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OCR01550 - *YES* Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 'This Feeling' *FT*

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Subbed back in early September, apparently. BTW, I mastered this so no production complaints lololol

Remixer Name: OA

Real Name: Andrew Luers

email: andrew@oceansend.com

homepage: oceansend.com

number: 14936

Name of game(s) ReMixed: Phoenix Wright

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Victory! The First Victory

Additional information: Phoenix Wright is for the DS, and was composed by Akemi Kimura (and/or) Masakazu Sugimori

Source tune: Victory! ~ the first victory


Remix name: This Feeling

Original composers: Akemi Kimura, Masakazu Sugimori

Comments: When I first heard this song, I was struck by it's energy and feeling of elation, despite the ultra lofi sounds.

Attempting to improve my production qualities throughout, I recieved some very helpful critiques from the WIP forum and through talking with some of the judges. Special thanks to Zircon for always being availible and willing to listen and critique.

The willingness of people to take time out of their lives to help a fellow music lover is very inspiring. This assistance and support I recieved only helped me relate to the theme of the mix, which I took to be unity and ardor. I love the community of OCR, and all the work that people put into it, whether it be the site itself, the podcast, the surrounding sites, the R:TS and OLR, and the love of game music by everyone, just for the sake of the music.



Something really bugged me about this mix, and I couldn't put my finger on it. On a second listen I realised what it was.

At 0.35 when the vibe speeds up, I really have an issue with the snare. I just don't think it fits at all. Perhaps it's just a personal thing, but that snare! :?

Sections 1.23-1.46 and 2.10-2.20 were really good, I think the instruments fit the style perfectly in those sections. Arrangement is done well, with the source used as the inspiration for the quiter sections; although the chords aren't quite as emotive as the original, I think the mix takes the source to another level. Despite the snare, this is a


  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, call me biased, but I don't really have any production problems because I mixed/mastered this for OA. I didn't choose the instruments or edit the arrangement at all, but I adjusted the sound levels and applied some EQ/effects to make things sound as good as possible. However, even mixing/mastering stuff aside, I think the execution was strong. The guitar recording and performance was spot-on, the drums were sequenced well and had a good amount of variation, the synths fit without being particularly overbearing, and so on and so forth. Perhaps the only complaint that could be made is the softness of the melody played by the piano in the first chorus. However, if you compare to the original, there was no prominent melody the first time around then either, so I think this is acceptable.

Arrangement was solid. There was a good amount of variation on the source, movement throughout the structure of the song, and original material. The stylistic choices were also pretty interesting, I thought. We don't hear this kind of stuff every day. Some of the original parts could have flowed a little better, such the piano runs towards the end, but overall I think this did a great job arranging the rather simple source tune.



Alright, I'll admit that this is a pretty safe arrangement according to our standards; it stays pretty close to the source in terms of tempo and chord progression. Still, I feel like OA has really personalized the piece. He's set it in an incredibly nostalgic way, contrasting the lighter accoustic sections with soulful electric guitar and sweeping percussion... I actually feel a little fuzzy inside, despite never having played the game. It kinda sounds like the credits track to an anime, y'know?

Everything flows really well: great soundscape, sensitive melody variations, excellent guitar solos (and not too showy)! I'm not crazy about the section starting at 2:34- doesn't really go anywhere with the repeated bassline. But it does succeed in breaking up the rest of the repetition, so no biggie. My only other gripe would be the very final chord, in which I feel the guitar dies away a little too soon, leaving the supersaw sort of exposed... Just a matter of taste, but I guess it felt a little awkward, given the overall tenderness of the piece.

Anyway, production sounds ship shape. Good job, Andy! But I'm sure it wasn't too bad to begin with. This is an easy:



Gyakuten Saiban Yomigaeru Gyakuten Original Soundtrack - (25) "Victory! ~ The First Victory"

Thanks for providing the source. Not to diss Andy (OA)'s arrangement at all, because the arrangement portion is clearly above the bar, but this mix also goes to show how a well-produced arrangement can shine even when the samples don't sound ultra-realistic; things are balanced well and spacious here and that helps mitigate the realism issues. Not enough to prevent me from being tentative, but it still helps.

Piano could have sounded a bit more realistic and richer, and I would have liked the beats scaled back a bit to let the other parts shine through more. I felt like the first verse from :37-1:00 by the e-piano wasn't nearly audible enough to really be enjoyed, so I think zirc could have pushed that up more; minor issue in the big scheme of things. Piano & harp breakdown at 1:00 was noticeably mechanical with the timing. Some of the piano's velocity changes from note to note were pretty jarring, not helped by the piano not even playing any chords. Synth guitar at 1:44 was pretty abrupt with the note changes, and didn't sound smooth at all either; I could have done without it to be honest. Ending exposes that bland saw-like sound at 3:42, and the track abruptly cuts off during the fadeout at 3:46.

The arrangement had solid enough dynamic contrast given the pretty consistent tempo. Andrew definitely lent a lot more energy and drive to the original, which coincidentally didn't sound like anything I expected from the Phoenix Wright soundtrack. C'mon, it's a fucking court sim! Then again, it's a Japanese court sim. Expansive and, later, interpretive stuff.

I feel working on touching up the mechanical timing going on from :12-:34, 1:00-1:22, 1:44-2:31 & 2:56-3:42 (piano/harp/electric guitar) would help put this on more solid ground for me. The e-piano has the same issue, but it didn't really hinder the e-piano's presentation like it did for the other instruments. The robotic timing's a minor detail for most, but it stood out more and more upon repeated listens. The rigid sequencing made an otherwise fine package seem that much shakier. Best of luck with the rest of the vote, but I'd need some tweaks to feel really secure on it. /Larry Butz

NO (refine/resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hot stuff, I have my problems. Mainly to do with reverb on the strings and stuff in the background. I think it could have had a cleaner carpet-walls-room sound to it. But whatever, not big enough to rabbit on about.

Guitar is great. some of the faster/harder parts are just a tad sloppy. But you didn't lose your focus, so it's ok.

The arrangement is borderline. I'd almost like to ask for something a bit more rearranged. But I'm willing to push it onto the right side of the fence in this case.



I know DS felt this was a NO in #judges but couldn't articulate his views at the time. I don't like closing something (in effect, saying it's resolved) when I know for a fact that there's a differing opinion who hasn't voted. If a 5th YES shows up, I'll be glad to consider the decision closed, but I ask to hold off until Shariq has time to elaborate his opinion.


Really pretty source, I really like the opening synth. I really wish the second underlying string chord had been an inverted 5th, rather than a 7th, but bah, no biggie.

What's with the production on this one? This is probably the worst mastering I've ever heard.

Well, I'm feeling generous, so I'm gonna overlook the extremely novice mixing, and focus on the other aspects of the song.


No really, I think this is borderline over the bar. Decent arrangement, and of course, production is keen. Some things I didn't quite like so much, but in the grand scale of things, didn't turn my vote were as follows. I would have liked to hear some half-timing in the drum accompanyment--I think that would have diversified the vibe of the mix quite well if executed well. And the guitar sounded a little choppy, but not devastatingly so. In terms of mood, this one is a lot like Ziwtra's Skyline mix, in that it makes me want to jump up and take on the world, and all that fun, happy stuff. Interesting how it closes with the electric guitar and the trance-synth. Unique combination, for sure.

Anyway, really nothing else to say, nice work.



I've been having trouble trying to formulate a vote on this piece, so I apologize in advance if this vote is not detailed enough or doesn't make much sense, or if people don't end up agreeing with me once they hear this piece.

A few things don't really sit right with me. I feel like the percussion doesn't sit well with the rest of the mix, especially the snare.

I'm also not a big fan of the arrangement. I feel like the melody has been shoved to a supporting role to make way for a lot of improvisation in the guitar. In that sense, it's not too interpretive aside from the piano part for the B section (which I did like a lot).

I also agree with a few of Larry's criticisms about mechanical sequencing, but it isn't glaring.

This is on the borderline. NO

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