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i bought the thing for my own enjoyment, i did this for fun. my friends like it, they think i'm great. so why should you think i suck. what remix's have you made? and i know i'm not that good, i've only been playing for 3 years. here's some critisizm for you. get a life! i have one, i got supportive friends, a great synth, 3 girls chasing me, and a reputation as an author. midi is my synths primary recording, i dout that using a mic, or even a converter would change the sound. my computer cant run a sound editing program, although i'm thinking of getting a new one soon.

You enjoy it, thats great. That doesnt mean other people will. Your keybaord skills are way off par, your composition is bland, and nobody is going to take you seriously if your final product is in midi.

I have pointed out some valid critisizms of your work. Your response is to tell me how many girfriends you have? There are 12 year olds at this site with better attitude than you. If you cant take the critisizm, LEAVE.

Why dont you listen to some of the work on this site. You will see that there is absoutely no comparison in the level in quality between your work, and the work on this site. I would be suprised if this even made it to the panel. Most likely it will be auto-rejected.

Here is my advice to you. Grow up. Thats nice that you enjoy playing, but untill you can realize your own incompetence, you will never improve. And trust me, you have a LONG way to go.

Plus, I would say you wasted $5000 because I can get the exact same midi sounds off a $20 keyboard.


the girlfriends thing was to say that i have a life beyond making remix's. yes i do enjoy playing. and fyi, I AM 12 STUPID! i have listened to the work here, its great, but those were made by pro 50 year olds who spend thousands of dollars to make somethign that they wont gain a cent on. at least i like something that i can make money on. i like writing, this music project was to try something new, but now that i see what critics are like on here, i think i'm sticking with writing.

the girlfriends thing was to say that i have a life beyond making remix's. yes i do enjoy playing. and fyi, I AM 12 STUPID! i have listened to the work here, its great, but those were made by pro 50 year olds who spend thousands of dollars to make somethign that they wont gain a cent on. at least i like something that i can make money on. i like writing, this music project was to try something new, but now that i see what critics are like on here, i think i'm sticking with writing.

Wrong again. A majority of the music here is made by amatures who spend little to no money to make their music. There are very few pro musicians on this site.

Again, if you cant handle critisizm, then its best you just leave. Because trust me, you WILL recieve lots and lots of harsh critisizm.

Lol, man I just turned 15 pretty recently. Am I considered a kid? >.< Sry, just for personal reassurance. Because I don't know who to speak on who's side =P

i don't take u for a kid.

For my 2 cents timing does seem a lil off. Like some parts are a half a beat too soon in some places. Easy fix.

Lol, man I just turned 15 pretty recently. Am I considered a kid? >.< Sry, just for personal reassurance. Because I don't know who to speak on who's side =P

i don't take u for a kid.

For my 2 cents timing does seem a lil off. Like some parts are a half a beat too soon in some places. Easy fix.



So let me get this straight.

You spent $5000 on a keyboard, even though you obviously lack any skill on the keyboard and have no idea how to record with it. Then you decide to give up because one person says you arnt too good?

Please, take the keyboard back to the store and get your money back. I would highly recomend this. Your much better off with a $200-$300 keybard.

What kind of synth is it? What brand/model?

So let me get this straight.

You spent $5000 on a keyboard, even though you obviously lack any skill on the keyboard and have no idea how to record with it. Then you decide to give up because one person says you arnt too good?

Please, take the keyboard back to the store and get your money back. I would highly recomend this. Your much better off with a $200-$300 keybard.

What kind of synth is it? What brand/model?

its a Roland KR107 digital intelligence, and i still want the synth, i'm just not going to share my music with you guys here :P. lol

If all your going to do is record it in midi, there is absolutely no reason you should be playing on a $5000 keyboard when you can get the exact same results from a keyboard that only costs a couple hundred.

I think the problem here is that you dont understand the difference between a midi soundbank and a sample.

Listen to your keyboard when its playing through the onboard speakers. Your keyboard should be producing a fantastic lifelike sound. Now listen to the midi file that you are recording. It should be pretty bad sounding computer produced generic sounds. The difference in sound between the midi playback, and what your keyboard's onboard samples are playing should be fairly obvious.

You see, midi is not recorded sounds. Its nothing but signals that it sends to yor speakers which tell it what tones to play off of its midi soundbank. When you record in midi, it doesnt matter if its off a $20 keyboard or a $5000 keyboard. Its still producing the exact same sound.

A sample on the other hand is what your keyboard's onboard speakers are playing back to you. A sample is a recorded loop of an actual sound. Its not digital, its a real recording. When playing a keyboard with highend sample, like the keyboard you have, the average person should not be able to tell the difference between your keyboard and a $75,000 grand piano.

This is why you need to be recording with a microphone. That is the only way your recordings will reflect the quality of your keyboard. If you just going to be recording in midi, then really you have done nothing but waste $5000 when you could get the same recording off a $20 keyboard.


Hey, kid, you're a scam. First of all, I'd think a $5K synth would do something other than MIDI. (You'll have to excuse me here, I don't know that much about synthesizers, but I have common sense to know that 5,000 will buy you something with some major capability.) Secondly, you obviously know little to nothing about music. So knock it off, you're not fooling anyone. Take some theory classes, learn something about music, and stop trying to look like "the shizz."

Don't you need to be 13 to join this site?

If your parents sign a consent form and send it to DJP, you can be here at the age of 5.

IJP290, listen to these people. MIDI is entirley dependent on what the listener has on his computer. If you want to have some fun, download the trial version of Fruityloops, load the midi in there and export it to MP3.

Also, criticism is always gonna have negative aspects unless you are the best musician in the world. Do not be pretentious, you are 12, and you have a lot to learn. Deal with it. Learn, grow up, and get better.


can anyone recomend a free midi to mp3 converter? i can't find any good ones. and to the guy that said i wasted 5000 dollars, you missed the point, i'm still learning! my parents bought it so i could practice at home, and so they could have some fun themselves.

oh, and can someone recommend a sound editing program for my computer?

Hey, kid, you're a scam. First of all, I'd think a $5K synth would do something other than MIDI. (You'll have to excuse me here, I don't know that much about synthesizers, but I have common sense to know that 5,000 will buy you something with some major capability.) Secondly, you obviously know little to nothing about music. So knock it off, you're not fooling anyone. Take some theory classes, learn something about music, and stop trying to look like "the shizz."
i'm not trying to be "the shizz" foo, and all those nice synths that record MP3's usually have a computer conected to it. i know something about music, i've been taking lessons for 3 years. i'm not showing off, i know i suck, i just wanted to have a little fun and do something that i've wanted to do since i first heard of this place.

Did you not listen to a word I said?

Lets start over

Listen to your keyboard. Listen closely. I know exactly what keyboard you have, becuase I have played on a similar model many times before. Your keyboard should be producing fantastic lifelike sounds. It does this because onboard computers are playing back "samples" which are recordings of notes played on a real piano. Everytime you push the key, its playing you back a recording of a piano (or whatever instrument you have selected)

Now listen to the file you have sent us. The difference should be profound. It should be completely obvious. This is midi. These are not recordings of sounds. Midi is recordings of digital signals that tell your speakers what tones to produce. It doesnt matter if you recorded with a $20 keyboard, or a $5000 keyboard; its still the exact same midi sounds.

Now midi is in itself usefull, but not as a final listenable product. Its used to record a midi track, then replace the midi sounds with "samples" that people have on their computers.

Midi is NOT a final product which people listen to. its really just a tool used in the proccess of making music.

Here is why you need to buy some type of audio input device, either a microphone or a direct line in. This way, what is being recorded is the ACTUAL sounds your keyboard is producing. Not the midi signals.

Its not as simple as converting a midi to an mp3. That doesnt change the sounds quality at all.

So here is what you need to do:

Read the guides on this site. Then either learn how to propery record your keyboard, or learn how to work properly with midi "samples" in a computer sequencing program.

Trust me, your money would be much better spent on a much cheaper keyboard. You can get a great keyboard for 1/10 the price.


If you get a cheaper keyboard, you could use the remaining of that money towards getting some sweet samples PLUS a decent host/sequencer. I can't say I have the job or time to get that sort of money to devote towards anything, but hey, this site's perfect for people in my situation you know! If you don't want to spend the money on samples, go to this link under the ReMixing forum and get loads of free samples:


Of course, it's hard to beat the ones you buy with your hard-earned money (or however else you get it O.O) with these freeware ones. It's an excellent place to start though. AND, with some tweaking and imagination, they can sound pretty damn good. I'm in full agreement with Koelsch to read the guides on this site. The guides'll teach you how to do things from the beginning. Then the rest is up to your imagination! Have fun!

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