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19 hours ago, HalcyonSpirit said:

Notice something? Following Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf returns in the timelines of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, while it is -Ganon- that returns in the timeline of A Link to the Past and the original Zelda and Zelda 2 because Link was defeated after Ganondorf transformed into Ganon. Ganon is, as far as I'm aware, never mentioned in the Twilight Princess and Wind Waker timelines since Ganon either never existed or never made an impact as Ganon in those two timelines where he is defeated. The flip side is that Ganondorf is never mentioned as Ganondorf in the A Link to the Past timeline, since his impact is most notable in history as Ganon.

Actually, Ganondorf is mentioned in ALttP. According to the Zelda wikia, a maiden mentions him as a thief who turned into Ganon.

On 6/18/2016 at 11:57 AM, jnWake said:

Actually, Ganondorf is mentioned in ALttP. According to the Zelda wikia, a maiden mentions him as a thief who turned into Ganon.

The gaps in my Zelda lore knowledge are starting to show. I wasn't aware of this, thank you. Even so, if that sort of reference is the extent of the mentions of Ganondorf, then it doesn't really change the fact that Ganon is the one always referred to when talking about the evils of the world, not Ganondorf. To the people, Ganondorf would likely just be the origin of Ganon and not regarded as a great evil to be feared in his own right, if only because of the contrast between the two's effects on the world. Again, it's just speculation, but I do believe there's a contrast being made in these games by the developers and that the name does have some significance. Perhaps not exactly what I'm proposing, but I suppose we'll find out soon enough.


I JUST noticed how bad the Master Sword looks...wow...even the gold diamond is dimmed...and the ends of the wings seem to have....is that blood? Could be...the hilt seems to have a few nicks in it...there could also be scratches in the blade...you know what I want to see? What if some Hero from the past carved his name into the blade at some point? That'd be cool. 


We need more plot details, Nintendo. 

7 hours ago, The Damned said:

I heard someone said "Link's Awakening", and I came right over.

Fuck off. You can't hear anything. It's a thread, you were already reading it. :P


I would actually not like this to be the general Zelda thread... I would like for this to be the Breath of the Wild thread. I would kinda prefer to keep "people jacking off over their favorite zelda game and fabricating timeline theories" away from "news and discussion about the new Zelda game". Though I guess timeline theories are unavoidable when discussing the new game (and how it fits in).

1 hour ago, Neblix said:

I would kinda prefer to keep "people[...] fabricating timeline theories" away from "news and discussion about the new Zelda game".

Agreed. I know it's not a popular opinion (like.. anywhere Zelda is discussed), but I actually kinda maybe sorta really despise the whole timeline thing. I suspect some flack for it after this, but whatever. Opinions gotta opin.. ion. Opinionate. Opin-... Shit.

Part of it is the fact that I have never seen any of the games as part of a continuous series. I always viewed them as stand alone games that shared certain elements and characters. So I find the timeline idea kind of pointless. I don't need to know any of it to enjoy any of the game. You can play them in any order and they still work, as a series and as individual games. The overly mixed-up branching timeline mess makes it even less helpful. None of it affects the ability to play the games in any way. And frankly, I find the notion that I have know about timeline to enjoy Zelda to be laughable at best, insulting to my intelligence at worst.

Yes, there actually are some out there that honestly believe you can only truly appreciate Zelda is you embrace the timeline. If you don't, you're not truly a fan. Personally, that kind of elitist fanboy snobbery pisses me off the most. Like, more than people that don't use their signal lights when changing lanes.

The other part of it is that I've found the timeline theorist subset of Zelda fandom to approach obsessive, and even cringe-levels of fanboyism. I've seen entire threads, 500 pages long or more, just yelling at each other over how everyone else is wrong and only their particular version works. Hell, even after Hyrule Historia came out and showed the official canon timeline, they still argued over it. "NINTENDO IS WRONG, HERE'S WHY!: A COMPREHENSIVE BREAKDOWN OF THE FIVE BRANCH TIMELINE!" wasn't unheard of for months afterwards.

Yeah, I get it's fun to speculate and all that, but god damn, the vocal minority of them has ruined that whole thing for me. I can't stand reading timeline stuff even to this day. You guys aren't that bad, but I still avoid all timeline talk when I can. I don't even read any posts about it any more.

So maybe news about the game goes here, and timeline stuff can go in its own thread. I'm here for news about the new game, maybe even updates on recent games.

(braces for downvotes/thumbs down/wait do we even have anything like that here/minuses)

21 hours ago, The Damned said:

Agreed. I know it's not a popular opinion (like.. anywhere Zelda is discussed), but I actually kinda maybe sorta really despise the whole timeline thing. I suspect some flack for it after this, but whatever. Opinions gotta opin.. ion. Opinionate. Opin-... Shit.

I'm pretty much with you.  The timeline stuff is completely ancillary to the games themselves and (barring a few obvious links-- er, connections, like OOT -> MM), it's honestly not at all relevant to the games.  (I also think the official timeline is stupid because it requires time travel to work differently than we actually see it work in OOT, but whatever.  That's also ancillary to the games.)

Personally, I'm looking forward to see how the new stuff in Breath of the Wild is going to change the standard Zelda experience.  Is it just going to be "look for some fruit to eat instead of slicing up grass and smashing pots to find hearts"?  Or is it going to be a more profound change than that?  The various (breakable!) weapons is definitely going to be sizable change, but I'm not sure yet whether that's going to be in place of or in addition to a more standard "beat dungeons, get key items, use in the overworld" Zelda formula.

53 minutes ago, Native Jovian said:

Personally, I'm looking forward to see how the new stuff in Breath of the Wild is going to change the standard Zelda experience.  Is it just going to be "look for some fruit to eat instead of slicing up grass and smashing pots to find hearts"?  Or is it going to be a more profound change than that?  The various (breakable!) weapons is definitely going to be sizable change, but I'm not sure yet whether that's going to be in place of or in addition to a more standard "beat dungeons, get key items, use in the overworld" Zelda formula.

We've seen a little of it.  Some of the Shrines contain Runes, and the way the bombs and the magnet thing work definitely would have put them in true dungeons in a traditional Zelda game.  We've seen bows and the Fire Rod just lying around in random places.  It'll be interesting to see if you need certain items to beat certain dungeons--it could be frustrating to have to track down the one shrine out of a hundred that has the right thing.  The developers have made it really clear that the overworld isn't going to have Metroid-style roadblocks in it.  I haven't played Link Between Worlds yet, but it may take cues from that.

46 minutes ago, The Damned said:

Wh... why are you people agreeing with me? Why are you liking my post? I said it was an unpopular opinion! You're supposed to hate me now!

Because you're right?  I mean, I think it's fun to theorize, but we all know Nintendo came up with this whole multi-timeline explanation way after the fact.  There are a few references in the games that say something about a chronological order, especially Ocarina of Time through Spirit Tracks, and the Vaati/Four Sword stories, but most of the others are either completely disconnected or "This guy used to be the hero in a previous adventure of some sort."  If Nintendo ever does put Breath of the Wild into the chronology in some official way, you know it's something they came up with late into its development at best, and possibly not even before it was finished.


talking about the hypothetical timeline placement of botw is presumably on-topic in the botw thread

unless the purpose of this thread is for people to say "I am [not] excited for this game" and naught else


To be fair, lots of the new elements in BotW aren't new. They've been done in earlier games from other series. Climbing giant monsters to attack their face is from Shadow of the Colossus, crafting is from any number of games like Minecraft and the like. Weapon durability is in so many games it's hard to even say where it's borrowed from. Big open world exploration could be traced to GTA, or even further back, to some of the old Sierra RPGs if you wanted to get technical.

Yeah, a lot of what we're seeing isn't completely innovative and original, but the same great steak you've had before is still a great steak. This time, it just happens to be Zelda-seasoned.

23 hours ago, The Damned said:

Killer app status confirmed. Will catapult the game into legendary tier.


Oh, the speedrunners are going to have fun with that.  Combine with the parasail and you'll be able to get a lot of distance without getting the normal stamina upgrades needed to climb/swim that far.  Supposedly the world is designed in such a way that this wouldn't break too much, but we'll see.

Just now, The Damned said:

To be fair, lots of the new elements in BotW aren't new. They've been done in earlier games from other series. Climbing giant monsters to attack their face is from Shadow of the Colossus, crafting is from any number of games like Minecraft and the like. Weapon durability is in so many games it's hard to even say where it's borrowed from. Big open world exploration could be traced to GTA, or even further back, to some of the old Sierra RPGs if you wanted to get technical.

Yeah, a lot of what we're seeing isn't completely innovative and original, but the same great steak you've had before is still a great steak. This time, it just happens to be Zelda-seasoned.


I was just kidding, something strong flinging you way up in the air is in all kinds of games, but Skyrim did it the funniest. That's kind of the time we live in with all media, nothing is truly new but now you can take the best of everything that's come before and refine it and use it in different contexts. Big open world can also be traced back to the original Legend of Zelda :) I think some of the incorporation of open world RPG elements is that realization that some of these games are very much like a modernized LoZ, where the Zelda series itself took a bit of a different turn after LTTP.

10 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

Oh, the speedrunners are going to have fun with that.  Combine with the parasail and you'll be able to get a lot of distance without getting the normal stamina upgrades needed to climb/swim that far.  Supposedly the world is designed in such a way that this wouldn't break too much, but we'll see.

Your Majesty, I propose the creation of the Hyrulian Paratroopers. With nothing more than a series of catapults and  soldiers holding gliders, we can fly to and descend upon any enemy of the kingdom in mere moments!

This will also eliminate the troubles we've had using Cuccus. Terrible tragedy, that last test.

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