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Just now, Cole Train said:

Okay, so I finally have something relatively presentable for the Sauria track! My apologies for it taking so long.

I'd assume I'd send it to you @The Nikanoru

That depends - did you mix your lyrics with @DS394's WIP or do you just have the lyrics audio? I'd prefer to get the lyrics as part of the WIP.

If you have the whole WIP, then you can either send to me or post to the review PM.

4 minutes ago, Cole Train said:

Also could you change my name on the drive page to Blackimar? Changed my artist name recently to that, so. 


Just so everyone knows, I'll be asking who was involved and who wants to be credited as what as part of the 'finished WAV' part of the process, as all this will need to be clear for titling the tracks, artists' credits, and who needs to 'sign' consent forms for the final release.

... I'm just waiting for someone to try for 'Remixy McRemixface.' :D


Okay everyone - it is now just six weeks until the next check-in! (Where has the time gone? 2016 went fast enough...)

Once again, this check-in is about progress. Show us that you've done some work on your track; no polish required yet, but hey, if adding polish is your way of advancing the track, fill your boots - we'd love to hear it either way. :)

I've been in contact with a few of you, but it's been pretty quiet lately - I can only assume you're all busy making these tracks spectacular... right? ;) I've mentioned a few times now that I will be applying for OCR-approval very soon. Given that haven't received a new complete (not finished) WIP in the six weeks since I brought this up, I'm no longer confident we can reach the goal of 16 complete (not finished) tracks by the time I plan to apply, so I'm going to apply with whatever we have ready at the time. In the meantime, I'm going to reduce our goal from 16 complete tracks to 12 by next check-in. I'm fairly confident our team is capable of this; remember that by complete (not finished), I mean the arrangement has a beginning, a middle, and an ending - does not have to be a permanent arrangement, no polish is required.

Oh, and speaking of which, I'll be making some changes to the top of the thread in the next little while. This whole complete vs. finished thing is obviously confusing people, so I'm going to be reworking what color means what, and I'm also going to be cleaning up the descriptions and condensing what's there so the page is a bit more concise in its description. I've had a few people 'TL;DR' me when I point them to the thread. LOL

Here are some WIP updates I have so far:

  • @DS394 gave me an update on Lylat Legacy!
  • Our Sauria remix by @DS394 has an update, now with a rap from @Cole Train!
  • 'The Flash' @Starphoenix has also given me another WIP for the Boss B track, which is now called Laser Light Showdown!
  • @Slimy has given me an update of the Venom track, Surprise!

I've posted the updates to the WIP spreadsheet. I love the sound of progress - give them a listen and tell us what you think!

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know. I'm trying to make myself available to respond as much as possible, so if you need any support, just ask! :)


Six weeks already? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

Cleaned up the "synthbeat" version of Clipped Wings. Cleaned up meaning changed the hits a bit, added a proper ending, remade the gutiar rhythm from the original with FL Slayer and "synchronized" it.  None of the notes sound off now. Have lots of homework to do, but will get the new version to you this weekend. Also looking for someone to master/mix the track so it sounds "clean". 

Like I said, here it is.


3 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:


Can this be on the Bonus Disc?

On this one, I'm gonna have to say no. First of all, because you already have a claim on this track in the regular album and you've already made a bonus track of Corneria; second of all because your sound design here is way too close to the WIP you have sent me for your regular claim.

If you are looking to start on something else for the album, there are still 4 unclaimed tracks on the current tracklist (including the Boss Roll :)) and boss and character themes are still open. Plus, I'm still hoping to get that Andross collaboration going and I need that intro to start things off, if you're still interested in doing that.

All that being said, I liked what I heard - your fill-work is really coming along. I love to hear that creativity!

20 minutes ago, The Nikanoru said:

On this one, I'm gonna have to say no. First of all, because you already have a claim on this track in the regular album and you've already made a bonus track of Corneria; second of all because your sound design here is way too close to the WIP you have sent me for your regular claim.

If you are looking to start on something else for the album, there are still 4 unclaimed tracks on the current tracklist (including the Boss Roll :)) and boss and character themes are still open. Plus, I'm still hoping to get that Andross collaboration going and I need that intro to start things off, if you're still interested in doing that.

All that being said, I liked what I heard - your fill-work is really coming along. I love to hear that creativity!

Awwwwww okay...

Yeah, I'll work on the Andross thing this week. You go ahead and get the intro up. 

EDIT: Buuuuuttttttt- different versions of the same tracks were submitted and excepted for the DKC3 album Bonus Disc, so...or were those exceptions?

1 hour ago, TheChargingRhino said:

EDIT: Buuuuuttttttt- different versions of the same tracks were submitted and excepted for the DKC3 album Bonus Disc, so...or were those exceptions?

Well, bonus tracks are accepted at the discretion of the director(s) of an album, and even then, only approved for an OCR album by OCR staff.

I can't speak to the DKC3 album or the decision made to accept these bonus tracks; only that they must have been approved by the director(s) and OCR to have been featured on the album..


9 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Is SCRAMBLE done or are we just waiting for whoever?

Whoever = me. I still need to build the second WIP with all the additions we made in, uh, early December. I've been maybe a little slow about this... but I will have something together soon. Hopefully this weekend.

Once the second WIP is built, I'll PM everyone on the collaboration and we'll make a decision on the next course of action.

16 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Also, what about the Records track?

Well, I sent you and your merry men a formal review for the current WIP on December 29th. Some changes had been proposed, but I've heard nothing since. I suggest you check with @classic_gamer_76 and @Pichu's Dad to see where things are at with this.



Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  

It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.

Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember! :)

1 hour ago, The Nikanoru said:


Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  

It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.

Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember! :)


One step closer to VICTORY!


Why wouldn't they accept this? Too close to the release of another album? Too few tracks?

20 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Why wouldn't they accept this? Too close to the release of another album? Too few tracks?

I didn't apply in the beginning because I didn't have a solid track list and because I didn't have enough 'star power.' And no, I don't mean @Starphoenix. :)

I also thought there was a progress requirement for application ... which is why I kept asking for complete tracks before I applied. Once I found out there isn't a progress requirement per se, I asked myself 'then what the heck is stopping me from applying now?' Nothing. So I did!

I'd still like everyone to stick to the goal of trying to get the 'complete' status for their tracks, as having 12 complete tracks is still a goal for the project for April 1st.

EDIT 2/23: I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone when I said I didn't have enough 'star power' for the application. What I meant by this is that according to the guidelines, I needed to have at least five posted/established remixers on my list in order to apply for OCR-approval, which I did not have when I launched the project.

My apologies to anyone who took offense at my earlier statement. FWIW, I think we have more than enough 'star power' from ALL our remixers now, published or not. :)



I was looking back through Serious Monkey Business :A History.

That album took up 56 pages.

Anyway, it'll be interesting looking back through this, cause eventually this thread shall be locked.  

ALSO- Do we have art yet? (other than the banner) No? I can come up with something, I think. 

The website? (my mom's a graphic designer, I'd feel a bit weird asking her to design a VG website, though....)

Album trailer? 


7 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

ALSO- Do we have art yet? (other than the banner) No? I can come up with something, I think.

I have contracted a professional artist to build us a promotional poster and the cover art for the album - however, he's doing this as favor, so we have to wait for an opening in his schedule. I'm looking to have this by the end of the summer at the latest, but it'll likely be here sooner.

Also, @Etzaen has agreed to do some character art as well, as we will be sticking with the 'Arwings in space' motif for the poster and covers.

If you want to submit something, go right ahead. Just keep in mind I'll be looking for a professional level of quality.

11 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

The website?

@Starphoenix has agreed to do a website for us. I'm just not there yet on the planning side. :)

12 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Album trailer? 

It'll probably be late this year or early next year before we actually get to this, but @DS394 has some ideas of what to do here.


...I don't think I'm at a professional level yet for art. 

I mean, I have made stuff, like weapons and stuff, but...space ships?

I've done enough for the album, I might submit weapons and stuff. 

Like blasters. 

ALSO: Is the name for the album final?

2 hours ago, Starphoenix said:

The tears... They're real... After a post like that, there is a teeny bit of pressure... But nothing bad, just a drive to continue working towards a quality soundtrack. :P

This. I'm not proud of my work so far so it's been difficult getting back to it. But I really want to impress thanks to messages like this.

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