? Also, you really need to start trading. I've been around for about the same length of time of you and I already have 111 nation strength while you only have 8, and I'm not even two miles wider than you are. All I've done differently is trade and focus on infrastructure. It's a good idea to thoroughly read into the game mechanics if you want to be as efficient as possible (which has apparently helped me a ton). I haven't gotten that $10,000 gift from IRON yet either, but I expect I'll get it within the week. I'm already making nearly $5k per tax collection anyway. Quote
Dyson Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Team: Orange Nation: Dystopia Leader: Dyson Resources: Aluminium and Pigs Woot! Registered on the OCA forums, too. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 Working on setting the permission masks up right in the new forum. If you can't see much, it means I haven't upgraded your board status to OCA Member there. Quote
Mi'kile Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Thanks for all the aid and offers of aid from everyone, I'll let you know how things progress. I'm not at war, but I have less than 100 citizens and bills are taking away half of my monies every day. It's kinda scary. I'm increasing my infrastructure, but it seems like that's pretty much all I can do at this point (I've got about 1.7). Just had a qick look at your nation sheet and saw that you still have war as not an option. If you'd like to risk it then turn it off, it'll boost your nations happiness and your tax income Quote
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