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Hardest boss...Jason, in Friday the 13th (for nes), after you kill him 2 or so times. He comes back and he's really pissed. You can fight him in 1 of two ways. 1, is inside the house of the his current victim.

But that's a bastard, as he moves side to side incredibly fast, so it's first off, hard to hit him. Secondly, if he does hit you, your life bar loses a very large piece of it.

OR! You could always fight him outside, where its just forward and backwards, not side to side. He's still really fast, and hits really damn hard, but at least you can't miss.

Never did beat that game...By the time I had killed him twice, I had maybe 2 counselors left :(

Alright, I know some of you have N64s, and though the system and most of the game sucked, there's one game that had the HARDEST boss I have ever played. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (yeah yeah I know, only the snow level was any fun). You could save every single weapon you ever got and only use the laser on any of the other enimies, never miss when you shot him...AND HE STILL LIVED!! Then you shot him with the laser three times and he fell over... Not to mention the really sucky controls in that game....gods, I'm glad I only borrowed a friends copy and didn't actually buy that Game.

Oh also, on Mime+Limits for FF7, you can't do that on the original version, only the cheap $20 green edged version...why I don't know, but I didn't make it.

Hey, I spent two or three years everyday playing n64. Except, the games we played were goldeneye, and smash Bros. Those two games made the system, and on that subject, I though Alec in bond was hard, until he blew himself up with a grenade... loser.

I remember a japanese game that was like Super R-Type. The game was near impossible and the last boss was so huge the screen had to pan so that you could see his face. He was so powerful that the game wasn't supposed to be beatable without cheats I think.

The hard part is that when you die, you start at the beginning of the level. Now that's just not Kosher!

I don't know if anyone's said this yet because I haven't read the entire 11 pages of this thing the answer is simple. For anyone who was dumb enough to try their shot at it the Guardian in FF3 (6) could not be beaten. It was, indeed, impossible.

It's funny 'cause it's true! he was impossible in a very literal sense.

maybe Chaos was hard cuz I ran through the game with 4 black mages cuz Lit 1 looked so cool :P

YOU WENT THROUGH THE GAME WITH 4 BLACK MAGES?? you are a beast, I hope you know.

00 Agent on the Aztec level was HARD. .

for some reason i rule multiplayer but not single player..

also i never got to play starfox for snes and super metroid.. i wish they will come for gameboy adv.. or some link to emulate at least..

So back to one of the worthwhile games on n64.... YES this level took me days to beat. And it had a boss, Jaws, he was kinda easy cause he was so massive you could duck under him and completely beat him in a cheap fashion... but he is a boss, nonetheless, and it is semi-on topic.

Let's see, all time hardest...how about Lavos in CT the first time you fight him at the Ocean Palace (and no new game +)?

With new game plus, sure I've beaten him, AT LEVEL **. No new game plus? His rain from the heavens just wipes the floor clean with your characters.


Konami's EVIL.

Try playing all the way through Axelay, making it to the final boss in hard mode, just to spend HALF AN HOUR shooting at it and not even fazing it.

And this was seven years ago, in a real console. Christ, I hate Konami. >_<


Ok, everyone seems to talk about RPG's on this Forum. I'll agree with whoever it was who said 8-bit bosses were the worst. Like Ninja Gaiden, the boss who throws you back five levels if you lose, mega man had some crazy bosses, and of course I am going to mention Castlevania. But yeah. It's all about the Nintendo Entertainment System..


Allright video game fiends. Here's another from the past.

The Dragon from the Genesis game "The Immortal". You have to do the exact move at the exact time in the exact sequence... or your screwed. If you miss an object during the game and don't have it for this boss, you're screwed... have to start over from the beginning. It's just not a fair fight... big suprize there huh :wink: ?


Bahamut and Cpt_Zach: Yeah, I beat Lavos at the Ocean Palace without New Game +. I did use the Game Genie code for 1-hit kill on ZSNES... hee hee. That ending is weird. You get to go off the Epoch dock and talk to the programmers with oil drum and cat avatars. Freaky.

I'm probably not going to get many people to concur with this, but for me, I hated the 5th level boss in Legend of Zelda IV: Link's Awakening for GBC. He was a giant segmented worm that popped his head out of one of four holes in the wall, randomly. Then he'd open his mouth and roar. You had to fire the hook shot (great weapon, till the omnipotent boomerang) into his mouth with precise timing, from enough of a distance to pull the bugger out far enough to get a few good hits on his beating heart with your sword.

Sometimes, however, he'd trick you; it'd be a fake worm that would writhe around, then explode (hurting you). I was really confused by those for quite a while. I chased them with my sword, then wondered why it wasn't doing anything. Oh, the naïveté... On top of all of that, you had the really long tail sticking out of a hole in the center of the floor. It swung around in a circle, and encompassed nearly the whole room. I developed a strategy of some sort, but I forget what it is now. It took SO long to beat...

Strangely, the eigth-level boss was pretty easy. It took me scarcely seconds to beat him. Just stood on the edge of the lava pool and shot fireballs randomly... he never had a chance. Fire conquers all!


Ha ha i remeber that boss and yeah he was a pain in the ass to beat. i woudl have to say he was the hardest boss fo the game. adn for all that work what happnes you find ou tit was all a dream lol. you shoudl at least get teh girl


Yeah, that did suck. I mean, Link coulda lived in paradise with Marin. But no, he had to wake up. When you had her following you after you went to the beach to get her to wake up the walrus at Animal Village, you held her up like an item. It looked like you were looking under her dress. I thought that was so funny.


Wait! Here comes another...

The final boss of Gun Griffon on the Saturn.

Remember this guy? You're in a somewhat dark room... giving him the option of vanishing into the night for periods of time. When he finally appears in the light (assuming he's even in eye shot of you... his arena is HUGE), he's moving so damn fast you can't hit him bit a couple times and then he's gone again.

Over course, as you fight him, a clock is counting down. You have to beat him, find the exit and get out before the missle hits and vaporizes everything. If you don't... game over.


Ok, there is this old nes rpg called Destiny of an Emperor by Capcom. The boss of the game Si Ma Yi was next to impossible. He had 40k life, could kill any of your stupid guys (intelligence wise) in one hit, could refill his life to full at any time, had a team of other bad asses with him, dished out 4k damage a hit and could do 5k to all your guys with one of his tactics (spells), and you had to kill him 3 different times. The max damage your guys could go at max level (50) was 2k, or 10k with magic (which you can't refill during battle), and the most amount of life my best guy had was 30k. He was a friggin party.


All time hardest boss battle...hmm, let me think...

Most recent: Phantom Ganon - Even Ganon is a schwartz compared to him...

Mini-boss - Dark Link, without the hammer cheesiness...

The last level of 'Toys', I belive, were you fly a plane into the Manhattan model, tough as hell... so tough I never got to finish the game...


Tunnel B-1.

I can breeze through the game in general and reach the final boss with all sorts of great weaponry. But I have yet, in over 3 years, to beat the final boss of that game. I can even survive for quite a while in the fire fight full of bullets, homing shots and the like.


The one at the end of Blaster Master was pretty hard, because I was so afraid I'd die after a whole day of playing the game my hand were shaking and my heart was pumping like pumping was going out of style. And I think I had to replay the whole game 2 or 3 times.


Blaster Master? Uuurrrgh... I hate that game. I bought it for my Game Boy, 'cause there was a guy standing near the cabinet recommending stuff to me, and I took his word, thinking he knew what he was saying.

Well, either he didn't, or he was far better at that sort of game than me. I suspect the latter. I couldn't even get past the first boss. Argh!! Stupid flower! And the music got stuck in my head, and I got lost (!) in the sidescroll world with the tank, and I kept walking into mines. And I completely suck. But hey, what's new?


Agreed. The last boss in Blaster Master is a prick. Here's another such boss...

The last boss at the end of Stellar Fire on the Sega CD. His head and hand are all that pop up out of the ground. If his hand hits you as you aiming for it's head, you get hit, take a nice chunck on damage, and get sent spinning. By the time you stop spinning, the boss is right back next to you and hits you again... and again, and again, and again... until, BOOM!... you're dead. Start the whole long, last stage over again.


I'm not sure this one counts, but the Weirdbeast on the 6th floor of the Cave of Trials on SO2. The first time you fight him.

He has over 800000 hp, and all of your attacks do 1 point of damage or nothing at all. I hacked at him for 6 hours. When he FINALLY died, the came continued as if I had lost the battle.... It was supposed to be Undefeatable.


Yunalesca from FFX...She just wouldn't die. He first for is kinda hard, but then she has a second. And she turns you all into zombies, so it's hard to heal. Then when you get you people healed, she casts Mega-Death. Instantly kills everyone who isn't a Zombie. Then when you think she's dead. Ta-da! Another form! Oh joy! This one is even harder than the last ones. Plus stronger.

Another one would have to be Seymour Flux (third form). He's turn you to a Zombie, use full cure on the now Zombied person, and then Cleave (-2500 HP) the other two people. I had a hard time even touching him. Thank god for Summons...


The final boss in Giga Wing 2 on the Dreamcast. 2 forms, bullets flying anywhere and everywhere there's room, a body that just keeps getting damaged and damaged but never seems to blow up and an attack where she flies from bottom to top on the screen REAL FAST shooting all the way (have yet to find a safe spot 8O ).

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