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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey. I just stumbled across this site looking for video game music, and I found your remixes of sonic 3 and knuckles, and I remember stumbling across kong in concert sometime last year, and I downloaded the entire album.

First, before I say anything, I'm currently a music major at a local university, and I've enjoy many forms of music. Also, I love video games with a passion.

With that being said, you guys amaze me. I expected to find something that was semi-good and somewhat subpar compared to the music that I'm used to. Boy was I surprised. All the projects I've listened to so far are the most fantastic remixes of video game music I've ever heard, bar none. I was pretty much able to pick out all the themes in both Kong in Concert and Project Chaos, and some of those songs were pretty "out there" in terms of the way you guys arranged them. I really loved "Walk on Water", but "Breathtaking Vision" and "The Secluded Stronghold" were probably among the most well done in my opinion. All three of those songs brought out the themes to be heard the way they were supposed to be heard (and in full context).

I just wish I knew how ya'll did it. I honestly don't think I have the talent to be able to make this type of music, but I'd love to learn. Anyway, outstanding job. This site has a place on my bookmarks now. I can't wait to hear your future projects. :grin:

  • 3 weeks later...
Hello, and welcome to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos feedback and opinions thread!

Here is the link to the project:


So download it, spread the word, listen to it, love it, hate it, make sweet love to it, and most importantly TELL US WHAT YOU THINK OF IT! :)

Thanks to everyone for their patience and support, I hope all of your waiting has been rewarded, do enjoy this wonderful project, everyone!

HOLY Shnite Snapple, you Snucking rock! I'm late in coming back to check out the goings on with the project but geez...your Dead Batteries should be heard live. I really like most of the Project and wow you guys worked your @$$'s off...CONGRATS

  • 2 weeks later...

Ughh, I've been getting a few requests from YouTube users to "Prove" that my account there is actually me from here. Seems that a lot of people are taking the music I made for this project and making videos out of it, and other people with the screename "SnappleMan" might be taking credit. So yeah, my YouTube username is my name "AndreasKotsamanidis". Anyone else on YouTube claiming to have created the music is lying.


What is the origin of your name?

At any rate... people suck like that.

I can't imagine how someone will log online and comment back and take credit for, pretending to be the actual artist.

Myself being an artist... I have seen this happen and it's just amazing what people will do.

Ya I used some songs from OCR for a couple videos I made for class... but I gave credit at the end to both the original artist and OCR so...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi :grin:

First, I would like to say that I absolutely love the album! It couldn't have been done better if you tried. It really made me realise how awesome the music (and the game) actually were...

Second, I am planning to make a 'tribute' version of the game, programed in flash. It is going to be my first major project and I'm still not sure whether I am going to go through with it or not yet. I was wondering if I could use the project chaos remixes for the background music for the game because project chaos is also a tribute to s3&k. The game would also be a good way to promote Project Chaos.

Andy Davies ;-)

Hi :grin:

First, I would like to say that I absolutely love the album! It couldn't have been done better if you tried. It really made me realise how awesome the music (and the game) actually were...

Second, I am planning to make a 'tribute' version of the game, programed in flash. It is going to be my first major project and I'm still not sure whether I am going to go through with it or not yet. I was wondering if I could use the project chaos remixes for the background music for the game because project chaos is also a tribute to s3&k. The game would also be a good way to promote Project Chaos.

Andy Davies ;-)

You're the 500th person to claim they're making a remake of the game and asking to use the music... :)

And yes, you can use it, just please be sure to credit us properly. Other than that, I hope you have good luck working on your game and please post it here when you're done! I'd love to play it :D!


Oh crap, I really should have read more of the forum - now I look like a complete noob:oops:! Anyway thanks for that and I will make sure I give credit. One more time, PROJECT CHAOS RULES!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to pop in and say that over the past couple of months I've really enjoyed having this project in my playlist. On my initial scan of the tracks I pretty much dismissed the whole thing and went on to listen to other stuff that more suited my mood at the time. However, after loading it up for another go at it I got lost in my work and, hours later, found myself thinking "Oh sweet, I love this part coming up!". Once I got the sound in my head it was all good from there. This whole project is pure quality. Thanks for putting in the effort!


hey there...

Registed in this forums just to post my 50cent here!

I want to thank the composers that made Project Chaos, is such a beautiful sound track, oh the dejavu! :D

I recorded it to my MP3, and it will never leave there...

Congratulations guys!

Long live Sonic&Knuckles

  • 1 month later...

I have been lurking around OC Remix since 2002, but after listening to this album I felt it was time to register myself on the forums and personally congratulate you guys for one of the best tributes to VGMusic ever done.

Seriously, nostalgic yet modern, I just can't stop listening!

Thanks for providing us such sublime masterpiece. =)

  • 1 month later...

This is wonderful.

I'll be honest, it's not perfect, but I love it.

Like some have said, I prefer the songs that are more tightly connected to the original pieces (which I guess just goes to show how much I like the originals), but it's all good.

I certainly didn't expect the piano remix of ICZ, but then after 1001 Ice Cap dance remixes, something new is definitely a good thing.

My biggest complaint? Where the hell is the music from the PC rerelease (Sonic and Knuckles Collection)? :razz:

This is wonderful.

I'll be honest, it's not perfect, but I love it.

Like some have said, I prefer the songs that are more tightly connected to the original pieces (which I guess just goes to show how much I like the originals), but it's all good.

I certainly didn't expect the piano remix of ICZ, but then after 1001 Ice Cap dance remixes, something new is definitely a good thing.

My biggest complaint? Where the hell is the music from the PC rerelease (Sonic and Knuckles Collection)? :razz:

Wow, I'm basically an echo of muteKi here...I'm amazed that other people know about S&K Collection! I got it...whew, I don't know where, and a long while now.

I had some problems with some of the files, but I think I've figured it out now...gonna try the goldwave suggestions.

Walk on Water? Wow...just amazing...I hadn't played S3K in years...yet I was singin (or something) along with the hydrocity remix. Close enough to the original to retain the melody and keep it recognizable, with it's own wonderful additions.


Hey, I'm having trouble playing all the WIPs. This is an excellent album (as already posted countless times), and I've downloaded the first two discs and half the third one, but every time I try to open the WIPs in iTunes they stop working. I can play them fine in IE/Firefox and haven't really tried any other programs (I really want them on my iPod). Am I doing something wrong here, or are there amended versions out there somewhere?

Thanks for your help.

Hey, I'm having trouble playing all the WIPs.

The instructions for fixing this problem were posted on the project website.

Hello people! I apologise for the wait on this, but we've had some difficulties trying to get a fixed batch of songs online. Now that the 'bad' batch has circulated so much it's impossible for us to really do anything about it; but we do have a fix that works and is relatively easy for you all:

1) Download GoldWave

2) Open up said WIP files in program (one at a time).

3) "File, Save As" the same file name

4) Problem solved.

Credits go to Xenon Odyssey for this fix.

Thank you for being patient!

  • 4 weeks later...

So I just got done torrenting the S3&K: Project Chaos Album and put it all on Itunes, problem is that some of the remixes will just make a scratch noise and cut out on me? right now I'm having troubles with:

Ice cap 4 life


Lava Passion

Heads up 4 Tails

On top of all that, when I try using a different player: like window media player, it will play just fine.

Any suggestions?

  • 3 weeks later...

This was an issue with the project's initial release. There's a bit or two off in the ID3 tags that screws it up somehow. At any rate, it was fixed at some point. I think if you look at the Project Chaos page in the site projects forum, the links for the fixed files are there somewhere. Or maybe I fixed them myself, I can't bloody remember. They're all iTunes compatible anyhow. At any rate, if you can't find them, let me know and I'll zip up whatever you need and send it to you.


The project is really awesome, but there is a problem with the Flash Site, the bonus tracks that are played can't be find anywhere! There are 16 remixed songs in the flash site that are automactly played, but can't be found anywhere for downloads =[

They're not in the CD 1, CD 2 or either Special Disc =P Please, send the link to my e-mail or post a reply with the files!

stef.dazzi@hotmail.com please :D

Great Remixes! Bye!

Here's a Image of the soundtrack being played (song "Run for your life, Knuckles (Demo)":


There are really good songs in the flash player, some are just too short, but most of is worth it!



What can I say guys, I am very impressed at how professional and well produced this album is. Honestly, everything, from the tracks to the album art is of great quality and I love it.

Kudos guys, seriously. Well done.

Heres to many more releases in the future, I look forward to it.


  • 3 weeks later...

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