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OCR03485 - *YES* La-Mulana (WIN) "Monumental Subterranean eXploration"

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ReMixer : WASD
Real name : Austin Green   
Userid: 30406
Website: www.WASDband.com
Game: La-Mulana (Windows)
Name of Arrangement: Monumental Subterranean eXploration
Individual Song names :
        Mr. Explorer
        Fearlesss Challenger
        Curse of Iron Pipe
This song is from WASD's debut album, Shift, a collection of metal remixes from various games for Windows and DOS. As a PC gamer, I always found it disappointing that there was a lack of appreciation for the soundtracks of computer games. So, I decided to start a band that solely plays music from those games! I worked really hard on the entire album and it's been a blast putting it out. This La-Mulana track is the most melody driven track on the album, and was a real treat to put together. Hopefully you guys enjoy these riffs, melodies, harmonies, and breakdowns as much as I enjoyed creating them! And check out La-Mulana 2 when it releases later this year! Long live PC gaming!

La-Mulana OST (Bandcamp)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/01/28 - La-Mulana 'Monumental Subterranean eXploration'
  • 4 weeks later...

Sick metal, brah.

*throws the horns*

I checked, and the sources are in there. It starts with some Explorer, follows with La Mulena, segues into Fearless Challenger, leading into Curse of Ocean (not Curse of Iron Pipe - that doesn't exist :P), then ends with a nice bookend from Explorer again. It's has a minor case of medley-itis, but the form makes sense, and the sources lead into one another well enough (bookending it with Explorer helps tie it all together). The lead sticks out a little, but it's not a big deal.

Despite my minor gripes, it's easy pass. Solid metal, decent arrangement, great work.



Clean production, solid performances, plenty of interpretation, this hits all the right cues for us.  Really enjoyed the riffing around 1:50, and 3:28! Transitions between the different were well done.  If I had to nitpick it would be that a break somewhere would've been nice because this song just doesn't let up like ever.

Other than that, I got nothing.  This is just great, and I'm psyched about getting more remixes from you guys.  As a PC gamer, I agree we need more remixes from games in our platform.  Please give us more.


  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2016/01/28 - (2Y) La-Mulana 'Monumental Subterranean eXploration'
  • 1 month later...

In agreement with the other Js. It is an A-B-C-D structure, but with actual care put into the transitions flowing from one theme to another, which is important in allowing to medley to flow like one cohesive composition. Transitions don't need to be overly complicated; as long as themes flow naturally from one to the next, you're all good! Good adaptation to rock and solid performances. Glad to have more La-Mulana representation here and I'm looking forward to more submissions from WASD!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/01/28 - *DON'T MOVE* (3Y) La-Mulana 'Monumental Subterranean eXploration'
  • 1 month later...

Yeah, this is a solid submission that takes a lot of care in its transitions, despite following a medley-esque form here. Each source is definitely recognizable, but listening from the outside you would have little idea that they were different tracks put together to form a cohesive whole. Really enjoyed the guitar work, and the energy is on point. If I were to nitpick I'd say things almost sound too clean at times. It almost feels a touch sterile, if that makes sense. Adding a touch more humanization in a couple parts would do the trick.

Great track!


  • Liontamer locked this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little more on the fence about the medley aspect of it, myself.  The transition at 0:55 to LA-MULANA isn't smooth at all.  The transition to Fearless Challenger (1:38-2:24) sounds inspired by LA-MULANA but isn't actually from it that I can tell, and sounds to me like filler.  Fearless Challenger then ends with a 36-second riff based on a 6-second transitional element from the source, which also feels like unnecessary filler to me.  While I did need to reference the source tracks closely to figure out exactly what the transitions were and how they related back to the sources, to me this definitely did feel like a medley of at least three different sources.

That said, the "medley-itis" definitely isn't as severe as it could be.  The last transition, back to Mr. Explorer, is great, and while I do feel like the transition from Fearless Challenger to Curse of Ocean was lengthy and awkward, it did feel like it connected two parts of the same song and not two different songs.  I only feel strongly about the transitions into and out of LA-MULANA, and one source out of four (effectively five, given that Mr. Explorer appears twice and is treated in two different ways) isn't bad.  And on the plus side, the presence of LA-MULANA does help with that relentless energy level Sir_NutS mentioned.

Production-wise, I personally felt that there could have been better separation between the guitars in places.  1:26-1:35 is the best example; I can barely distinguish the backing guitar here.  Most of the mix doesn't have that issue, though--there's lots of beautiful harmony throughout the rest--so it's not a big deal overall.  Otherwise, the production is fine and the musicianship is fantastic.

I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more from you, starting with the rest of Shift as soon as I have time!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR03485 - *YES* La-Mulana (WIN) "Monumental Subterranean eXploration"
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