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We just hit a big snag. One of our remixers sent in a near finished product and got it tore apart by the judge/evaluator we have on the team. As many of you know, I'm sending the final product to a current (or past?) OCR judge/evaluator for final critique. Reason: I want all your awesome tracks, if they were to be submitted to OCR as is, outside of this album, to be accepted and be a 'YES!' However, as it stands, I only have one evaluator and I'm trying to sign on two others so we got at LEAST 2-3 professional opinions on the piece. However, since these judges have time restrictions via life or reviewing ACTUAL remixes being sent into the site, they can't be looking at EACH and EVERY WIP that comes my way. So, this is why I created the soundcloud, so the remixers who are on the team can help critique/give advice/help build up each person's WIPs so that when it gets to this final state to be professionally evaluated, it doesn't fail. So far, I'm the only one truly providing feedback on the soundcloud but my opinion is not from a musical background and I'm not OCR staff so my final opinion on if these tracks would be awesome to pass the judge's panel means little. That is why I'm deferring to most of you who signed on board to help each other out each step (WIP) of the way. I believe if more opinions were offered during the first beginning WIP stages, I'm sure most of these critiques this remixer received could have been avoided. As it stands, I'm contacting a few judges to see if they'd be willing to review final submissions so we got some second or third opinions. But for now, for the remixes up already on the soundcloud, please go and help each other out! Only together can we make this album awesome! :D


Which track do you want a second opinion on? You're correct in that I don't really have time right now to fully evaluate all the WIPs that come in but if you have particular problem tracks  that are close to completion you want to send my way for opinions, feel free!


Thanks for the feedback Emunator, Chimpazilla and of course, Timeaeus222, all was instrumental in helping our remixer in developing a clear, solid plan on how best to fine-tune and polish his mix. As it stands, his will be the second mix to finally be considered a 'finished track!' What was the first? Deedubs 'Armada/Armada Battle' is the first finished track for the album and it sounds AMAZING! With the quality of these two tracks plus what's coming down the pipe line with WIPs, you are all in for a treat! :D Still awaiting a crapton more WIPs by the end of the month, so get cranking and let the music flow! :)

I'm also in the neighborhood looking for a mixing/mastering person to help smooth out all tracks to make them sound perfect together across the entire album.


Hey Jorito! Thanks for the offer, but James and I have already begun work on it. Hopefully we work on some other thing some day some time haha.

I've sent a WIP render to Darkflamewolf so that's the progress on Military Factory Dungeon from us. 


We now have our second finished track: 'A Sailor's Respite' by Bluelighter! Everyone give a round of applause for his hard work! Awesome job. We also came up with a name for Deedubs mix of Armada too - 'God's Ambition'. Both tracks are excellent and I can't wait to hear the rest when they go final. Even though the second, more substantial WIP isn't due for many folks until June 1st, hopefully we get some overachievers who get a sudden burst of inspiration and belt through the songs in a fortnight! :D I can dream, right? :P

However, there is still 2 people who I'm waiting on their first WIP past deadline right now. Expect another PM from me this week. If I hear nothing yet by the end of my upcoming TDY (temporary duty) that ends mid-Feb. Then I'm sadly going to have to open up the tracks once more for others to claim. Not saying which tracks yet since I'm not comfortable calling out people publicly, but let's hope it doesn't have to come to that. :(


I'm going on another short leave TDY for work and I'll be back around the 12 of Feb. So until then, I may be in questionable internet capability so I if anyone wants to claim a track, please not only PM me about it but also post here in the thread to ensure an 'unclaimed' track showing is actually claimed. If that makes sense.
As for deadlines, there are two remixers (I've PM'd them) who missed their pushed back deadline of Jan 15 for their first WIP. I'll push it back a second time to the end of Feb, but if I've heard nothing back by then, I'll have to open up those three tracks to other folks. I don't want to do this since I'm intensely curious to see what they'd do with the songs they've chosen. :(

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back from my TDY and the project is still going strong! The next batch of first WIPs from those who signed on later in the process is due at the end of Feb. So I'm expecting a lot more cool content to be flowing in! Now to mention I've been contacted by both Mazedude and Brandon Strader about the project! Nothing firm yet with either remixer but the mere fact we're talking about potential tracks gets me excited! That and we got Sam Dillard on the Great Silver Temple? I'm excited as hell! For the remixers onboard, expect another 'state of the album' update on the Facebook page soon and a PM reminding you about it. Still looking for more remixers (or current) to pick up the remaining tracks. I got ahold of Jason Covenant (FINALLY!) but he preferred to come in late in the project when its a struggle to get the last few tracks claimed...works better under pressure I guess? :D Oh well, I'm back and I'm ready to rock this album forward going into spring!

  • 3 weeks later...

March 1st is almost upon us and that means the first WIPs need to be sent in by those who signed up earlier this January! For those in tune with the Facebook page and the post I made there, you should already know who you are! Looking forward to some awesome work! :) Either way, you'll be receiving a PM from me on March 2nd.


Very good news: Aster has signed up to the project as a second performer. Not claiming a full track for himself but rather wanting to collab with any all remixers on the project. For those wanting to add spice to their remixes and wanting to collab with Aster, he is offering these instrument performances:  guitar, steel acoustic or electric bass. If anyone is interested with his offer, by all means hit him up with a PM and let me know your track will become a collab track and it'll all be groovy! Thanks again Aster! :D


Big WELCOME to newcomer Huile_Smith! He offered to produce earlier last week a WIP by Sunday and boy did he deliver! Great rock take on Valua and I can't wait to hear more! We're slowly filling in the remaining tracks on the core track list and I'm still tracking down first WIPs from various remixers but overall, I feel the album is on track and not lagging behind. Keep it up everyone! This album is going to sound amazing! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Two tracks basically opened up today. Kingdom of Nasrad is now back up for grabs. So if any remixers were interested in it but couldn't claim it because someone else had it, its now for the taking. Please go back through and take another listen to see if its something you'd like to remix. It's got more of an arabic flair to it.

The other track is a bit more unique. I actually removed Town of Ice after some discussion with Modus and I'm replacing it with Remote Town. So this is a brand new core track listing, so everyone take a listen to this one and see if you can get some ideas for it. I'm almost thinking Western style but I like to be surprised!


Come on folks! We got just a few more tracks to claim! :D


Still waiting on the final WIP01s to come in from the remaining remixers who signed on. Anyone who comes on after this for the remaining 7 tracks, their due dates will be negotiated on an individual basis. However, the firm deadline for the second, more substantial (we're talking nearly finished) WIP02 will be a hard date - June 1st. This goes for everybody who signed on thus far. Depending on life circumstances we can wiggle the date a bit for folks but everyone who is currently signed on needs to submit a completed or near completed track by June 1st. From there, I'll send them to the three volunteer OCR judges who generously offered their time to the project and they'll go over each track to ensure each one would get in on OCRemix on their own merits. I'll relay the feedback back to you, make the necessary changes and I'd be happy calling the track good unless an issue crops up with it during the final album evaluation. Looking forward to the fully realized tracks in a few months! :D That's not to say you can't finish the track sooner and hand it in for judge eval early! I'll accept that too! :P^_^ 

For the remaining 7 tracks, we're still looking for remixers to tackle them. We've almost got a fully stocked album, we just need to push a bit further! :) Great job all around so far everyone! From what I'm hearing, this will be a great treat for both fans and non-fans of the game!


You are in! Good thing I changed up the track listing! :D Expect a PM from me regarding deadlines, the facebook page and other cool things about the project later tonight! :) I'm so glad I popped in Remote Town now onto the core track list!

EDIT: Also give a warm welcome to Mak Eightman who is signed on for Legendary Sinking Continent!


Hm, that June 1st date sounds pretty soon, doesn't leave a lot of room for collabs (which I want to do) because they typically involve waiting for the other person(s) to find some time to work on it. I can probably get the arrangement itself done, but if it includes waiting for collabs and polishing the mix it's gonna be tight for me. But maybe it's just me being used to album projects taking multiple years :)


2 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

Well, last I checked you were working on Yafutoma/Easter Air Pirates alone? Did I miss a collab announcement for the track? If so, please do let me know so I can update the track listing but as far as I knew, you weren't collabing with anyone. Please advise. :)

Usually my collabs involve guest musicians who record parts for me that in general I wrote an initial MIDI mockup for. Since my WIP is still far from a near finished mockup, I didn't  reach out to any potential collaborators yet. So there's no collabs as of yet, but I hope to do some, as live instruments (probably guitar and harmonica) really would help the track.

  • 3 weeks later...

Except for Shredd, Mak Eightman and Brandon Strader who signed on recently, everyone else who has a track in yellow needs their first WIP in ASAP. Otherwise we'll have to start looking, unfortunately, at drop-dead deadlines which have to be met before tracks open back up again for others to try. I hope it won't come to that but album progress must keep pressing forward especially in light of news of my upcoming 6 month deployment in August. So, with that revelation in mind, I'm now looking for a co-director to continue on in my stead later this fall. I'll extend the offer to Modus first but if he doesn't want it, its open to anyone with directorial cred to do it. 

On another note: Sam Dillard just plopped a finished song out of nowhere onto my lap! I'm still running it through my 'mock' judges panel of Chimpazilla, Emunator and Timeaus2222 because I'd love each track to pass an actual OCR panel on its own merits. I want each track to succeed regardless if its from a veteran or a newcomer. Great rendition of the silver temple Sam! I love it! We're nearing the end of our final WIP01 phase and we still have tracks unclaimed! A few more remixers and we got the whole set claimed! Let's make it happen! :D

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