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Well, who plays? what corp/alliance are you in? how long have you been playing? what ships do you fly? PvPer/Industrialist/Carebear?

For those who don't play, i suggest going to http://eve-online.com/ and downloading the trial version. It's a nice free form alternative to the repetitive grind fests of other MMORPG's. Also, send a mail in game to Ellywu if you need help :)

I have played through several trials, but I can't afford a subscription D:

It definitely is not 'grindy' and it quite a bit of fun.

I agree it's fun, but how is waiting days, even months to learn a skill and going on mission after mission for money/weapons/ore not grinding? Sure, you can take your friends, but it's still grinding with friends.

Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

FYI: The tutorial will be long.

Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

FYI: The tutorial will be long.

Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

FYI: The tutorial will be long.

Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

It's possible to avoid grinding altogether in this game!

Though you might have to grind a bit to get to that point. Maybe not. It really depends!


Heh, this game needs lots more love. I'm currently in The Garden Gnomes based in Urlen, I've been playing for a bit over 4 months, and I usually fly a Badger Mark II or my Osprey for fighting.

And don't think of Skills as "grinding" per se, they just kinda run in the background, granted, they do take a while to learn, the rewards are usually worth the wait, whatever the skill might be.

Thats just my two cents, if anyone wants to join a corp though, join The Garden Gnomes, we're an awesome n00b corp.


I've been meaning to try the trial since this summer. Now that Winter Break is here, I have the time to try it! However... two things are getting in my way:

1) Lack of room on my internal drive (my external died recently, I still need to replace it).

2) Unstable Internet connection. I'm in the middle of trying to stabilize it right now.

How much disk space does the game require? I want to know how much space I need to free up in order to place this, but I can't find the information on the site.


EVE has sweet graphics, decent (albeit repetitive after a while) soundtrack, and great pvp.

There are loads of "professions" to choose from, but you're not confined to any one. It all depends on the skills you choose to train and what you want to do with yourself.

Some of the careers include: Miner, Industrialist, Market Trader, Corporation Manager, Covert Operative (cloaking ships), Pirate, Bounty Hunter, and others.

Overall it's a really fun game. I'm a pirate in the Great Wildlands region. Non consentual pvp ftw!

Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

FYI: The tutorial will be long.

Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

It's possible to avoid grinding altogether in this game!

Though you might have to grind a bit to get to that point. Maybe not. It really depends!


I recommend just training your stuff for a year without actually playing the game. Then buy some startup money on Ebay and you will be set.

Perhaps this is what you mean? That's why I quit anyways, I'd rather play a game and advance through my own efforts, rather than wait for some arbitrary time limit to elapse.

In the end it's just another take on the broken MMO formula.

I recommend just training your stuff for a year without actually playing the game. Then buy some startup money on Ebay and you will be set.

Perhaps this is what you mean? That's why I quit anyways, I'd rather play a game and advance through my own efforts, rather than wait for some arbitrary time limit to elapse.

In the end it's just another take on the broken MMO formula.

I have never played the game but this is basically what my friend is doing. He trained his stuff for maybe 6 months and then bought $15 worth of in-game money on Ebay. He is way ahead of everyone else who started at the same time as him.

Even though I will never play the game I do like the training system. It is an ideal MMORPG for people who don't have much time to play each week. You won't fall hopelessly behind if you don't play for a month like you would in WoW.


Well, in my opinion its not a grindy game. There are aspects which are grindy, but the beauty of eve is that you dont actually have to take part in those areas if you dont want to. An example is mining. I've gone my whole Eve career without mining a single piece of ore.

Unlike most other MMORPG's where there is a clearly defined 'endgame' and clearly designed progression, EvE puts it squarely in the hands of the player. Apart from some NPC controlled high security areas, all the territory is owned by rival factions, and the economy, barring shuttles, is completely player driven.

And grinding missions? eurgh. Eve's beauty, in my opinion, is in its PvP system. Its not just killing the other guy, its taking over his space, destroying his stations and basically waging all out war on him!

That and there are ships with lasers which actually go 'pew pew'.

Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

FYI: The tutorial will be long.

Yeah, give it a go, you might like it. It is one of the better MMO's out there, despite it's grindyness.

It's possible to avoid grinding altogether in this game!

Though you might have to grind a bit to get to that point. Maybe not. It really depends!


Um. Yeah! Right!

If you live in high sec then the game will seem like a boring grindfest. If you live in low sec, then it's somewhat less grindy. In 0.0, you basically can't grind. The lower the security, the more it becomes a game about interacting with people in a very... intuitive way.


I played the trial and quit. Just too many things that add up to make it almost a non-game. This is just me, but I found it boring.

At least I can scratch another game in my neverending quest for the good MMO.

It's too bad most people waste their trial on solo missions/mining. Once you get into a good corp, the game really kicks up.

Indeed. Eve's PvE is LAME It's all about the player created content and PvP.

OK, so I really have wanted to play this game for a long time.

What do I do once I get in?

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