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The next Four Swords game has...three swords!



Looks like the general attitude following Nintendo's E3 presentation has been "why did you think we wanted another Metroid Prime Hunters/Four Swords/Not-Really-Paper-Mario game?" to which I respond "Link crossdressing."


We already know about the cool Zelda game coming down the line. In the meantime, I'm all for a goofy one (coming this fall, apparently).




- Link wearing Zelda's dress

- Pom pom emotes

- Music sounds great (possibly Ryo Nagamatsu again?)

- Single player, local multiplayer, and online multiplayer (finally!)


It's been a while since I've experienced multiplayer Zelda, so I'm into it. That space in the title makes me nauseous, though.


Triforce. Tri Force. It's a pun. Here's a barf bag.


Multiplayer Zelda is good to tide people over. They said Zelda U wouldn't be shown at E3 like 4 months ago, so anyone who did expect it to be there was not listening or delusional.


Fed Force looks alright, but I think people are annoyed that it deviates to greatly from what Metroid looks and feels like. Chibi models work better for the 3DS but what they showed was just... ugly. Next Level Games will hopefully step it up a bit before it releases next year.


amiibo Party on WiiU is... Well, they did say they were focusing on spinoffs and the like for the next year. Can't say I'm excited about yet another board game video game. If the content is robust and mixes it up though, we'll see. I'm definitely getting some of those AC amiibo though... ... Maybe I'm part of the problem.


Love the idea of Paper Jam. Dream Team was great last year, this looks even better.


Star Fox looks preeeeetty basic. It's out soonish, isn't it? Hope there's enough time to doll it up a tad because we know the WiiU is capable of better.


Hyrule Warriors 3DS, I hope they include some streetpass feature, like maybe put up a character that if anyone streetpasses you, that character gets some exp for both you and the person you streetpassed. The only thing that bugged me in the WiiU version was that leveling took forever and was required for the more difficult adventure maps.


Thalzon, please stay on topic. If you want to talk about those other games, make threads for them. This isn't a Nintendo E3 news thread, it's a Tri Force Heroes thread.


Anyway, I'm pretty excited about Tri Force Heroes. I've always loved Four Swords and Zelda multiplayer games. Also the costumes look AMAZING.


The only thing I don't like is that the three links all have their own respective colored hair, instead of classic blond or brown. Looks weird in the art! xD


The only thing I don't like is that the three links all have their own respective colored hair, instead of classic blond or brown. Looks weird in the art! xD


It does! I guess they added colored hair to open up the costume possibilities while still making each Link quickly recognizable by color.

  • 3 months later...

The game's out! Share your thoughts!


Communication is really interesting. Sometimes your team is totally in sync and everyone understands what needs to be done very quickly. Other times, some people need some coaching, and you have to get creative with it. Some examples of things that have happened to me:


- Balloon-popping challenge. One bomb user and two bow users. The last balloon was just a bit too high for any of us to reach. We were all stumped for a while. The solution involved throwing the bomb user to a particular perch so they could throw a bomb with delayed timing and blow it up in midair. The two bow users realized this and tried to communicate it with buttons like "item!" and "throw!" but the bomb user wasn't delaying the throw at all. After an eternity and some attempted spin attack throws, I ended up calling "throw" "item" "over here" in sequence, and when the bomb was thrown to me, I demonstrated the delayed throw. They understood right away and were able to get the balloon. I was so happy it had worked. 


- Red was convinced they had the solution to a puzzle, constantly tapping "over here!" and then "noooo!" when we didn't do what they wanted. Blue was struggling to understand what Red wanted and occasionally used the shrugging emoticon. I didn't know what the solution was, but we weren't getting anywhere, so I went for a little swim and started working out a possible plan. I called Blue over for some help, and while we were solving it together, Red kept screaming "noooo!" across the room until it was all done. The moral of the story is don't be totally stubborn. Fortunately, we didn't need Red's help for that particular one.


- It was my first time using the gripshot. I expected it to pull the gripped player toward the user, so I stood on one side of a gap shouting "item!" and waiting for the person on the other side to pull me over. They were also shouting "item," which seemed odd to me, because clearly they were the ones who needed to use their item. Then they used the gripshot on me to demonstrate how it actually worked. Turns out I should've been pulling myself to them. Sometimes, spending a little time to prove someone wrong is more helpful than using the emoticons. Also, don't immediately discount other people's ideas. Even if you don't think they'll work, try them out. You'll either succeed or prove them wrong.


So, I get a call that a package showed up at home. I didn't recall ordering anything, and I even checked my eBay and Amazon orders just to be sure. Nothing.


When I asked who it was from, all she said was "some video game place".


I had no idea what it could be. It would be about all day before I could even get back to see what it was, but I put that thought aside and went back to work. (well, not work, per se, but close enough).


But all day, my thoughts kept returning to that package. Game place? I should have asked more questions, but I couldn't call now, she wouldn't be home and I was supposed to be busy. But a "game place"? What could it be?


I racked my brain over and over, trying to think of what it could be. Did I order something, forget about it, and somehow miss the order during my search earlier? Did I accidentally order two of the same item, and one just now happened to be shipping (not the first time that has happened...)? Was it a glitter bomb? Did I piss off someone enough to warrant a glitter bomb? Probably, but then it was a question of who would bother sending it? None of the usual cheapskate bastards, that's for sure.


But then, for some reason, another, much better thought struck me: what if it was a gift? And not just any gift, a gift from a game company! Of course! The box wasn't from a "game place", it was from a game place, a place where they make games. Oh god, what could it be? Who could it be?


The list quickly narrowed as I went through it. Not Sega, as I don't own any of their stuff. Can't be Sony, they have a restraining order against me. Can't be Microsoft. Nor Gearbox. Not EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Valve... None of them make sense, as I don't really have any connection to them. Everyone, from A to Z, big to small, all of them didn't make sense.


Then it hits me. There is one company that might have noticed me. I bought some games and systems from them over the years. I've been involved in several fan community things over the years. Maybe... maybe they noticed me and sent me some sort of gift because... because... because REASONS! Yeah, some random exec saw my name and said "this guy... this guy right here, give him a free (insert product name here)! He deserves it!"


And I knew it could only be Nintendo that did it. Sweet, wonderful Nintendo. Their benevolent gaze swept upon me, and they saw I was just and deserving or some kind of crap, and they saw fit to gift me... something!


Lunch came and went quickly. I don't even remember eating. I was just trying to think of what they could possibly send me. A new Poképmon game? There isn't one any time soon, and even then, how would I get a copy so early? A New 3DS? Nah, too expensive, and why would they send a system? Some sort of non-game merchandise? I can't think of what, though. A poster? Boring. A soundtrack CD? Got it already, most likely. An Amiibo? Why would they send an Amiibo?


By the end of the day, I had deduced it could be only one thing. Only one thing that was new enough and big enough that they would (for some reason) decide to let me have it, for free, as a token of their appreciation for whatever it is I have done for them. I knew it had to be... a copy of Tri Force Heroes! I got home the fastest I have ever made that drive (without getting pulled over).


The box was just the right size for a game, with some room for padding to protect the sweet, sweet content. Maybe there was a Link Amiibo or something wit it! GET THAT BOX OPEN, my brain screamed. IGNORE THE PAIN, OPEN IT, it shouted. The tape on the box gave way to my desire to see what incredible treasure this cardboard box held.




It was just some Mighty Number 9 stuff. Some shirts and a plush cube thing. I guess the first part of my Kickstarter swag shipped, and it didn't show up in my email. Not as awesome as a new Zelda game, free from Nintendo itself, just for being a customer and fan.


TL;DR: My interest in Tri Force Heroes drove me to think I was getting a free advance copy of it from Nintendo, because my brain is stupid like that.


I just blazed through several Fortress challenges with some great teammates. The multiplayer is SO GOOD when your team is smart and friendly. One of them picked me up and spun around with a cascade of thumbs-up emotes when they had to leave the lobby.


Talking to a friend in the PAL region (with whom I haven't been able to play [thanks Nintendo]), our feelings about the bosses have varied wildly because of having different teams. I got a game over on a boss her team found easy. Just playing a level twice with different teams is a completely different experience. I like it.

  • 3 weeks later...

An update's coming sooner than I expected (December 2)! Here's the relevant part of the direct, showing the new area and costumes:



I just finished all of the multiplayer challenges and am overflowing with materials, so the Linebeck costume's treasure-peeking ability won't be useful at all, but it might be fun to wear it and show teammates where the rare loot is. If the data-mined dialogue from Tripini is to be believed, there should also be paid DLC down the line. Hopefully something a bit more interesting than a string of battle rooms.


Further details:


- The merchant will now sell friendly tokens if you've beaten the game, so friendless people like me can finally have the timeless tunic. (!!!)

- "By answering a question before matchmaking, you will be matched with other players who gave similar answers." (Sounds kind of like Splatoon's tendency to match people based on how much they like to splat other people?)

- "Players who leave a game in progress through the Pause menu can be added to the blacklist." (Nice.)


You can play with random strangers online, too. Sometimes you get turds, but usually it's a pretty good time. I did 100% completion that way. Single player mode feels like an afterthought by comparison, but it's still all right. More awkward than Four Swords Adventures solo. I hear the best experience is to play it with people in the same room, but online play is still worth it.


And you know us therefore you know people with a 3DS. It does have online after all.


Guess that's true. :)


@Hylian Lemon

I think I'll get it then. It's actually on sale right now at a retailer near me, so no excuse not to.

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