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Not that consoles are bad, just that few games are worth getting a console for, and pc game ports imo are not an excuse to play on a console when its superior on the PC to begin with...

Eh, I usually find far more games on console that are worth a play than I find on PC, and the difference in experience hasn't warranted building a PC an incredibly urgent priority, especially with that cost differential (I'd be building the PC for more than just gaming). For example, right now I'm playing Call of Duty 4, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, and Planet Puzzle League, while I beat Super Mario Galaxy & Bioshock within the last month. Sure, CoD 4, Bioshock, and GH3 are on PC as well, but GH3 for the PC is kinda bleh (actually, it's the first version of GH3 I got to play), and the latter two games handled just fine for the 360 (not to mention got them cheaper than normal - $40 each). In addition, I got Mass Effect waiting for me...can't say I care about much that got released for the PC this past fall, excepting Hellgate: London.


Of course one shouldn't build a PC {b]just{/b} for gaming, that ought to be a no brainer considering you may as well get a console if you're just gonna game. The only other benefit is that depending on how it's built it's bound to live a lot longer than a console would. Again it depends on the build...

GH3 isn't a PC game/shouldn't be one despite there being a port to it (I've never heard of a PC version of GH3)

Of course one shouldn't build a PC {b]just{/b} for gaming, that ought to be a no brainer considering you may as well get a console if you're just gonna game. The only other benefit is that depending on how it's built it's bound to live a lot longer than a console would. Again it depends on the build...

GH3 isn't a PC game/shouldn't be one despite there being a port to it (I've never heard of a PC version of GH3)

Yeah, I'd be building a desktop (I want to do so quite badly, but I also want a 1080p HDTV to ease my eyes and a car sometime later this year) for music listening with massive hard drive space, music making (since I don't really like working with Garageband, and the hard drive limitation hurts sample usage as is), and gaming...I just don't have ~$1500 laying around for such an expense.

I just don't have ~$1500 laying around for such an expense.

You don't have to spend something such as $1500 all at the same time. Just manage your budget and you can do it. Heck the TV can wait considering its a unitasker :razz: and the car, while grants you mobility is technically a big money drain unless you manage to convert your car's engine to eat another source of fuel...

You don't have to spend something such as $1500 all at the same time. Just manage your budget and you can do it. Heck the TV can wait considering its a unitasker :razz: and the car, while grants you mobility is technically a big money drain unless you manage to convert your car's engine to eat another source of fuel...

I need the car for grocery shopping, and just the convenience of general traveling (I lose too much time from shopping and such and using public transportation) - as a graduate student, it sort of is a must. As for the TV, it's to ease eyestrain - I view that as a higher priority than any function I need a desktop for.


Well, it seems my PS3 just died. Turning it on yields no picture, no startup sound, and trying to turn it off via the button on the front does nothing, only producing a series of three beeps. Weird, as it worked perfectly fine on Friday.

Luckily, I still have two weeks on the manufacturer's warranty. And if Sony customer service gives me the runaround (as I suspect they might) I still have a full product replacement plan at Best Buy. Bah.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yea I just beat DMC 4 like 3 days ago and it was not as good as I hoped it would be...7/10 is the best rating I could give it. I would rant about it but I don't feel like typing right now.:?

Yea I just beat DMC 4 like 3 days ago and it was not as good as I hoped it would be...7/10 is the best rating I could give it. I would rant about it but I don't feel like typing right now.:?

I just got it yesterday, and I've barely run through it, but I like it a lot so far. Were you much of a DMC-style action game fan in the past? I'm aware of Dante having to go through much of the same stuff you play through as Nero and fighting the bosses 3 times, but that doesn't bother me, and personally I like the idea of having to try and defeat the bosses with Dante as well as Nero.

But other than that, I haven't heard of any more of its shortcomings, so I'm curious to find out what you think.

Also, if you end up telling me you played it on easy (like my friend), you're not entitled to your balls or opinion anymore. :P



Beat it on normal; Basically the story sucked and you run through the same areas with both Dante and Nero...It just feels like if they removed Nero from the story it wouldn't matter one bit,He's fun to play with but to me it's like he's irrelevant.Dante is cool but you only get to play with him for maybe like and hour and half so I was just disappointed by the whole mess.To me it seems like Capcom is just fucking up on the even number sequels in the DMC series but that's just me.:?

Edit: I beat it in 2 sessions don't know how many hours...Maybe 6 or less, It's not as hard as DMC 3 is/was I guess is my point.


Beat it on normal; Basically the story sucked and you run through the same areas with both Dante and Nero...It just feels like if they removed Nero from the story it wouldn't matter one bit,He's fun to play with but to me it's like he's irrelevant.Dante is cool but you only get to play with him for maybe like and hour and half so I was just disappointed by the whole mess.To me it seems like Capcom is just fucking up on the even number sequels in the DMC series but that's just me.:?

Haha, don't tell me you were expecting a story from DMC? As far as I'm concerned, the game is about the action gameplay.

As for Nero, I like him. His style of play is quite a bit different because of what the Devil Bringer gives him. Now, in fairness, I haven't played Dante yet because that comes later, but I'm assuming he's similar to the way he was in DMC3. If that's true, then I have nothing against Nero being in the game to mix things up. That's not to say you're not entitled to your opinion here, but I don't see any reason to be hatin' on Nero or calling him irrelevant. He's new, he has different abilities, he's fun to play. Now, I can't comment on the actual lack of Dante for most of the game cause even that would piss me off. I've heard that playing him on harder difficulties can make up for what little you play of him though.

I'd say the main reason that DMC2 is an epic fuck up is because not only did Capcom not put the original director on the game, the gameplay was just not anywhere near as good as the original and especially not 3 and 4. And everything about it felt unfamiliar. I'm wondering if, by the end of the game, my opinion on DMC4 will change drastically (I'll be the first to admit nothing I say here really holds a lot of ground yet) but I see nothing so far that fucks the game up to those proportions.

But if it frustrates you that much, I'm assuming you picked your name for a good reason. ;-)

1.Haha, don't tell me you were expecting a story from DMC? As far as I'm concerned, 2.the game is about the action gameplay.

3.As for Nero, I like him. His style of play is quite a bit different because of what the Devil Bringer gives him. Now, in fairness, I haven't played Dante yet because that comes later, but 4.I'm assuming he's similar to the way he was in DMC3. If that's true, then I have nothing against Nero being in the game to mix things up. That's not to say you're not entitled to your opinion here, but I don't see any reason to be 5.hatin' on Nero or calling him irrelevant. He's new, he has different abilities, he's fun to play. Now, I can't comment on the actual lack of Dante for most of the game cause even that would piss me off. I've heard that playing him on harder difficulties can make up for what little you play of him though.

I'd say the main reason that 6.DMC2 is an epic fuck up is because not only did Capcom not put the original director on the game, the gameplay was just not anywhere near as good as the original and especially not 3 and 4. And everything about it felt unfamiliar. I'm wondering if, by the end of the game, 7.my opinion on DMC4 will change drastically (I'll be the first to admit nothing I say here really holds a lot of ground yet) but I see nothing so far that 8.fucks the game up to those proportions.

But if it frustrates you that much, 9.I'm assuming you picked your name for a good reason. ;-)

1.No I wasn't but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to be surprised.

2.Yes, yes it is.

3.Me too.


5.Not hatin' per-say,To me it felt like if Capcom just through him in there just for the fuck of it...I guess I'm saying they didn't do a good enough job to make me care about him as a main character like games should.

6.I concur, I own said fuck up.

7.I'll bet on that.

8.Did I make it sound that bad?

9.I guess I did

BTW:Puzzle room thing=WTF?

1.No I wasn't but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to be surprised. (1.Haha, don't tell me you were expecting a story from DMC?)

2.Yes, yes it is. (2.the game is about the action gameplay.)

3.Me too. (3.As for Nero, I like him.)

4.Better. (4.I'm assuming he's similar to the way he was in DMC3.)

5.Not hatin' per-say,To me it felt like if Capcom just through him in there just for the fuck of it...I guess I'm saying they didn't do a good enough job to make me care about him as a main character like games should. (5.hatin' on Nero or calling him irrelevant)

6.I concur, I own said fuck up. (6.DMC2 is an epic fuck up)

7.I'll bet on that. (7.my opinion on DMC4 will change drastically)

8.Did I make it sound that bad? (8.fucks the game up to those proportions.)

9.I guess I did (9.I'm assuming you picked your name for a good reason. :wink:)

BTW:Puzzle room thing=WTF?

1. Fair enough.

2. And still only a 7? Where would you put Ninja Gaiden; its story, characterization, voice acting, and presentation are even worse by comparison I'd say, despite me being one of many who would put it among their favourite action games.

3. But not enough to justify his character?

4. Good to hear. :-D

5. Okay, I can see that.

6. I'm sorry.

7. Hey, don't be so unfair. :razz: Actually, it probably will change, but I can't say whether that'll be positive or negative.

8. Well, calling DMC4 a 'fuck up' kind of puts it that way.

9. In retrospect, I apologize for being so damn cheesey.


1....still only a 7? Where would you put Ninja Gaiden; its story, voice acting, and presentation are even worse by comparison I'd say, despite me being one of many who would put it among their favorite action games.

2.But not enough to justify his character?

3.Well, calling DMC4 a 'fuck up' kind of puts it that way.

4.In retrospect, I apologize for being so damn cheesey.


1.7/10 was a rating I pulled out of my ass...I would probably go 7.9/10 or 8.1/10 at most but I haven't really truly thought about it;Got to the 2nd to last boss in ninja gaiden but I remember it being better then DMC story wise at least.

2.Nero is just I dunno Meh, If I had to list memorable/favorite characters I would forget/not list him.

3.I meant to use the term fuck up loosely.

4.It wasn't that cheesey

I thought you were a chick, don't ask me why.

if you end up telling me you played it on easy (like my friend), you're not entitled to your balls or opinion anymore. :P


From what it sounds FR, unless you seriously played it on the hardest mode and discovered it was not difficult at all...


I'll rage until you have


It's one of the only reasons I would ever consider getting a PS3 among some others... The DMC series have always been enjoyable for its brutal challenges and encouragement in being flamboyant in utilizing (in earlier title's case) Dante's skills/abilities. Practically one of the major reasons that DMC 1 & 3 were and still are fun; if not the only reason.

If DMC4 is easier than either mentioned titles, even on the hardest mode, it would be a shame....


Schwaltzvald:I beat it on normal in like 6 hours with only like 4 golden orbs...I used three on the last boss (Stupidity got the best of me). I remember DMC 3 being harder and better generally in every way except graphics and Dante style system (Correct me if I'm wrong but in DMC 3 does dante get a style which lets him use all the styles or a style that has the benefits of the various styles?).

Edit:Anybody played Dynasty Warriors 6 yet? I got a better score then Turok in Game Informer!


My roommate got DW 6. You'll be pleasantly surprised just about all the stuff you loved in the older DW's are still around.

A major change is the actual attacking. There is a gauge called renbu now, it goes up when you combo a lot. The higher the renbu the more attacks get added to your combo. The feel of DW is still there, so don't worry about it too much. It feels pretty natural, yet the chaining between X and Triangle is gone. You just pick the light attack or the heavy attack. Pretty sweet trick they added is to attack while you're blocking, if it hits you combo a single guy for a ton of damage.

Weapon's are about the same, but you get 3 different types; attack, standard, and Skill. All are affected by your renbu (Example: If you have an Attack weapon, when your renbu goes up, your attack goes up. Skill is speed, and standard is weapon reach.)

Another different thing is character level up. Instead of getting stats from officers, you get XP. Which when you level up you get stat boost. they also added a sphere grid kinda thing where you get skills and some stat boosts.

Oh, and horses level up now, yea, your horse.

My roommate got DW 6. You'll be pleasantly surprised just about all the stuff you loved in the older DW's are still around.

A major change is the actual attacking. There is a gauge called renbu now, it goes up when you combo a lot. The higher the renbu the more attacks get added to your combo. The feel of DW is still there, so don't worry about it too much. It feels pretty natural, yet the chaining between X and Triangle is gone. You just pick the light attack or the heavy attack. Pretty sweet trick they added is to attack while you're blocking, if it hits you combo a single guy for a ton of damage.

Weapon's are about the same, but you get 3 different types; attack, standard, and Skill. All are affected by your renbu (Example: If you have an Attack weapon, when your renbu goes up, your attack goes up. Skill is speed, and standard is weapon reach.)

Another different thing is character level up. Instead of getting stats from officers, you get XP. Which when you level up you get stat boost. they also added a sphere grid kinda thing where you get skills and some stat boosts.

Oh, and horses level up now, yea, your horse.

After reading this I'm defiantly getting it tomorrow! Edit:I just bought the game will post thoughts of game later.


The initial releases and xtreame and what not have different types of gameplay.

BTW I got raped by Lu Bu twice.=(

Edit:Well the game is fun but the camera is annoying at times and I kinda miss the square and triangle combos but this is only like after 3 or 4 levels so don't flame me.:smile:


Also, the multi-player beta test for Metal Gear Online will start in April for whoever pre-ordered it.

Annnnnnnnnd, now there's a bundle for MGS4.

80gb PS3


Dual Shock 3 controller



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