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I really love this arangement. All I'd say Is youve really got to make your instruments sound stronger - Namely your bass, piano and strings (although there are certian sections where your piano and strings sound brilliant). I'm glad your getting rid of those drums, and I can't wait for the guitar solo.

Man, this project is going to be so amazing.


Very nice, needs a some more dynamics. The arrangement is great, but all the instruments stay more or less at the same volume the whole time. I'm not sure why, but it feels like it could be stronger if you put a little more into it. I'm not a great critique, unfortunately, so I can't really offer much advice here.


I agree that the arrangment is great, especially that section starting around 3:10, with the whole stairway and mario 3 death, very awseom stuff. I think it will be even better with the drums and guitar enhancements. I would also say work on the strenght and dynamics of the instruments, but like Pzykotik I'm not really the goto guy for advice in that department.

  • 2 weeks later...

I love it. Especially when it gets into the SMRPG stuff, cuz you pretty much NEVER hear stuff from that game, which is a shame cuz...meh I'll save that tangent for another time.

Currently the only thing I can think of that would help me enjoy it more is perhaps mixing things up a bit. While I wouldn't go so far as to say it drags on, it feels like there might be something missing to differentiate the beginning half from the latter half.

Oh yeah, and like they said it would kick mega ass if you gave the instruments a little more oomph. The thought of its current state but a little louder makes me drool:)

  • 4 weeks later...

Not to sound like an echo, but I do really like the arrangement. It's solid and flows quite well.

However, I do have a couple suggestions for ya.

1. Consider EQing the guitar a bit. It sounds great in terms of the performance, but it's so low-end heavy, that it gets lost in the mix a bit. It's meant to be the main "voice" in the piece all throughout, and we don't want to lose it amidst all the other sounds. I would suggest bringing the high and mid range up. I't shouldn't take much. Just a small increase in both should really help.

2. I think your drums need to be compressed a bit. There are times where they stand way out and there are times where they fit very well into the mix. I think a certain ammount of compression would help balance those differing dynamics in your drum sequencing. If what I'm saying doesn't make much sense, let me know in a PM and I'll try and give you a better explination :).

3. Your snare sample sounds weak in the track. This song rocks hard, and the snare seems to be lost when things start to even begin to rise in volume and intensity. I think the probelm is that the snare you have in place right now lacks enough body to it. It's something that you can EQ, but I would suggest trying to find another sample. A snare with the metalic ring to it comes to mind and I think that it might fit nicely :).

4. The panning of your drum set is pretty well done, but I would suggest bringing the hit hat back in towards the middle. I like it panned slightly to the left, but right now, it claims a lot of attention and I feel like it stands outside of the mix. I think that by moving it back a bit to the middle, it will blend a bit better.

5. The panning of the guitar is also good, but I would centralize them a little bit more, especially when they are the featured instrument and are doing a small riff as the main voice. However, bringing the high end of the guitar may solve this problem and make them sound more connected.

6. This is just an idea for you, but when you bust into the never ending stairs theme, I think it would add a wonderful layer of sound if you had the guitar playing it too. I know that could be a very tricky riff to play, but it might sound really nice.

The biggest thing that I hope you would take out of this is that you have a great mix right now, and my suggestions are just that: suggestions that you can use if you'd like. You have a good track. Good luck mate.


I'm not a remixer myself, but I do have to say....this is one of my favorite mixes yet!

I love the Bowser theme from Super Mario 64. I was hoping someone would remix it.

1. Consider EQing the guitar a bit. It sounds great in terms of the performance, but it's so low-end heavy, that it gets lost in the mix a bit. It's meant to be the main "voice" in the piece all throughout, and we don't want to lose it amidst all the other sounds. I would suggest bringing the high and mid range up. I't shouldn't take much. Just a small increase in both should really help.

I don't know what "EQing" means, but I too really think you should bring up the guitar. It added so much "mmph" to the whole remix. And it did get kind of lost sometimes with all the other sounds.

Besides that, great job! This is in the top ten of my remix list.

  • 2 weeks later...

Man sorry it took me so damn long to listen to this. After the 1st 30 seconds, I didn't really feel I would have to listen to the rest, it's so good and well done. I was right, a solid arrangement.

There seems to be some production issues though. Everyone keeps saying, more EQ! But to me I wonder if there's too much. It sounds like the guts were cut out of almost every track, halfway muted-like. I honestly wouldn't know why, but perhaps you can figure it out. If not the EQ's fault, then yeah, use it to put the raw stuff back in, it's a little too clean and pseudo-muddy. Maybe a little more attack time on your compressor too, make it bite more (assuming that's even the issue).

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