Gario Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Prior decision Re mixer Name: Wiesty Real Name: Dylan Wiest Email Address: User ID: 11643 Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy VII Name of arrangement: Shrouded Reactor Name of individual song(s) arranged: Mako Reactor *Re-submission* This is a resub (as requested) of Shrouded Reactor. The panel felt the sample used on the piano and the overall loudness of the track needed some work. I've upgraded too a much better piano sample and have hopefully worked out some of the volume issues. I performed the track in one take so hopefully there shouldn't be any humanization issues. Hello! This is a simple piano arrangement of Mako Reactor from FF7 I arranged. This was originally to be part of the FF7 Web series project until it came to halt. The concept was to arrange the reactor theme in a way that reflected the mystery/eeriness of the Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor. I think this piece captures the unpleasant feeling of walking through Mt. Nibel and discovering the Mako reactor quite well. I hope you enjoy!
Gario Posted February 6, 2017 Author Posted February 6, 2017 Well, I'm coming into this fresh - I didn't have the chance to listen to the original submission. From the sound of it, you had some issues with the handling of the samples and overall levels, which sound corrected here (this definitely sounds live, and the levels are fine overall). The pacing is deliberate and plodding, and in more active moments it sounds similar to the FF8 piano collections arrangements. I admit the soundscape is still pretty empty sounding, but the overall mood does cover this up a bit. Oh, for anyone interested, the use of parallel fifths at 2:10 sounds absolutely great - I know I'm known as a counterpoint junkie, but when they're used for effect and NOT for independent lines they're perfectly fine to use (for my ear). Just thought I'd point that out to all y'all haters. Overall, I've got little to say on it, as I think you addressed whatever issues the panel had prior, and it's a pretty slick arrangement. Nice work. YES
MindWanderer Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 I didn't hear the original either, but the performance here certainly seems above the bar to me. I thought there was a little room for improvement regarding the levels, but not much. There was a little more dynamic range than I'd personally like, in that the loudest sections were just a little too loud for comfort when I had the quieter sections just loud enough to hear well. There was also a small amount of distortion around 2:22-2:26 and 3:12-3:23. Both are minor concerns, though. Otherwise, this is a solid, emotive performance that captured exactly the intended unpleasant eeriness. Works for me. YES
Sir_NutS Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 Very somber and dark, with a deliberate, plodding pace. This sounds equal parts menacing and drearily, which seems fitting for this theme, or most of the ff7 soundtrack in general. Left me feeling slightly uncomfortable to be quite honest, which in my mind, tells me this accomplished what it sets out to do. I have no issue with the piano sample used, it shows proper strength when the arrangement sees the need for it, and can be delicate in other times too, which also speaks very well about how the performance handled the required subtleties and detailing.YES
DragonAvenger Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 Yay you didn't give up on this one! Super glad to hear the revamped sound, it's much improved! Gonna repeat what I said before that the feeling of dread here really sets the mood and reflects on both the area of the game and the mood of the story itself. Love it! YES
Liontamer Posted May 3, 2017 Posted May 3, 2017 The performance could have been a little smoother, and it seemed like the levels got overloaded a few times, but everything sounds much fuller now. Way to rehab this, Dylan!YES
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