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Just to make sure, I'm arranging pretty much whats there but for the instruments available with a few jam sessions dotted around right?

i want a remix utilizing the instruments we have available for the project. it has to include me, and it has to include taucer, since we're running this project.

beyond that, you can do whatever you want.

  • 3 weeks later...

no, fishy, you aren't because you have a recent wip. this is aimed at sleepy emp, ellywu2, sephfire and sirrus (more sirrus), the rexy/darangen collab, and drumultima.

as of this morning, Abadoss has signed on with us. Welcome, Abadoss! i contacted FM a while back about joining up (remember Standing Man from RA, anyone?) but he's too busy with school to do anything. ktriton says that he'll have a wip by tonight, which'd be pretty nice, and i contacted chrono26 from PKMN project to join as well. we'll see what comes from that later today, hopefully.

if i don't have updated wips by tonight, i'm dropping people from the project. you're all warned.


because of the 'purge' of inactive mixers, there are some free songs. they are Frozen Flame, Snakebone Mansion, and Strange Presentiment. i believe that abadoss is doing one of them, and my girlfriend might do snakebone or presentiment. if the other mixers want to get back in, please just contact me and we'll talk.

taucer, please update the first post.

we've got some momentum, and we need to keep it going! keep mixing!

  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone involved in the final track collab PLEASE check the update on the forums. If this is ever going to get done I need you to take just a look and at least learn the layout. Record some little ideas, send me a PM telling me how shite it is, just do anything that will help the thing move forwards, I can't arrange something for this many people by myself.


alright, i'm back! and, i'm looking into buying a new computer.

that said, i'd appreciate some wips soon, guys. we've had a really low point lately with music, and we need some progress from some of the songs that haven't been touched in a while.

particularly, i'm referencing Facing, Portal, Days of Summer, and whatever song Abadoss is doing (plus snakebone manor, if no one's decided to take it yet). so, rk, taucer, abadoss, ktriton, dhsu, and chrono26, get working!

thanks for all your hard work thusfar, everyone.

EDIT: got a midi for the parts you want played as you want them?

  • 2 weeks later...


i've decided to complete/do myself the mixes that haven't been touched in a while. so, if you see a song that had a WIP but hasn't been updated in a while replaced by a mix by me or someone else, it's because i'm trying to give this project a bit of a jumpstart. big update on the forums.

that said, abadoss, chrono26, avaris, dhsu, tweek, and oa need need NEED to update soon.


i'm really stuck on my portal arrangement. if anyone has some suggestions or wants to collabo, let me know. it would be very appreciated. i hope dhsu is still goin with his because it was a cool idea. but i'd like to add 'Epilogue ~ Dream Shore' to my list. i'm 100% positive i can do that one and i have it in my head already.

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