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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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New pokémon shown!


Poison/Fire type, with the Corrosion ability. It can poison any type, even Steel and Poison, which are normally immune to Poison attacks.

This might end up being the first choice for status-inducing on many teams. With Toxic now being a viable option on everything you face, and that cool typing that gives STAB on two common types, I think this guy is going places. If it has an evolution that makes it even better... wow.

Also, it looks cool.


New leaks, any one of them is... kind of creepy?


Mimichu is a mysterious pokèmon that seems to use a discarded Pikachu plush doll skin as a disguise. Yeah, no, that's just creepy. But it is Ghost/Fairy, so that's cool as hell.

Also, for collectors, there will be a special edition pack with both game for North America.



New video is out, and we see some new pokémon!

Wimpod (wimp + pod) is a Bug/Water type, with the ability Wimp Out, which makes it switch out (during battles) or escape (during wild encounters) when its HP is low enough. Think of it as a free switch during battling.

Bounsweet is a Grass type with the Leaf Guard or oblivious abilities. I'm thinking Leaf Guard will be the most useful ability.

Comfey is not a Grass type, but actually a Fairy type. It looks like a Lei from Hawaii, which fits with the setting and theme. It gets a new ability called Triage, which gives self healing moves maximum priority to ensure that it will go first on the turn it is used. This could be fun, as making sure you can heal to survive the next attack before it happens could turn the battle around for you.

Mudsdale is a Ground type, and gets the Stamina ability. This raises its Defense one level after being hit by an attack. So either Mudsdale has terrible Defense to begin with, or it's being directed towards tanking up a lot. Could be fun for Baton Passing teams. Let him take a hit or two, BP to someone else and let that stacked Defense add up.

Mimikyu's ability is revealed to be Disguise. It lets the user take on hit, and receive no damage. Think of it as a mini-Substitute without having to set it up, or drain your own HP to use. A nice touch is that when it activates, the sackcloth disguise Mimikyu is wearing slumps over like it's broken. :)

Bewear is now classified as Normal/Fighting, and has the Fluffy ability. This reduces damage from physical attacks, but doubles the damage it takes from Fire attacks.


Wimpod is going to be an absolute nightmare to catch with that ability. Just imagine encountering it without knowing its ability.

"Let me just damage it a little and give it some paralysis. Yay! All the way down to red, I'll throw a pokeball next turn. What?!! How did it run away?!" 

Repeat until you get fed up and use your sole masterball just to catch it.

Abra version 2.0


I'm looking at the video and I'm saying "what da fuuuuuck?" at everything.

Fire types becoming Ice types? Ground types becoming Ice types? AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS!?

That dancing bird has four different forms and types, and it's all about DANCING!

A mini Majora's moon that turns into one of those star candies from Mario Galaxy.

The yellow weasel thing from last month now evolves into Donald Trump. MAKE ALOLA GREAT BALLS AGAIN. (Yeah, I know it's supposed to look like an old fashioned private detective, but that hair looks more like Trump's. You can't deny it!)

Mudbray is fucking adorable. Will not evolve.

It seems the small sections where you got to ride a Ryhorn in XY ae really expanded upon, as you can now fly a Charizard and ride a Sharpedo. I doubt this means HMs are gone, but are used for very specific points in the game.

So, there seems to be a non-linear system for facing "island challenges"... so does that mean no more gyms in the traditional sense? I like the idea of non-linear progression, but removing gyms seems contrary to the series and what they have stated before with Sun and Moon.

"Totem" pokémon seems to be an attempt to have a difficulty spike, where you face a more traditional "boss" type battle. Could be good. We'll see.

I'm not impressed with "z-moves". It's like Mega Evolving... but not as flashy and doesn't give pokémon new forms. (side note, I am hoping that they ditch Mega Evolving and just make all the Mega forms new evolutions. Most of the pokémon that got them needed proper evos in the first place, not temp ones. Make it happen, Game Freak!) And by the video, it seems to only be for the starters and a Pikachu... so, it's restricted to just four pokémon? Can others use it? It is based upon the move a pokémon has, or can it be used by any pokémon of that type?


I find it interesting that they seem to be taking fan ideas into consideration.  I know quite a few were pushing for pokemon regional differences.  I don't think they'll remove Gyms, though.  Probably just an extra challenge.


So, more info on z-moves.


So it seems to be a matter of having a Fire type move on a pokémon holding a Fire-type Z-Crystal. I guess it will act like a fifth move slot, but only accessible when in battle and with the item being held.

Also, they're selling a physical version of the Z-Ring that lights up, plays sound effects and vibrates when you play Sun and Moon when wearing it. So.. yeah. Crazy gen so far.


I love the new forms!! Ice Vulpix and Ninetales!!! Ice Sandshrew and Sandslash!! This is awesome!! I love all four of these pokemon and the new forms are incredible. I wouldn't say they are better forms, rather they are cool (Pun intended) alternates that give a new spin on the original design. (Exeggutor is ok, but I'm not as enamoured with it as the other four.)

As for the new pokemon, I'm glad Mudsdale isn't the base form. It would probably have ended up like Tauros if it didn't have an evolution line. Fomantis and Lurantis are nicely designed. Minior has an interesting typing and ability, will have to see what the changes are when the shield breaks. Will be fun to try and get all four colours. I like the different forms of Oricorio (That is a mouthful to say.) Flamenco, Cheerleading, Hula, and Japanese fan dancing. Four different typings to play around with, and a very sneaky ability. Bait someone into using dragon/quiver dance then switch into oricorio for a free boost. Or in doubles partner pokemon uses dragon/quiver dance for a first turn boosted attack.

I'm curious to see how/if gyms are integrated alongside these trials/totem pokemon/Kahuna people. Also, Z attacks, a once a battle use, and one for each type. Lots of mind games to be played around when to use it/ which pokemon will use it. Pity about the silly dance routine.

All in all a packed set of info. And more to come on the 12th. YAY!!


I'm feeling flooded with info already. Each new video is dumping a lot of new pokémon and characters. We're at 31 new pokémon right now, and that's not counting the new forms. We're four months from release, and it's feeling more and more like there won't be anything left to find for yourself when it comes out.

Give us some mystery, Nintendo.

33 minutes ago, The Damned said:

I'm feeling flooded with info already. Each new video is dumping a lot of new pokémon and characters. We're at 31 new pokémon right now, and that's not counting the new forms. We're four months from release, and it's feeling more and more like there won't be anything left to find for yourself when it comes out.

Give us some mystery, Nintendo.

I can't remember if they revealed all the pokemon for X and Y before release. I'm not too fussed either way when it comes to Pokemon. Now if they spoil Breath of the Wild too much I will be annoyed.

Off to get some Arceus codes!! Yay NZ EB games!

2 hours ago, jnWake said:

Lol once again I'm here to ask for a code... If anyone has an Arceus code I'd really appreciate it.

I only got two yesterday. One for me, one for my wife. Now I need to get two more for our ruby and Sapphire games. Maybe I can wrangle a spare.


I'm going for some tickets later today, no promises, but I'll see if I can get one for you.


Another GameStop (and presumably, EB Games) event for October! Volcanion will be available for download via code. Unless you managed to get one from Japan earlier this year (or cheated), this is going to be your only legit chance to get one for Gen 6. It will likely be availiable at some point for Gen 7, but who knows for sure? Updating the front page.

18 hours ago, jnWake said:

If you do it'd be awesome. It's impossible to get them here in Chile.

Check your PM box.

Not you Pokémon box, because that would be silly.

Though you should check any of those as well, occasionally. You never know when one of those little bastards decided to stop clinging to life and gave into the dark void that is the storage box system.

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