NeoForte Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I got my copy yesterday, and before the medicine for my cold made me drowsy I played a lot of it. So far I gotta say I'm really impressed with the remake. Having played and beat the original I was very excited over this game. The intro FMV was well done. The graphics don't disappoint for DS. It feels like FFIII and plays like it so I am satisfied. Its pretty old school, which I like, but for some maybe not. The characters have minor personalities which is nice since before they were nameless with no personality. Kinda sucks Onion Knight wasn't their first job but being a secret job sould be worth it. Touch screen controls are cool to try. You move the character in the direction you click on the screen. You can also tap enemies to choose and and tap again to attack. The dual screens aren't put to full use most the time though. When in dungeons, towns and in battle the upper screen is blank. Kinda sucks but I don't really care. On the world map, the upper screen is a map of the area. Pretty useful heh. Gameplay wise its the same as FFIII, literary nothing has really changed when in battle. Difficulty seems to be on par so far, just less enemies on screen but the enemies on screen have more HP and power. The jobs system took a change so no more Capacity Points, you can switch whenever you want, but your "weakened" for a fight or two and then your fine. I'm really enjoying this title again, and hopefully will enjoy Mognet as well. Any that have gotten the game send me a mail thru my friendcode: 3136-1675-4840 Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Picking it up in about an hour or so. I am gonna enjoy the hell out of this. I love the old school ff feel. Quote
Steben Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I've thought about getting this, but frankly, I'm afraid it might be a little too old school for me. I've played FF and FF2, and I wasn't thrilled. (FF2 had a story to keep me interested, but I'm told FF3 gave the story the backburner to the job system.) Someone convince me I should get it anyway. I've about exhausted Children of Mana. Quote
Kitsuta Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I'll wait on this one, but I definitely want it. Wii takes first priority. In fact, I may just want to get the rest of my family DSes before I spend any more money on DS games for myself. Quote
Terial Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 my only gripe, is apparently square forgot that English uses spaces between their words... and failed to put spaces or punctuation symbols on the same screen as the leters. I could handle symbols on a different screen. but something as commonly used as a space? How can you possibly forget that?? Quote
Kitsuta Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Terial said: my only gripe, is apparently square forgot that English uses spaces between their words... and failed to put spaces or punctuation symbols on the same screen as the leters. I could handle symbols on a different screen. but something as commonly used as a space? How can you possibly forget that?? Not to be rude, but what the hell are you talking about? o__O Quote
Czar Diego Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 The Mognet. There's no way to put a space, or if there is, Nobody I've talked to had found it. Quote
NeoForte Posted November 17, 2006 Author Posted November 17, 2006 DJM#3 said: The Mognet. There's no way to put a space, or if there is, Nobody I've talked to had found it. The space is at the bottom of the "Symbols" catagory, yea it took me a bit to find it out myself. Its stupid and weird but w/e I can live with it. Story wise, this game is the best one of the NES ones. I wouldn't put it anywhere near FFIV, or even FFV. In a way its like FFV, the real prize was the gameplay and jobs but story is pretty good either way. Least the characters aren't 1 dimensional like the NES one. Quote
TSU Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I was going to pick it up on its release date, but due to my busy schedule, I was completely not able to. I had to help my aunt move her things to her new place and by then it was 1 in the morning, so I decided to drop by the 24 hour wal-mart to see if they had it. I looked around, saw Children of Mana, Final Fantasy V advance.. all these brand new games that came out on their release dates.. No FFIII DS >_>; There were absolutely no representatives around for me to ask at all. So I was about to go home and then I saw this fat balding man stuffing his face with one of those chocolate éclairs. I asked him about it and he walked over to the GBA/DS section and stared for about 2 seconds then went "this is all we have", then continued his face-stuffing. I asked him "Are you sure you don't have it in stock so-" "We don't have it." *continue stuffing face* I still haven't been able to get it since I'm only free after 10pm. Sux. I'm hoping to get it tomorrow afternoon, try to make some time in between work and work 2. x_x; The whole time I was thinking "Yeah.. and you guys complain about getting paid shit." ...besides the point: The Wal-Mart is/was selling ps3's at 12:01am today. They didn't allow campers so it was basically first come first serve. How's the gameplay so far, btw? Is it EXACTLY like FFIII? turnbased like it was? or upgraded into FF4~up? Quote
RJG Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I was thinking of getting it, but with saving up for the Wii and all, I'll just wait until a female friend grabs a copy. Quote
Kanthos Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 The gameplay is exactly like the NES release. The only major changes I've noticed are that you go through the second half of the altar cave solo at the start, pick up the rest of your party by the time you get to Sasoon Castle, and don't get any jobs until after you beat Djinn. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 So what exactly does the Wifi part of the game allow you to do? Is it more than just a glorified IM service? Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 It seems not to be anything more at first glance, but supposedly using it unlocks features like extra items and classes? and a whole extra dungeon. Quote
TSU Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Kanthos said: The gameplay is exactly like the NES release. The only major changes I've noticed are that you go through the second half of the altar cave solo at the start, pick up the rest of your party by the time you get to Sasoon Castle, and don't get any jobs until after you beat Djinn. wtf solo! But I liked having my party members leveling up at the exact same time. TCH. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Unless you're really nit-picking the exact time, the rate at which you can get your party members keeps them pretty much the same level. I messed around a little before getting the last two, though, so I'm usually having two or three a level higher than the rest. Quote
Drack Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Difficulty is pretty rough. If you go into the djinn cave before levelling your characters up to have at least 50hp, you'll get destroyed. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Drack said: Difficulty is pretty rough. If you go into the fjinn cave before levelling your characters up to have at least 50hp, you'll get destroyed. I think most people would level up enough just finding out what to do to get to that point, though. I killed the Djinn out in one round with the help of one of the ice spell items, and dominated most of the other enemies because I equipped Luneth with the undead-slaying sword from the castle. Quote
NeoForte Posted November 18, 2006 Author Posted November 18, 2006 TSU said: Kanthos said: The gameplay is exactly like the NES release. The only major changes I've noticed are that you go through the second half of the altar cave solo at the start, pick up the rest of your party by the time you get to Sasoon Castle, and don't get any jobs until after you beat Djinn. wtf solo! But I liked having my party members leveling up at the exact same time. TCH. Don't matter with this game, you start the first cave solo. The others come one by one afterwards. So you guys won't be exact anymore. Quote
Drack Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Some tips, so you won't fall into the same pitfalls as I did .. stock way up on items that cure everything .. silence, petrification, etc can very easily take out a party and inns don't cure it. Also, don't die or don't save if you do. Inns don't fix that either, Phoenix downs are not buyable anywhere I've been yet, I dont have a life spell, and the only phoenix downs you DO get are hidden in chests. However, if someone dies in a BOSS FIGHT, they will be auto revived after you win it... in fact, everyone gets status healed, full hp and spells Quote
(Toasty!) Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Drack said: Also, don't die or don't save if you do. Inns don't fix that either The inns have been reviving my characters. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Toasty? said: Drack said: Also, don't die or don't save if you do. Inns don't fix that either The inns have been reviving my characters. They shouldn't be. It even says in the instruction manual that inns don't cure KO status. Quote
SargeSmash Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Don't forget that most towns have a healing pool that brings your characters back to life. You can't know if it's the right one until you check. For example, in the first town, the pools on the left and right in the elder's house have different functions. Basically, if you use too many Phoenix Downs, restart, regardless. I haven't come across anywhere that sells them yet, and I'm at the surface. Out of curiosity, what classes is everyone using? I was horribly uncreative and had a Warrior, Monk, BM, and WM. In retrospect, the BM has been virtually worthless except for the magic stat (I have leveraged elemental weaknesses in boss fights to great effect), and probably should have gone with a RM instead. But right before Salonia, I'm using a Dark Knight, Monk, WM, and Evoker. It takes forever to get the Monk powerful, but dang, do they EVER get powerful. Can't wait to upgrade to Black Belt. Anyway, the game is definitely as good as I remember playing on the NES. Pure old-school, and sometimes that's all you need. Sarge out. Quote
NeoForte Posted November 21, 2006 Author Posted November 21, 2006 SargeSmash said: Don't forget that most towns have a healing pool that brings your characters back to life. You can't know if it's the right one until you check. For example, in the first town, the pools on the left and right in the elder's house have different functions.Basically, if you use too many Phoenix Downs, restart, regardless. I haven't come across anywhere that sells them yet, and I'm at the surface. Out of curiosity, what classes is everyone using? I was horribly uncreative and had a Warrior, Monk, BM, and WM. In retrospect, the BM has been virtually worthless except for the magic stat (I have leveraged elemental weaknesses in boss fights to great effect), and probably should have gone with a RM instead. But right before Salonia, I'm using a Dark Knight, Monk, WM, and Evoker. It takes forever to get the Monk powerful, but dang, do they EVER get powerful. Can't wait to upgrade to Black Belt. Anyway, the game is definitely as good as I remember playing on the NES. Pure old-school, and sometimes that's all you need. Sarge out. Right now I'm in Amur. I have Dragoon, Geomancer (holy crap this thing is a powerhouse when it doesn't do Whirlpool), Monk (remember, weapons on them reduce their power a bit but makes their Accuracy go up a lot), and Red Mage. My Red Mage was a Scholar but the lack of real magic support made me change back. I wanted to have Dark Knight and Dragoon in the same PT but I like Monk too much. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 SUB CLASSES AAAAAAAAh If only . There are so many bad ass classes, but you can only choose four that you want at a time. tear Quote
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