Captain Huge! Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Well, looks like we'll be seeing Atma though so shall I put you down? Sorry took so long to answer, yeah put me down Quote
Pi_R_Squared Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Crashing at zircon's:zircon pixietricks GeoffreyTaucer Bahamut(and friend(s)?) Pi_R_[]ed(and friend?) bustatunez Jose(?) ... Maybe zircon should mention what activities are in store to help people decide... or maybe people just haven't been checking this topic as often as they should be... Other than Bahamut's Wii and DS lites, I don't know what else there is to do. I guess we could like.. talk and bond and stuff. Then again, there might not be too much time to play around unless we stay up all night... but sleep is important! Too many variables... needs more equations... Hey, I'm going, but I'm not sleeping over, and don't forget I have a wii, too! About things to do while we're over, I finally had an idea for a remix to work on. I tutor for 30 m.-1h wouldn't be too bad, if he/she doesn't mind pokemon. *cough*. Anyone think of coming up with a list we can start practicing for the a cappella thing? And what about our stuff? Is it coming with us all day? Cause I'd rather not walk around New York all day with $400 of much sought-after electronics on my back... Quote
Katsurugi Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 But also don't forget that you may not need to bring so much of your stuff there. Even though three people on the trip do own a Wii, it's not likely that we'd use them all at the same time on multiple TVs, if available. Besides, I think the controller count is around 4 anyway, I think that we'll only need to have one or maybe two around. (One for multiplayer games and maybe one dedicated to Zelda.) So, Bahamut, Athair, and Pi_R_[]ed, you need to work it out. Yes. The issue of having some place to put down our stuff has been brought up. I'd like to think that school would let me, but they have a very strict policy about being closed over break. I could ask around, but then I'd probably have to obtain a key inbetween then... unless my friend doesn't mind storing 7 people's stuff for a couple of hours and is also free that day. We shall see! As for the your remix idea, if everyone is finished with their jamming or whatever, we can work on it over at Sam Ash, Manny's or wherever we're at. If it's Pokemon, I'd like to suggest an electronic intepretation of Route 1. That'd be hot, but probably not thoroughly thought through on my part. For acapella, we need to get started on this right away! Maybe it's already too late, but we could always sight read a bit as long as someone has a pitch pipe. (I have a kazoo!) If we really would like to do something though, we'd probably have to be fairly well rehearsed (at least know what your own part sounds like). For a list, we'd probably need to get first another list of music we have the sheet music to or soundfile with defined parts (SATB, not required, because well.. we are lacking in the female department and my falsetto leaves more to be desired.) I wanted to say I knew some video game music harmony off hand, but I'd be lying. I know nothing. Quote
zircon Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Stuff to do at my place? Well, we'll be getting back late. But I have a TV downstairs with a Gamecube, and I'm sure we'll have a Wii. Plus there's always messing around under my nick in the judge chat (or seeing the SECRET FORUMS), busting out some tunes w/ FL, etc. Should be fun - it was last year! Quote
Bahamut Posted December 14, 2006 Author Posted December 14, 2006 Bump! Updated the first post. Also, with such a fun group as OCRers, there should be plenty of things to do at night ...and no, not alcohol related. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 busting out some tunes w/ FL, etc. Should be fun - it was last year! Hopefully we'll be finished with a certain piece (the one with the folks, that we're doing for that thing) by then... perhaps we can work on that other thing. Or perhaps some entirely new thing. Quote
Pi_R_Squared Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 But also don't forget that you may not need to bring so much of your stuff there. Even though three people on the trip do own a Wii, it's not likely that we'd use them all at the same time on multiple TVs, if available. Besides, I think the controller count is around 4 anyway, I think that we'll only need to have one or maybe two around. (One for multiplayer games and maybe one dedicated to Zelda.) So, Bahamut, Athair, and Pi_R_[]ed, you need to work it out. Yes. The issue of having some place to put down our stuff has been brought up. I'd like to think that school would let me, but they have a very strict policy about being closed over break. I could ask around, but then I'd probably have to obtain a key inbetween then... unless my friend doesn't mind storing 7 people's stuff for a couple of hours and is also free that day. We shall see! As for the your remix idea, if everyone is finished with their jamming or whatever, we can work on it over at Sam Ash, Manny's or wherever we're at. If it's Pokemon, I'd like to suggest an electronic intepretation of Route 1. That'd be hot, but probably not thoroughly thought through on my part. For acapella, we need to get started on this right away! Maybe it's already too late, but we could always sight read a bit as long as someone has a pitch pipe. (I have a kazoo!) If we really would like to do something though, we'd probably have to be fairly well rehearsed (at least know what your own part sounds like). For a list, we'd probably need to get first another list of music we have the sheet music to or soundfile with defined parts (SATB, not required, because well.. we are lacking in the female department and my falsetto leaves more to be desired.) I wanted to say I knew some video game music harmony off hand, but I'd be lying. I know nothing. Well, of course, Mario, Zelda. Finding parts for those shouldn't be too hard... I'm a Baritone/Bass in chorus, just to let everyone know. I'm not the best, but it's not too hard to make "doo" and "daa", is it? If it's easier, I'll just bring my controller, and games. If others have Wiis, I'd rather not bring mine. As for the mix, I was thinking Route 12, 24, maybe some others, in a patriotic civil-war type march. I've got ideas for the snare drum. Some brass, some woodwinds. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 14, 2006 Author Posted December 14, 2006 Well, if you're not staying for the overnight, you don't need to bring the Wii & stuff - that was for the overnight. Quote
José the Bronx Rican Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Yes, I'm definitely overnighting, and will head back, if all goes well, with enough time to make it to work in the Bronx by 2pm. I'll be carrying everything all over. I mention my duffle because I always carry a duffle - no exaggeration: zirxietauce can tell you... they've seen me with it last year and in Philly. I shlep a lot of weight around, probably not to my benefit. I may be crazy enough to bring my laptop, along with the thick blanket and pillow (that's enough for me to sleep with). I know sleepers take up room, but folks should try to pack a bag with a minimum of items needed. I'm a late sleeper, partly because my 2-10pm shift (formerly 3:30-11:30pm) has made it so. My time is usually around three in the morning. I've got plenty of unused beats we can fiddle with for the music cause. I expect we can manage one or two accas - gimme some tune ideas (likely from SNES Mario games or Mario 64, cause that's all I've caught up with) - suggest an accurate midi from vgmusic and I'll do the rest. Examples below from Super Mario World - Overworld 2 (midis and sheet music exported from Cakewalk) Entire tune, no loop, tempo 120 Track 1, with hat metronome Track 2, with hat metronome Track 3, with hat metronome Track 4, with hat metronome Track 5, with hat metronome Track 6, with hat metronome Track 1, simplified sheet music Track 2, simplified sheet music Track 3, simplified sheet music Track 4, simplified sheet music Track 5, simplified sheet music Track 6, simplified sheet music Quote
Bahamut Posted December 16, 2006 Author Posted December 16, 2006 I'm actually going to bring my laptop too, mainly because it's a nice portable Macbook...and plus it's a nice way to conceal stuff. (bump in disguise) Quote
Katsurugi Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 Seems like way too much stuff for me to bring... just bringing a bag to hold... things. On another note, my friend said he might be around on the 28th, so there possibly is a place where we could put our stuff, but nothing definite. It would probably also require at least one more subway ride to drop off and pick up later. In addition, I have another friend who might be interested in going. Why don't the other people who are going post more? It's coming up soon... there should be more "woohoo-ing" and whatnot. Oh yeah, what about food, Jose? You promised an update on food... (Food is important.) Quote
José the Bronx Rican Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 No time to woo-hoo... between this meetup, preparing for MAG, too much XMas nonsense and remaining loose ends concerning my late father, I've had nothing but unwanted naps ALL DAY... I should be able to case downtown tomorrow, and I'll let you know then. Quote
Katsurugi Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 No time to woo-hoo... between this meetup, preparing for MAG, too much XMas nonsense and remaining loose ends concerning my late father, I've had nothing but unwanted naps ALL DAY... I should be able to case downtown tomorrow, and I'll let you know then. Sorry to hear about that, Jose. I know how those naps can be like. Sometimes it doesn't even feel good to wake up. Anyway, I just thought you forgot about the restaurant business. I just kind of thought about it recently. Also, I realized that we'd have to pay the big gratuity percent thingy. As for my personal details, I will update you hopefully later this week! Quote
Athair Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 But also don't forget that you may not need to bring so much of your stuff there. Even though three people on the trip do own a Wii, it's not likely that we'd use them all at the same time on multiple TVs, if available. Besides, I think the controller count is around 4 anyway, I think that we'll only need to have one or maybe two around. (One for multiplayer games and maybe one dedicated to Zelda.) So, Bahamut, Athair, and Pi_R_[]ed, you need to work it out. As far as the overnight (and at least getting my stuff there), I live in White Plains, so I'd probably take the Harlem line to here, then grab my car to zircon's (provided with a location, of course). Only games I have are WiiSports & Zelda. Why don't the other people who are going post more? It's coming up soon... there should be more "woohoo-ing" and whatnot. "Woo-Hoo!" Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 Another question: if people being wiis, does that mean we're going to be walking around NYC carrying wiis? Sounds like a bad idea to me. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 17, 2006 Author Posted December 17, 2006 Well, it seems like only two of us have Wiis (Athair and I) who are staying overnight, so that's not a problem (since we live so close to zircon). Quote
José the Bronx Rican Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 Well, it sure is a challenge trying to get these destinations in order, and get a good place for lunch (with enough seating) worked in, all using a minimum of transit... the few workable options all seem to be "chain Italian," i.e. Villa Pizza, Cafe Metro, etc. I know a couple of spots at the Port Authority that may work in a pinch. But when I got back home I found an interesting Times article addressing many of the same things we are, especially the food. Notice the "dollar a slice" part? I will investigate quickly. As far as dinner: I wanted to see what Little Italy was like downtown, knowing it's right next to Chinatown, and knowing it's filled to the brim with restaurants (there's a wonderful Little Italy just blocks from my home in the Bronx, but I never tried the midtown version). It looks great there; the places are all lined up on Mulberry St., all touting their Zagat ratings, and we should have no problem finding a suitable place for dinner. Best of all, they're mere blocks from the Chinatown Fair arcade, which I've finally experienced for the very first time today (nice place; a bit tiny and quite loud, just like in the Broadway days, although not enough old-school machines for my tastes). Stay tuned. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 18, 2006 Author Posted December 18, 2006 You live near the Bronx Little Italy? I think my father used to have a store near there almost 2 decades ago. Oh man, Little Italy would be great for dinner though - I haven't been to the Midtown one, and considering it's in Midtown, it has to be good. Quote
atmuh Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 Best of all, they're mere blocks from the Chinatown Fair arcade, which I've finally experienced for the very first time today (nice place; a bit tiny and quite loud, just like in the Broadway days, although not enough old-school machines for my tastes). Stay tuned. That place is SO LOUD and is kinda small...I wonder how we're all gonna like fit. There are some old school machines...not a ton though. If you're somewhere near there in the next few days let me know I might stop by. And since I stop by Chinatown a lot I got to Little Italy sometimes. It's a very nice place. I've never eaten anywhere there though. Also I'm a definite not a tentative. Quote
Axel B. Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 I suppose I'm no longer a tentative (Hopefully nothing comes up on that day) and I think I might be bringing a friend along. I have to check with him again because he might have work on that day. But yea I'm most likely going to show up Quote
Bahamut Posted December 18, 2006 Author Posted December 18, 2006 So it looks like we have a potential 20 people for the meetup, with possibly more to come. And I have a feeling that I am going to spend a lot on this day . Quote
Katsurugi Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 Why? I don't think that having a lot of people will necessarily increase the overall price... This might be a problem when going out to eat and stuff and maybe some other activities. If we have a potential 20 people, we should probably reserve at least a table or two for dinner, right? Manhattan's Little Italy is great. But in any case where you have a lot of people going out to eat, a little forewarning helps both the restaurant to prepare as well as cutting down on wait time. I also worry about how we're all getting into Chinatown Fair. I mean, definitely more than 20 people have been in there before. But not all at once. I always thought we were going to have a group of 10 or so. About old school machines, I think that Jose is right. There are some older games there, but still not really enough. I will have to say that almost 95% of them are fighting games, if not a rhythm/beat game. The rest are old school games or even puzzle games like Puzzle Fighter. Gigawing, Aerofighters, and Bust-a-Move type game are worth mentioning outside of Ms. Pacman and Arkanoid. There are older games, but just older fighting games. Street Fighter 3:Double Impact, Marvel Super Heroes, and Street Fighter Alpha 3 are there too. If this isn't your taste in games, well, it just seems like it's just too bad for you. By this time, I think we should try to cut down on the maybe attending people and determine definites or not. I will probably give an update on my friend's status by Wednesday. If we do have 20 people, then maybe it would be better if we went to museum or something like that where larger groups are more welcome... that's just what I think though. *need a sig* Quote
Bahamut Posted December 18, 2006 Author Posted December 18, 2006 Nah, I was just thinking of the Nintendo World store (I need to snag a Classic controller for the Wii, and possibly something else), and there's the Virgin Megastore, where I almost always buy a CD if I go in because I want to support the artists I like on the labels I like with sales. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 18, 2006 Author Posted December 18, 2006 Bump, updated the first post a little and posted another suggestion (ice skating @ Rockefeller Center) Quote
Katsurugi Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Isn't it a pain to skate at the ice rink there? As far as I know, I think you have to purchase tickets ahead of time and then you are designated a particular time slot in which you can skate. It's all because of the popularity of it. Well... I just want to avoid anything that might be a bother or become a hassle because... I'm lazy. I still think that we have plenty of stuff to do without the ice skating and perhaps even Chinatown Fair... though it would be nice to play video games all together. That and well, I'm not too great at remixing/performing music or shooting the breeze either. I just like playing games and wasting life. Anyway, I guess if people aren't really posting in here it means one of two things. Either everyone has said whatever needs to be said or they haven't seen it yet (which is highly unlikely since it's been on the first page for a long while). Quote
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